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So Ends Civilization(Recruiting) [Storyteller]


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So is it safe to say that the 'paranormal' related skills (e.g. Occult) and such from WoD2 can be ignored? This is assuming WoD2 is chosen as the ruleset.

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B_P said:
So is it safe to say that the 'paranormal' related skills (e.g. Occult) and such from WoD2 can be ignored? This is assuming WoD2 is chosen as the ruleset.

Yes, paranormal skills are going to be pretty useless here. Ok, at this point I am pretty sure that we are going to use the World of Darkness 2.0 rules. They are the closest to what we need, and are actually pretty simple to learn and use.

The basic WOD system is that you roll Attribute + Ability on D10s, and 8s-10s are successes. I'll have a WOD character creation help up tomorrow at some point. Its fairly easy. There are 3 categories of Attributes[Abilitiy Scores] (Physical, Mental, and Social), and 3 categories of Abilities [Skills] (Physical, Mental, and Social). Characters prioritize the 3 categories, and then get points to divy up among the individual attributes and abilites.


Shalimar said:
The basic WOD system is that you roll Attribute + Ability on D10s, and 8s-10s are successes. I'll have a WOD character creation help up tomorrow at some point. Its fairly easy. There are 3 categories of Attributes[Abilitiy Scores] (Physical, Mental, and Social), and 3 categories of Abilities [Skills] (Physical, Mental, and Social). Characters prioritize the 3 categories, and then get points to divy up among the individual attributes and abilites.

Yup, I've played some 1E WW games in the past, I get the fundamental concept. I'll probably have a look at the new book this weekend to get acquainted with the changes.


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Here is a pdf of the World of Darkness character sheet that should be helpful in seeing what I am talking about in my tutorial.
The instructions for what you get to spend are at the bottom of the sheet. My tutorial will give information on what the attributes and abilities actually mean to you.

nWOD Character Sheet


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Character Creation: The NWOD character creation and stat system is pretty easy to get a handle on.

The first step in character creation is assigning your character's Attributes.

[sblock]Attributes are rated 1 to 5 for ordinary people, and each score suggests the degree of your character's raw capability in that area.

Rank 1 Poor: Unexercised, unpracticed or inept.
Rank 2 Average: The result of occasional effort or application.
Rank 3 Good: Regular practice or effort, or naturally talented.
Rank 4 Exceptional: Frequently applied, tested and honed, or naturally gifted.
Rank 5 Outstanding: The peak of normal human capability. Continuously exercised or naturally blessed

There are 9 attributes, and the 9 attributes are divided up into sets of 3, with each set of attributes having its own theme. The three sets of attributes are:

Strength - Physical might. Sheer bodily power. The capacity to lift objects, move items, hit things and people, and do damage.
Dexterity - Quickness. Response time. A delicate touch. Dexterity indicates how quickly and with how much finesse your character responds to his physical world.
Stamina - Sturdiness. Steadfastness. Sheer physical resilience. Stamina is a measure of how tough your character is.

Intelligence - The raw power of the mind. Cognitive capacity
Wits - The ability to think on one's feet, under pressure or duress
Resolve - The focus and determination to see your character's will done

Presence - Bearing. Stature. Assertiveness. Presence suggests the power of your character's very identity. Attractiveness is only part of the trait.
Manipulation - Charm. Persuasiveness. Charisma. The capacity to play upon the desires, hopes and needs of others to influence them. Manipulation reflects your character's finesse in social situations.
Composure - Poise. Dignity. The capacity to remain calm and appear and actually be unfazed in social and threatening situations, usually harrowing ones.

All attributes start at rating 1, and characters are given additional dots to flesh out their characters. To assign your attributes, prioritize the categories of attributes from most important to least important. A characters Primary attribute group gets an additional 5 dots of attributes to assign, the secondary group gains 4 additional dots of attributes to divvy up, and the last group gains 3 additional attribute points to assign. The fifth dot in any Attribute costs two dots to purchase.[/sblock]

The second step in character creation is assigning your character's Abilities (skills).

Skills are rated from 1 to 5, with each score suggesting your character's relative level of proficiency and knowledge in that area.

Rank 1 Novice: Basic knowledge and/or techniques.
Rank 2 Practitioner: Solid working knowledge and/or techniques.
Rank 3 Professional: Broad, detailed knowledge and/or techniques.
Rank 4 Expert: Exceptional depth of knowledge and/or techniques.
Rank 5 Master: Unsurpassed depth of knowledge and/or techniques. A leader in the field.

Mental: the character can roll without having the skill at a -3 penalty
Academics - Academics is a broad-based Skill that represents a character's degree of higher education and general knowledge in the Arts and Humanities
Computer - Characters possessing this Skill have the necessary training or experience to operate a computer.
Crafts - Crafts represents a character's training or experience in creating works of physical art or construction with his hands, from paintings to car engines to classical sculpture.
Investigation - Investigation is the art and science of solving mysteries, examining seemingly disparate evidence to find a connection, answering riddles and overcoming paradoxes.
Medicine - The Medicine Skill reflects a character's training and expertise in human physiology and how to treat injuries and illness.
Occult - The Occult Skill reflects a character's knowledge and experience with the world's various legends and lore about the supernatural.
Politics - Characters possessing this Skill are not only familiar with the way the political process works, they're experienced with bureaucracies and know exactly who to call in a given situation to get something done.
Science - This Skill represents your character's understanding of the physical and natural sciences: biology, chemistry, geology, meteorology, physics.

Athletics - Athletics encompasses a broad category of physical training, from rock climbing to kayaking to professional sports such as football or hockey, and also accuracy with thrown objects.
Brawl - Brawl defines your character's prowess at unarmed combat, whether he's a black belt in karate, a hard-bitten street tough or a college student who's taken a few self-defense courses.
Drive - The Drive Skill allows your character to operate a vehicle under difficult or dangerous conditions. Characters don't need this Skill simply to drive a car.
Firearms - Firearms allows your character to identify, operate and maintain most types of guns, from pistols to rifles to military weapons, and also bows and crossbows.
Larceny - Larceny is a broad Skill that covers everything from picking locks to concealing stolen goods and everything in between.
Stealth - The Stealth Skill represents a character's experience or training in avoiding notice, whether by moving silently, making use of cover or blending into a crowd.
Survival - Survival represents your character's experience or training in living off the land. He knows where to find food and shelter, and how to endure harsh environmental conditions.
Weaponry - As the name implies, the Weaponry Skill represents your character's experience or training in fighting with everything from beer bottles to pipes, knives to swords.

Animal Ken - Your character intuitively grasps or has been trained to read animals to know how they react to situations.
Empathy - This Skill represents your character’s intuition for reading people’s emotions.
Expression - Expression reflects your character’s training or experience in the art of communication, both to entertain and inform.
Intimidation - Intimidation is the art and technique of persuading others through the use of fear.
Persuasion - Persuasion is the art of inspiring or changing minds through logic, charm or sheer, glib fast-talking.
Socialize - Socialize reflects your character’s ability to interact with others in a variety of situations, from talking people up at bars to comporting himself with dignity at state dinners.
Streetwise - Characters possessing this Skill know how life on the streets works and are adept at surviving by its harsh rules.
Subterfuge - Subterfuge is the art of deception. Characters possessing this Skill know how to lie convincingly, and they recognize when they’re being lied to.

To select your skills, Prioritize the three categories with your primary category getting 11 ranks, your secondary getting 7, and your tertiary getting 4 ranks. The fifth dot in any Skill costs two dots to purchase.

Step 3 in character creation is to give three of your skills specialties, areas of the skill where you excel. For example Firearms 2 (Bows). A specialty gives you a +1 modifier to rolls with that skill that involve your specialty.

Step 4 Calculate derived statistics. Things like Speed, Defense, Willpower, etc.
Health = Size (5 for humans) + Stamina
Initiative = Dexterity + Composure
Speed = Strength + Dexterity + 5
Defense = the lesser of Dexterity and Wits
Willpower = Resolve + Composure

Step 5 Choose 7 points of Merits
Common Sense (4pts) - Your character is exceptionally grounded and pragmatic, and can
usually be depended upon to make sound, straightforward decisions after a few moments of thought.
Danger Sense (2pts) - You gain a +2 modifier on reflexive Wits + Composure rolls for your character to detect an impending ambush. This kind of roll is typically made prior to the first turn of a surprise attack.
Eidetic Memory (2pts) - Your character has a near-photographic memory, being able to recall vast amounts of observed detail with astonishing accuracy.
Encyclopedic Knowledge (4pts) - Your character is a veritable font of useful (and sometimes useless) information on a wide variety of topics.
Holistic Awareness (3pts) - Your character is skilled in the arts of whole body healing, promoting health and recovery by keeping a person's entire physiology balanced and strong.
Language (2pts) - your character is completely fluent in another language, verbally, and written

Ambidextrous (3pts) - Your character does not suffer the -2 penalty for using his off-hand in combat or to perform other actions.
Brawling Dodge (1pt) - when you spend your action dodging, your defense becomes Defense + Brawl + Brawl (Prerequisites: Strength 2, Brawl 1)
Direction Sense (1pt) - Your character has an innate sense of direction that instinctively allows him to remain oriented.
Disarm (2pts) - When making a normal attack, compare your successes to the opponent’s Dexterity. If you get a number of successes equal to or greater than the opponent's Dexterity, you can choose to have your character disarm him instead of doing damage. (Prerequisites: Dexterity 3, Weaponry 2)
Fast Reflexes (1 or 2pts) - you gain +1 to your initiative for each point in this merit you possess. (Prerequisite: Dexterity 3)
Fighting Finesse (2pts) - You may apply your dexterity to damage rolls with a melee weapon instead of your strength. (Prerequisites: Dexterity 3, Weaponry 2) (you may take this merit once for each weapon)
Fleet of Foot (1-3pts) – Each point spent increases your speed by 1 (Prerequisite: Strength 2)
Fresh Start (2pts) – by spending your action for a turn, you may place yourself anywhere in the initiative order that you choose for the remainder of the fight. (Prerequisite: Fast Reflexes 2)
Giant (4pts) - Your character is seven or more feet tall and over 250 pounds. He is +1 Size (and thus +1 Health).
Iron Stamina (1 to 3pts) - Each dot eliminates a negative modifier (on a one-for-one basis) when resisting the effects of fatigue or injury. (Prerequisites: Stamina 3 or Resolve 3)
Iron Stomach (2pts) - Your character can eat almost anything, under almost any conditions. Add two dice to appropriate Survival rolls. Add three to Stamina to resist deprivation . (Prerequisites: Stamina 2)
Natural Immunity (1pts) - Your character gains a +2 modifier on Stamina rolls to resist infection, sickness and disease. His immune system is exceptionally effective at resisting infections, viruses and bacteria. (Prerequisites: Stamina 2)
Quick-draw (1pt) – You can draw and attack with a pistol or melee weapon with one action instead of the normal 2 actions (Prerequisite: Dexterity 3) A separate Quick Draw Merit must be acquired for use with firearms and melee weapons.
Quick Healer (4pts) – Your character heals from injury in half the normal amount of time (Prerequisite: Stamina 4)
Strong Back (1pt) – Your character gains a +1 modifier to actions involving lifting or carrying heavy weights. She can lift and carry much more weight than her build and body type suggests. (Prerequisite: Strength 2)
Strong Lungs (3pts) - Your character is practiced at holding his breath for long periods of time. He might be a pearl diver or escape artist, capable of staying underwater without aid for longer than most people believe is possible. (Prerequisite: Athletics 3)
Toxin Resistance (2pts) - Your character gains a +2 modifier to Stamina rolls to resist the effects of drugs, poisons and toxins. He’s probably never had a case of food poisoning, much less a hangover. (Prerequisite: Stamina 3)

Disclaimer, social merits will probably be useless, as things fall apart.
Allies (1-5) - Allies are people who are willing to help your character from time to time. They may be associates, friends of convenience or people who owe your character a favor.
Barfly (1) - No matter what town or city your character is in, he can find his way into the best nightspots with a few quick words and a timely bribe.
Contacts (1-5) - Contacts provide your character information in a particular area of awareness.
Fame (1-3) - Each dot adds a +1 modifier to your character’s Socialize (or Persuasion, where applicable) rolls among those who are impressed by his celebrity status.
Inspiring (4pts) - Your character is able to rally others in times of great distress, renewing their courage and determination in the face of adversity. Make a Presence + Persuasion roll. If the roll succeeds, any individuals who actively assist your character and who are within earshot regain one spent Willpower point. (Prerequisite: Presence 4)
Mentor (1-5) - This Merit gives your character a friend and teacher who provides her with advice and guidance. Your character’s mentor acts on her behalf, although the Storyteller determines exactly how.
Resources (1-5) This Merit measures your character’s material resources, both possessions and wealth. All characters are assumed to have a job or a source of income (trust fund, parents) that is sufficient to cover their basic needs: food, shelter and transportation. This merit provides disposable income.
Retainer (1-5) Your character has an assistant, aide, indentured servant or fanatical follower on whom she can rely. You need to establish how this trusty companion was acquired. Points spent in this merit detail how capable this retainer is.
Status (1-5) Your character has standing, credentials, authority or respect within an organization, group, company or social body. (Prerequisites: Varies)
Striking Looks (2 or 4) - Your character is exceptionally attractive by modern standards; heads turn and conversations stop when she enters a room. For two dots, your character gets a +1 modifier to all Presence or Manipulation rolls when she attempts to use her looks to entertain, persuade, distract or deceive others. For four dots, your character’s looks are angelic; she gets a +2 modifier.


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An example of character creation:

Stirling is playing Mike Havel, an ex-marine grunt who now works as a brush pilot in Oregon, flying people where ever they want to go. Mike is a rugged survivalist from his days in the Marine Corp in Iraq, and even before joining the corps he worked as a miner in Michigan.

Prioritize Attributes:
Mike has been doing physical work his entire life, So Stirling decides that physical is Mike's primary category. He starts with 1 dot in each attribute, and gets 5 more dots to spend between Strength, Dexterity and Stamina.

[sblock]Growing up a minor made Mike physically powerful, and joining the corps didn't hurt at all, so Stirling spends 2 dots on Strength, giving Mike a 3. Next he spends 2 points on Stamina figuring that Mike is used to extended effort after carrying an 80 pound field kit through the desert. That leaves Mike 1 last dot for dexterity giving Mike a 2,

Next Stirling Decides Mike's second priority is Social, he is used to dealing with people, having been a non-com, so he gets 4 dots to divy up in the Social Category. Stirling puts 1 dot in each of Prescence, Manipulation, and Composure, making him about average in each. Next he slips the extra dot into prescence, giving him a 3, to show that he just has an air of 'I know what I'm doing, listen to me'.

Last Mike divides 3 dots of attributes among Intelligence, Wits, and Resolve. Stirling puts 1 in each giving him 2s across the board for average mental scores.[/sblock]

Prioritize Skills:
Stirling decides that most of Mike's abilities lay within his physical abilites, and that brainsweat for Mike is a distant last, leaving Social skills as secondary.

[sblock]Mike gets 11 dots of skills to spend on Physical skills:
Athletics 2
Brawl 2
Drive 1
Fire Arms 2
Stealth 1
Survival 2
Weaponry 1

Mike now has 7 dots to spend on Social skills:
Expression 1
Intimidation 2
Persuasion 2
Socialize 1
Streetwise 1

Mike now has 4 dots to spend on Mental skills
Computers 1
Medicine 1
Politics 1
Science 1 [/sblock]

Choose 3 specialties:
Stirling chooses to give Mike
Driving 1 (Airplanes)
Fire Arms 2 (Automatics)
Brawl 2 (Dirty Tricks)

Now Stirling calculates all of Mike's derived stats
Health = 8 (size + stamina)
Will power = 4 (Resolve + Composure)
Size = 5 (Human)
Defense = 2 (Dexterity + Wits + Size)
Initiative Mod = 4 (Dexterity + Composure)

Finally Mike gets 7 dots of merits to round him out:
Iron Stamina 2 (2pts)
Striking Looks (2pts)
Resources 3 (1pt)
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Primarily what I am looking for in characters is people who aren't just collections of stats for no apparent reason. So far things look fine on that count, but characters should also have skills that add to the mix. Keep in mind, with everything that happens, people are going to be looking towards their own survival and that of their family and friends. If people aren't really useful to each other then there isn't much reason to keep them with you if they are only another mouth to feed. Doctors, Craftsmen, Hunters, these people are going to be worth their weight in gold (not that gold would have any intrinsic value) if you consider that you can't just go to a doctor's office if you get sick, or a hardware store.

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