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Star Trek Strange New Worlds, what did you think?


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
One thing I really liked about this season finale was how it focused on the differences between captains.

I feel like there are endless discussions of the differences in captains between different series. But it's much more rare for those differences to be presented like this in a single episode! Also the fact that this wasn't a "good captain" vs "bad captain" comparison made it even more exciting and fun to watch. The two captains both had strategies coming from their own experiences and instincts... Getting to see those strategies play out was fantastic!
I watched the TOS episode "Balance of Terror" yesterday after watching the SNW finale, and it was interesting in that there is a moment where Kirk questions if he is making the right choices, weighed down by the high stakes.

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I just watched Balance of Terror myself (never seen it before).

They did a good job mirroring the original epsiode, with maybe one exception.

In the original, we had Officier Styles would was the gung ho (lets kill them) voice in the room, but he had family that died in the first romulan war and was a very "bigoted" individual himself. They kept that same voice through Ortegas in the new series, but without any of the backstory. I had felt that Ortegas' hostility was a bit much beyond what we normally had seen from the character, but now comparing it to the original show it felt even more.

That said, considering its like 9 years in the future for ortegas, that could just be how she is now, so its not a major plot issue.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
In the original, we had Officier Styles would was the gung ho (lets kill them) voice in the room, but he had family that died in the first romulan war and was a very "bigoted" individual himself. They kept that same voice through Ortegas in the new series, but without any of the backstory. I had felt that Ortegas' hostility was a bit much beyond what we normally had seen from the character, but now comparing it to the original show it felt even more.
Yeah, I was surprised we did not get an Ortegas episode with more of her backstory this season, but with a large cast and only 10 episodes, there's only so much you can do. Hopefully season 2 will have a spotlight for her, and may provide insight into this Romulan animosity. I imagine it may be similar to Styles', but here's hoping it is something unique.

That said, the Styles storyline in "Balance of Terror" focused on his distrust of Spock, and how he warmed to Spock after the latter saved him and fired the phasers that ultimately disabled the bird of prey. SNW will need to find another angle on this with Ortegas if that becomes part of her backstory, since no one will know what Romulans look like until 2266.
That said, considering its like 9 years in the future for ortegas, that could just be how she is now, so its not a major plot issue.
7 years from current SNW setting to the flash forward (2259 to 2266). Still a long time.


In the original, we had Officier Styles would was the gung ho (lets kill them) voice in the room, but he had family that died in the first romulan war and was a very "bigoted" individual himself. They kept that same voice through Ortegas in the new series, but without any of the backstory. I had felt that Ortegas' hostility was a bit much beyond what we normally had seen from the character, but now comparing it to the original show it felt even more.

That said, considering its like 9 years in the future for ortegas, that could just be how she is now, so its not a major plot issue.
While Ortegas did fill some of Styles role in the show I never felt she was intended to be the bigot Styles was, just that she was a war-hawk who saw the need to strike at the Romulans in retaliation for their actions. Honestly, of all of the characters in SNW Ortegas has had the least character development and add on to that, like you said, a nine-year time jump and who knows what's in character for her at that point.

This was a really nice season finale.
I like how Spock subtly changed to be colder and less expressive (considering he already is rather cool and less expressive) in the future - kinda what he will always become.
I don't know yet quite how I like the Kirk actor, but I am a bit optimistic - he has a unique challenge in this episode that he also has to play a Kirk with yet other experiences than Kelvin or Prime Kirk. The only thing one would have to go on is the backstory of Prime Kirk being a walking "stack of books" in the academy years, so a bit nerdy.
Storywise, it's interesting that they basically have to make Pike be the less suited for the job, even though we know he's a great Captain - but in the end both Pike's and Kirk's decision in this scenario risked provoking a war.

It was also really fun to see how they used similar lighting and shooting techniques as the original show - including the dramatic music on the Romulan reveal.


Holy cow was that a great episode.I just knew when we were when Pike appeared at the wedding. Balance of Terror.

I don't know how similar the actors were to the original (the base guy, and wedding couple). Kirk did a good job.

Even the ending line nailed it. "This isn't over."


Holy cow was that a great episode.I just knew when we were when Pike appeared at the wedding. Balance of Terror.

I don't know how similar the actors were to the original (the base guy, and wedding couple). Kirk did a good job.

Even the ending line nailed it. "This isn't over."
I believe they switched up which of the couple died. In the original is was the male, Tomlinson, if memory serves. They did what other Star Trek shows have done, but they did it right; rehashing a TOS show. TNG did it several times and it just fell flat, for me at least.

That was a spectacular episode for Pike. I would have liked to see more of the rest of the ensemble given larger roles given that its the season finale, but that's my only real complaint.

What a great opening season.

Honestly, of all of the characters in SNW Ortegas has had the least character development and add on to that, like you said, a nine-year time jump and who knows what's in character for her at that point.
It's really odd that her biggest parts seem to have been in an alternative future and in the weird fantasy costume episode. They really should have found an opportunity to give her at least a featured supporting role in a B plot or something.


Just watched the finale back-to-back with Balance Of Terror. One of the best of an excellent series. I was actually surprised by how much smaller Kirk's Enterprise is generally. The bridge, Captain's quarters and the corridors are much tighter in the original. One thing, though... why would vital bits of engineering control be under the Science Officer's station, and why was Spock repairing it when Scotty was right there?! Moving that into a Jeffries Tube in the SNW version made much more sense, even if the character doing the repairs didn't.

In terms of character, it was interesting to compare how different Kirk and Pike's approaches to the same problem were.

The real stroke of genius, though, was the use of dialogue from Balance Of Terror in A Quality Of Mercy. Perfectly pitched... and the musical stab when the appearance of the Romulans was revealed was perfection.

If they can keep this level of quality up for season 2 and beyond, I'll be there every step of the way. I also hope Pike manages to figure out how to avoid the future we've seen without disrupting the stories we know too much.

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