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Special Conversion Thread: The Ghazneths

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Monster Junkie
Merendil the Bloody
Climate/Terrain: Cormyr and surrounding lands
Freq: Unique
Organization: Band
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Special (see below)
Intelligence: High (14)
Treasure: Lx10, U
Alignment: Lawful evil
# App: 1
AC: -4
Move: 21, fly 33 (B)
HD: 12 (90 hp)
THAC0: 9 (7 in melee)
# Attacks 3 (claw/claw/bite or weapon/claw/bite)
Dmg/Att: 1d4+5/1d4+5/1d6+5, or by weapon +5 (Strength bonus)
SA: Bloodlust, -5 initiative bonus
SD: hit only by iron weapons, regeneration
Magic Resistance: Special, see below
Size: M (5' tall)
Morale: Fanatic (17)
XP: 19,000

Merendil the Bloody is the Scourge of War. Her appearance seems a grotesque fusion of woman and insect, with a powerful torso, tiny waist, and a pair of huge wasplike wings. She has smoky black hair, blazing white eyes, and stick-thin limbs that fold like those of a praying mantis. When viewed closely, Merendil's face can assume the visage of a handsome noblewoman about 60 years old.

Merendil the Bloody used to be Lady Ryndala Merendil, the matriarch of a powerful, early Cormyrean noble family. She became a ghazneth approximately 994 years ago, shortly after fleeing Cormyr because of a failed assassination she had organized against Prince Azoun I.

Combat: As the Scourge of War, Merendil is always ready for a fight--and the bloodier, the better. She seeks to kill in the most lethal manner possible, often combining a weapon with hand-to-hand combat. One of her favorite tactics is to impale a victim on the talons of one hand, strike with a short sword or scimitar carriedin the other, then tear into the victim's neck with her powerful yellow fangs. She is so practiced at this method that if she takes a victim by surprise, he or she automatically suffers full damage from all three attacks (no attack roll required).

Merendil receives a -5 Initiative bonus during any round she is not surprised, and her extraordinary Strength (18/95) gives her a +5 damage bonus. Merendil suffers damage only from weapons made of cold-forged iron, regenerates up to 9 hp per round, and absorbs any magic used against her. (See introduction for details)

During any round in which she has the initiative, Merendil the can forgo her attacks and allow her opponent the first action. If the opponent casts a spell at her, she may take refuge behind a wing and negate the effects of the spell while still absorbing its levels. She suffers the full effects of any spell striking her body, but only for as long as it takes to absorb the spell levels. Merendil always uses this ability when facing a spellcaster.

Merendil's favorite weapon is her power of bloodlust. See the Ecology section for details on this power.

Habitat/Society: Merendil has spent 994 years in her tomb, plotting vengeance on the Obaraskyr line and laying plans to succeed where she failed in the year 376 DR. She considers it a sign from the gods of wickedness that the current king bears the same name as the young prince she failed to assassinate. Of all the ghazneths, she is the most resolute and rational, and she often serves as a sort of leader among equals.

Ecology: Merendil spends at least a quarter of every day hunting fresh sources of magic. At 994 years of age, she can hold up to 994 levels.

For each level she expends, she can:

1. Detect magic up to 99 miles away for one day; or

2. For one turn, automatically cause all intelligent beings within 99 yards of her to make a successful Wisdom check or attack any adversary in sight; or

3. Regenerate 9 hit points; or

4. Incite one intelligent being to murder a specified person (once each day, the victim of this power can make a successful Intellgence check to resist this urge for 24 hours); or

5. Incite all intelligent beings within 99 feet to make a successful Wisdom check or begin rioting and looting the nearest settlement.


Extradimensional Explorer
Ok, Dex 20-21, Str converted from 18/95, and Int 14. Con 24, Wis 14, Cha 21 like Boldovar, or decrease them a little since she's not quite as tough?


Monster Junkie
18/95 converts to Str 22. We could drop that to 21 to preserve the +5 Str bonus, or just let her go up to +6.

I'd say less Con but higher Cha than Boldovar, since she often takes the leadership role.


Str 21, Dex 21, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 23?


Extradimensional Explorer
Expend magic abilities:

Detect Magic (Su): Merendil continuously detects all magic (as the detect magic spell) within 99 miles. This ability drains one stored magic level per day.

Belligerence (Su): All creatures within 99 yards of Merendil must make a DC X Will save (the save DC is Charisma-based) every round or attack another creature (toward which they have an Indifferent or worse attitude) within their sight. This ability drains one stored magic level per hour.

Fast Healing (Su): Merendil may expend one stored magic level to gain fast healing 9 for 10 minutes.

I'll finish these in a while...
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Extradimensional Explorer
Incite to Murder (Su): Compel a single individual to (attempt to) murder one specified creature. The target of this ability may resist the compulsion with a DC X Will save; otherwise, the compulsion lasts for 24 hours (this is a mind-affecting compulsion effect). The save DC is Charisma-based.

Incite to Riot (Su): Cause all creatures within 99 feet to begin rioting and looting the nearest community. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect that lasts for 24 hours or until the mob can be calmed by some means. Each creature may make a DC X Will save to resist the compulsion. The save DC is Charisma-based.


Monster Junkie
Looks good. I renamed beligirence to bloodlust, since the original text called it bloodlust.

Damage reduction 10/cold iron?

Skills: 150 ranks
Bluff 10, Concentration 10, Diplomacy 15, Disguise 10, Intimidate 15, Knowledge (arcana) 10, Knowledge (history) 10, Knowledge (local) 10, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 10, Listen 10, Sense Motive 10, Spellcraft 10, Spot 10, Use Magic Device 10?

Feats: 5
Hover, Improved Multiattack, Multiattack, Persuasive, Power Attack?

Challenge Rating: 12?

Merendil is 5 feet tall and weighs x pounds.

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