Sins of Our Fathers II - New Art Uploaded - 1/25


Hey Destan

What are you working on? Anything in regards to your campaign setting? Another project all together? Or is it your first novel...? :)

I would be curious to hear what your working on and how it is going. Hope you are finding some time to game as well.


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Citizen of Val Hor
Happy (late) New Year, everyone!

Mortepierre - Glad to hear you got a copy in Europe. I know some Aussies had some difficulties finding it, as well. Hope you enjoy the read.

neg said:
What are you working on? Anything in regards to your campaign setting? Another project all together? Or is it your first novel...?

I would be curious to hear what your working on and how it is going. Hope you are finding some time to game as well.

Still finding time to game. In fact, this past weekend was our last Sins campaign session. What began back in September of 2001 has finally ended. I must admit - I feel a huge sense of relief now that it's over. I'm ready (have been ready, actually) to set aside the DM's hat for a little while. Maladrac (aka John of Pell) has taken over the DMing duties in a campaign world more accurately based on the Valus sourcebook. His campaign is already off to a rip-roarin', fun start. And, in a twist of irony, I'm playing a bard.

As far as Valus: I was told by DWP's editor that the Return of Ippizicus Child-Eater "mega-module" is coming out this month. (They released a limited edition version at GenCon; this one has new cover art.) However, nothing on DWP's web site mentions this, so I'm not sure of the status. Hopefully it shows up on your FLGS' shelves; I'm pretty proud of it.

Personally, I'm not writing any Valus-based stuff right now. I do know DWP is talking with a couple other authors on Valus-based proposals. One is a Valusian sourcebook on evil and good fey; another is a module that pulls in some of the old Epalan history. I've only seen the initial proposals (and was quite impressed with both).

I am, however, working with Benjamin Durbin (Wulf Ratbane) from Bad Axe Games on a couple projects. One's little, one's big, one's due shortly, one's not slated to be released for a while. Can't really say more than that, other than the fact that both projects have been a joy to write.

I picked up my tattered copy of The Black Company recently. Green Ronin's new campaign setting reminded me I hadn't read it in a while. Man, that's a solid read. If you haven't flipped through Glen Cook's novel, you deserve that treat. usual, I mean to post something short and then I start babbling. The Sins campaign is over, but the updates (however infrequent) will continue. Some time.

For those of you who sent me templates, monsters, demons, ideas, stat blocks, etc. - thanks. But we can turn off the faucet for a bit - I'm happy being a little ol' player for once!

Take care, everyone -



Citizen of Val Hor
Hiya all,

No update, per se, but just got a great piece of art from EN World's very own Aussie Al MacFarlane. It's his interpretation of a roven, a gnoll-like nomadic race from the Valus. We haven't had a roven show up in this story hour thus far, but I thought it couldn't hurt to post the pic here.

Once I get over the Steelers' loss (in a year or so), I'll throw up an update. In the interim, my humble advice is to check out the X-PATH story hour by Capellan. First non-D&D SH that bit into me and won't let go. Solid stuff.



  • mcfarlane_roven.jpg
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Wisdom Penalty

First Post
the guy's (Al) got talent, for certain. my favourite piece of his is the gordian chieftain in valus.

and i already knew about capellan's is a fun, wild read.

now update.

hotlanta manta,


Destan said:
Once I get over the Steelers' loss (in a year or so), I'll throw up an update. In the interim, my humble advice is to check out the X-PATH story hour by Capellan. First non-D&D SH that bit into me and won't let go. Solid stuff.

Hey, X-PATH is D&D! D&D on really bad drugs, perhaps, but still D&D.

OK, D&D on really bad drugs and with gratuitous use of shotguns and grenades.

Glad you like it :D


Thanks, Destan, for keeping up the quality. It's not necessary (it'd have to fall a lot before I'd stop reading) but it's a nice feature. :)



Destan said:
It's his interpretation of a roven, a gnoll-like nomadic race from the Valus.

Hey, I killed one of those while playing in your campaign world!

Once I get over the Steelers' loss (in a year or so), I'll throw up an update.

No worries, my friend; at least the Patriots won. :D


Piratecat said:
Hey, I killed one of those while playing in your campaign world!

No worries, my friend; at least the Patriots won. :D

See you got both of those wrong. What you meant was "Hey, I played one of those" (you mercilessly slaughtered goblins) and "Curses, my friend; if only the Eagles had won." I'm sure that's what you meant, anyways. ;)


WizarDru said:
See you got both of those wrong. What you meant was ... and "Curses, my friend; if only the Eagles had won." I'm sure that's what you meant, anyways. ;)

Well said Dru :D

Heya Destan, how about an update?!?


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