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Star Wars - Rebellion


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Oraltor follows the discussion, listening intently. "Ryn, you just said you think there might be a rebel base on Dantooine. The more I think about it the more that idea rings true. Surely the Empire would not send a Star Destroyer to capture a single spy. There is something larger going on here. Unfortunately, the Imperials are likely to find the rebels before we do unless our injured companion wakes up."

"Izon and Andre appear to be the best choices for infiltrating the base. I will guard the singer and pray to Mother Jungle for your success."

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"Yeah, and there might be a freighter's base, too. I don't know, though - this is the first time I've been on this planet. It just seems to me that if this is all there is to the Imperial base, that they haven't taken over the whole planet yet, you know?"

Ryn draws his blaster, checking the power pack for enough ammo, and making sure he can quickly get to his spare in his vest jacket. "Oh, and one other thing: there's no way I'm not going down there with Izon and Andre. You take the Professor and LE-O, and her, and stay out of sight, but where you can keep an eye on the base. Keep your comlinks on, so you can tell what's going on. If we don't make it back, or they come for you before we can get back, head for Mother Forest, and don't stop until you find civilization."

"Now, is everybody properly armed? We're burning nighttime, here. Let's move."
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Izon nods to Ryn. "There is one thing that I had not thought of that you touched on Ryn. As a pilot in the Empire, we were instructed on how to blow things up should our craft landed intact. I took to that training a bit better than others. What we can do is rig the other shuttles to blow up while making our escape in the only remaining good shuttle. I have two stipulations though. Any of us who go down there need to be in trooper armor. And the second is that if I can find enough explosives, I'm going to rig that command module to blow as well.


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Andre looks at everyone in his helmet and says,"Uh so if we are all going in with these on then were are yours?"
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OOC: So, what's the plan? It is dark, about an hour after sunset. Activity at the base seems to be settling down for the night. Sentries are posted at half a dozen hardpoints around the camp and a couple of roving squads patrol the perimeter. No guards are in place around the shuttles, the Imperials obviously thinking that the sentries and patrols are enough to keep anyone or anything from entering the base. As I recall, only Andre has a full Stormtrooper suit. I don't remember anyone else taking more than a helmet previously. If this is incorrect, please let me know. Otherwise, let me know what the plan of attack is.


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"I should not gather to much attention, if I were to go by myself. Then I will go into one of the shuttles and slice into the computer and find out what is going on and hopefully get a lay of the land here and I will have an open comlink that you guys can feed me all the questions to find out all the information."

Andre looks at the group then to the Imp camp then back to the group as he is talking and slowly starts to move towards camp.


Izon looks around at the group. "Andre, come here for a second. The way I see it, I'm the one who needs to go down there. I know the ins and the outs of protocol. I know some of you don't want to sit behind and wait, but I think that this provides us the least amount of problems. I can get down there and then maybe find some more trooper armor for Ryn and Andre. Then we can proceed ahead with our demolitions and escape plan. What do you all think?"

OOC: I don't want to rush you guys to a decision on how to handle the current situation but I figured I'd bump this back up so you can continue deciding who is doing what. Incidentally, the armor worn by Andre is a bit loose on him and does indeed seem as if it would fit Izon, if you guys opt to let him go down there alone.


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"[/I am all for getting more armor and pretending to fit in but down there by yourself you could get yourself captured or what not so, why don't we take out a guard or 2 walking sentry and then go in? Sounds safer to me and we could probably create a diversion to get the guy out of his armor anyway. HMMM thinking of that I wonder were there bathroom is, maybe we could catch one with his pants down."

Upon seeing the look given by the others at this last statement Andre stops talking out loud.


"Okay, then, Izon puts on the armor, and goes down there to do what he can. If he needs us, he'll comlink us. Otherwise, he'll get us a head start on torching this entire pile of banthas**t, and we'll get a shuttle. Actually, that leaves me with her and the others until then, so I like our chances. Let's do it."

Ryn takes up best defensive position, prone, using available cover and line of sight on the camp, between the stretcher, and the Imperial camp. Blaster is ready, with one of the blaster rifles at his side should he want/need it. [Ryn is untrained in this rifle, so proficiency penalties would apply.]

Once situated this way, he looks back at Andre: "Hey, Dré, you can pick up comlink from there, right? Here, use this, see if you can't find their new frequency." Ryn will toss him the Stormtrooper helmet he recovered earlier.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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