Star Wars Saga: The Dawn of Defiance [OOC Thread]

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Alright, so let's drop the strength increase from the party share of TB's expenses, making it:

15,000 in loot after buying out Keyton
- Surgery Kit -1000cr
- Surgical expertise Module -1000cr
- Medical Interface Visor (KotOR) -1500cr
- Vid-vox Scrambler (galaxy of intrigue pg66) - 3400cr
= 8100 / 3 = 2700 creds each from loot
+ 2000 creds in wages for our last mission = 4700 creds each.

As for Haggle, I'm assuming an Indifferent outlook from the quartermaster due to short supplies (DC25). Feel free to roll for Sloor for each of your items as I did below.

[sblock=Haggle rolls]Sloor upgrades:
Vibro-axe (Ojom mace) - 500cr 1d20+9=11
Detonite X 3 - 500cr each 1d20+9=28 Half price.
Ion grenade X 3 - 750cr 1d20+9=14
Stun grenades X 3 - 750cr 1d20+9=22

TB upgrades:
+3 Str boost (for carrying stuff) - 3000cr 1d20+9=19
Mechanics skill - 500cr 1d20+9=13
Use Computer skill - 500cr 1d20+9=10
Trade Hover for Flight - 3600cr 1d20+9=18[/sblock][sblock=Sloor's purchases]
Sloor purchases (2000 cr):
Vibro-axe (Ojom mace) - 500cr
Detonite X 3 - 250cr each
Ion grenade X 1 - 250cr each
Stun grenades X 2 - 250cr each

TB upgrades (2000 cr):
+1 Str boost (for carrying stuff) - 1000cr
Mechanics skill - 500cr
Use Computer skill - 500cr
Surgery Kit - From party loot
Surgical Expertise module - From party loot
Vid-vox Scrambler (galaxy of intrigue pg66) - From party loot
Medical Interface Visor (KotOR) - From party loot[/sblock]What bonus does the Medical Interface Visor provide exactly? (I don't have KotOR).


Thanks, BF;

Mack can do the programming skills for TB by taking a 10. That saves 1000cr, doesn't it?

Med Interface Visor adds +2 to Treat Injury.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Not that I don't appreciate an extra thousand, but is it really that simple to program droid skill sets? I mean, I've programmed a bit in my day so I have some idea of the complexity/time/investments involved (i.e. at least the same as develloping a brand new computer game), but strictly from an in-game point of view: 500 creds from taking 10 with no cred requirements? We're in the wrong carreer path, spirks. ;)

Translation: where is this noted in the rules, so I can reassure myself? The Use Computer description in the main rule book does list "change a droid's trained skill", but that, to my mind, refers to installing an already bought skill module, not to programming one from scratch (?).


So we need to spend 500cr on parts, then? That would make sense I guess. I tried looking around in my books and did not find an answer either.

We do have those skills covered, but having them twice means better aid another actions. I think we are lacking in some knowledge skills which might be a better option. Of course we can reprogram them (for free?) later, yeah?


I know Sloor asked and I did not see any answer... About the replacement of Armor (light) in a Soldier's starting feats for Advanced Weapons?

Mir sees to a few items...
[sblock=Sloor's haggle... or is that waggle ;)]Accuracy +1 1d20+9=12 (no joy) 1000 cr
FlashMedpac x3 (threats of the galaxy p.54) 1d20+9=23 (no joy) 1500 cr
Survival knife (unknown regions p.36) 100 cr
personal multi-tool (unknown regions p.41) 100 cr

Total spent 2700, remaining 2000 cr[/sblock]

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