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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 3: Shelter From The Storm


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Lars pockets the two potions he found. Seems like just the thing he needs some times.

Once outside, Lars cranks his light crossbow, and starts scanning the horizon, looking for a likely spot, such as a cave, a structure, a boat, etc.

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Enter Lee Sidoneth...

Lars you step outside of the old prison, frigid choppy water at your waist, and scan your horizons. The storm has grown vastly more intense, if such a thing were possible, and the eye has indeed begun to shrink. Thunder booms in the swirling black clouds and the ocean churns and froths.

As the party begins to group around you, you lift your eyes to the roof of the prison, now behind you, and see the shape of a man looming over you amongst the old stone gargoyles, his hands raised to the skies. You react instantly, reflexes taking over, and dodge a stroke of white hot lightning which flashes down from the storm and detonates an urchin and barnacle-covered rock right beside you. Bits of rock pepper you and the party and you turn your crossbow up at the man above you.

Bald, tanned, muscular, and dressed like a fisherman, Lee Sidoneth stands with the calm of a sea seen in the distance, but up close you can tell he possesses great power, and is ready to unleash it, like a dam ready to burst. He taps an ornate glass wand in the palm of one hand and looks down at you through intense blue-grey eyes.

"My, my, my ... you are quite persistent." he says with a sneer on his face.

Torrent stares up at her former mentor, wind blowing her hair behind her and sea spray splattering on her face. "Why Lee!?" she cries out, remorse and betrayal saturating every word, "How could you side with the enemy? Thousands of innocents will die and for what? What did Leska promise you!?"

"Leska?!" he calls back with laughter in his voice, "No, no my sweet child. You have it all wrong. If only you understood it all, if only you were able to see things the way I do. Alas, your heart is pure and it could never be. It is a pity you will never piece it all together and an even greater source of sadness that you must die. To Istishia with you my young student ... and to the Abyss with the rest of you!"

Thunder booms with his final words and the sky is awash with brilliant lightning. Then long grasping tentacles reach out from the stormy water, and the battle is joined.

GM: I'll assume that the entire party has come up and followed along with Lars. Thus, you will see everyone represented on the map.

Remember that you are all in waist or deeper ocean water. As such, you are all in difficult terrain (though obviously the beach and the stairs, etc. is normal terrain).

Lastly, as you can see on the map, the stone roof of the prison (where Lee is) is 20ft above you. You'll have to go up the stairs, climb the wall, fly, etc. to get up there.


1 - Lars
2 - Lee Sidoneth (DM)
3 - Tentacles (DM)
4 - Hrimr
5 - Torrent
6 - Arnir
7 - Kirio
8 - Bannock

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Lars moves fifteen feet towards the base of the stairs. As he does so, he keeps his crossbow pointed towards Lee, waiting for the man to start casting. (Ooc: ready action)


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Lee reaches into a pouch and removes a glimmering blue gem about the size of an egg. He closes his fist around it and lifts it towards one of the gargoyles nearest to him. He speaks a command word and the jewel glows with bright light. The gargoyle quickly begins to move, cracking at the joints as the stone comes to life. Blue orbs of light appear in its eye sockets and it rises, spreads its stony wings and gazes down at its claws as if for the first time.

"Kill them!" orders Lee as he points to the water below, "turn the ocean crimson with their blood!"

The gargoyle leaps from its pedestal and glides into the water below with a heavy splash. It stands before Hrimr, a snarl on its savage lips and rakes outward at the Dwarf with a sharp claw. Razor sharp stony talons tear across Hrimr's shoulder.

Urged on by a weird bubbly hum and ululation from Lee, the tentacles in the water begin to move. With blinding speed the creature whips along the ocean floor towards Lars, eager to halt him from heading to the stairs. The tentacles snap out at him, seeking to wrap around his limbs and grapple him. The tentacles splash and whirl, but Lars' reflexes keep him from becoming ensnared.
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The Bashar

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Hrimr winces as the claws rake into his shoulder. He moves away from the gargoyle, the chest high water makes it difficult and he leaves himself open to attack. Once he's behind Torrent he casts a spell on the Octopus attacking Lars.

OOC: Casting Hold Animal on octopus. Will Save vs. DC 15.


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The gargoyle lashes out at Hrimr again as the Dwarf bobs and waddles through the water. The attack misses, catching only air.

The giant squid, lashing and trying to entangle Lars, is unaffected by Hrimr's spell.
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Torrent holds her shield up in a fighting stance and unsuccessfully hacks at the gargoyle with her battle axe.

Over the storm and the tumult of battle she cries out, tears steaming down her face: "Stop this madness Lee! It doesn't have to be like this!"


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Bannock sloshes towards Lars and hacks mightily at the tentacles grasping for his friend. Even over the howl and crash of the storm, the crack of his weapon striking the water is audible.


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GM: Bannock, you're last on the initiative order. Arnir and Kirio go before you. Since you've posted already, we'll simply use it as the last action in the order.


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Arnir startles as the tentacles fly out of the water and shivers with disgust. "wretched squid!" he curses as he steps behind Torrent in the hopes of getting a better shot at Lee. Drawing back his bow, it seems as if he intends to dry fire, but out of the aether, a dripping green arrow materializes just in time to be flung towards the druid
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Voidrunner's Codex

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