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Skill based magic system


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I had a sudden idea a couple of days ago for a skill based magic system and here is the basics of that system. Please let me know what you think.

*The caster gains scholar points, 13 at first level, and 6 every level there after. These points can be used to buy ranks in 9 new skills that can only be purchased with scholar points. Scholar points can also be used as regular skill points to simulate spellcasters that spent a little less time at their studies and a little more learning other things. Intelligence does not give any additional scholar points (that has already been done with skill points, no double dipping).

*There are 9 new skills (all modified by int) in which the spellcaster can buy ranks, 8 School skills (conjuration, evocation, transmutation, abjuration, enchantment, illusion, divination, necromancy), and a Casting skill.

*All of the skills are purchased as if they are crossclass skills (1 scholar point = .5 ranks).

*For every full rank in a School skill the spellcaster learns one spell in that school, the spell level may not exceed either their rank in that School skill or their Casting skill which ever is lower. For example if a spellcaster has just gained a rank in conjuration for a total of for ranks, and they have have a Casting skill of 3 the highest level spell they could choose to know from the conjuration school is 3rd level.

*To cast on of their known spells they must roll their Casting skill against a DC of 15+(spell level). 1 is an automatic failure and stunned for one round, 20 is an automatic success and +5 to the save DC of the spell.

*The save DC is set by 10+(spell level)+(the difference between the Casting roll and the DC to cast the spell)

*Specialist select one School skill to become a class skill rather than a cross class skill, they also select two other School skills in which they take -5 ranks (they man gain spells in those school if they buy their way up to positive ranks). When casting a spell from their chosen school they may substitute their School skill, for the Casting skill.

*Counter spelling is done by rolling a School check of the appropriate school against their casting check, success counters the spell.

*Spellcasters start with 7 0th level spell which can be chosen from any school in why they do not have negative ranks.

*Additional spells may be gained either by research or by training under a teacher who knows the desired spell. They can be learned as quickly as 1+1day per spell level (plus whatever your chosen teacher decides to put you through). Or they can be researched at one month per spell level at a cost of 1000gp per spell level, per month. Both require a school skill check of 15+spell level, success and they know the spell, failure and they must begin again from the beginning.

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First Post
This seems balanced, EXCEPT:
Where are spells per day?
I sort of like the idea, except there are no SPD rules. I don't have an idea right now, but I'm sure you'll think of something. ;-)


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Wow, with all the people that are always talking about how they would like a skill based magic system I would have thought there would have been a couple more replies.

Anyway, as for the spells per day I have a couple of different thoughts on that.

I have always thought a set number of spells per day as being very artificial feeling so perhaps that is not limit on the number of spells per day. I think this wouldn't not be too dangerous with what I have written so far as in any given round the chance that spellcasting is going to fail is pretty good. It goes toward making up for the very large drop in effeciency in spellcasting as opposed to the slot system. As there is no chance of failure they can just cast the spell whenever they need it, thus the reason for a certain number per day.

Alternately after casting a number of spells equal to their class level you start adding a cumulative +1 to the casting DC's until they can no longer cast.

I think though you'll find that the skill system doesn't stand up very will next to the slot system when you limiting it to much, it needs to gain in some other way to make up for the lack of efficiency.

and of course suggestions would be great, cause maybe i'm just missing that great idea this needs.


First Post
I'd go with a "every use gives you a -1 until your next rest," and have a major failure (by 10 or more) be bad for you to discourage over reaching.


Two thoughts:

1. You wouldn't have to have spellcasting classes if you did this. Any class would be able to dabble in spellcasting if they wanted to. You could keep skill points and magic skill points separate if you felt like it, although I'm not sure you would need to.

2. Shouldn't the Save DCs be similar to what they are now? Otherwise, high level spells are going to have low saves while low level spells will have high saves.

That gets me thinking... you might make each spell its own unique skill, and your ranks could determine what the save is (by using your proposed save mechanic).


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Avatar of the North said:
something about this system that bothers me is the skills should be modified by the casters relative ability instead of fixed at int only.

I'm sorry, maybe its just too late now, but I not quite wrapping my brain around what your saying.


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LostSoul said:
Two thoughts:

1. You wouldn't have to have spellcasting classes if you did this. Any class would be able to dabble in spellcasting if they wanted to. You could keep skill points and magic skill points separate if you felt like it, although I'm not sure you would need to.

2. Shouldn't the Save DCs be similar to what they are now? Otherwise, high level spells are going to have low saves while low level spells will have high saves.

That gets me thinking... you might make each spell its own unique skill, and your ranks could determine what the save is (by using your proposed save mechanic).

1. They are, the magic school skills and the casting skills can only be bought with scholar points (a lame name I know, but its all I got).

2. The saves will be about the same, because the spell level is factored in. low level spells will most likely have a little better saves, but all in all it shouldn't lead to lower saves on the upper end.

making each spell a seperate skill means that you're dealing with a lot more skill points, might be too much hassle.
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Oni said:
making each spell a seperate skill means that you're dealing with a lot more skill points, might be too much hassle.

Could be... my point is that the basics your system allow for a lot of customization. You can tweak things really easily if you treat magic this way, and I think that's a Good Thing.
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First Post
Couple of things One bad LostSoul are you advocating classless systems?:)

Oni may I suggest looking at Chart Master's magic system.... its been many a year since I read it but I KNOW it had some angles on what your trying to do. Also for inspiration the old Players Option Spells and Magic had a probably convertable fatigue based/ spell point based casting varient...... I may personaly not have a seed for you but these might have what you need.... and all of em are out dated and frequently CHEAP to pick up (if you don't have them)

By the way Rolemaster..... sorry called it Chartmaster for to many years.

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