Star Wars Saga: The Dawn of Defiance [OOC Thread]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Some thoughts on possible take-over candidates for Ahayford, Possum permitting and if you want to go that way, A:

1. Captain OKeefe, a white-haired female human. Her and her astromech droid Crash have so far only pilotted the team's spaceship, but she could come out on missions at the drop of a hat, especially if vehicles of some kind are involved. They are right now waiting in our Rebellion spaceship at the city spaceport.

2. A droid being the classical SW slicer character, how about TB itself? Definitively has all the limitations of playing an owned droid (Sloor is its somewhat-legal owner: "Gawt the papers right here!"), and only minimal character sheet changes realistically possible until we reach the end of this adventure segment, but its "awakening" might make for some downright challenging roleplay. :D Presently with the group.

3. Warrick Raden, a sleazy devaronian. Very little is known about him (and so everything can be made up) except that he's an ex-gang leader, he's rumoured to be a spice addict and constantly tried to get his people invited into Darga the Hutt's organization. The rest of the team is seriously looking down on him right now, so you'd start at a sociological disadvantage. AND he may not survive the current battle (seeing as his death is the other team's "goal" :)). Presently with the group.

4. Indirect connection to one of the existing PCs: Sloor has no doubt worked with a number of slicers/muscle during his carreer as a petty criminal, as has Mack in *his* carreer as a SWAT on Alderaan ("computer expert", they would be called then, I guess, working on the right side of the law and all that). Or he could be a Universal Geographics tech/cameraman/mixer/boss that worked under/with/supervised Mir before. Personnal connections in addition or instead of the above are of course a possibilty too (ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, close or distant friend, etc). Combined with "Captured as a slave" or "Reluctant servant of the Empire" this could make a great intro!

(If you want a real shocker, there's also a certain force-sensitive ithorian mentor/protector that's common to both Mir and Sloor's background... :devil:)
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Dr Simon

I have a few questions to ask both our candidates:
- Experience with the rules
- What aspect of PbP gaming they like best
- Anticipated frequency of participation/posting

Lol! A job interview?

Well, experience-wise I've never played any Saga Edition in anger, but I've got many years experience of d20-based systems in general including 3.5, PF, Babylon 5, Arcana Evolved, Iron Heroes and 4th Ed.. Plus 13 titles in the Lazy GM series gives you a fairly good inside idea about unpicking systems. I'm more often GM than player, but I'm currently in Who Wants To Be Wayfinder, and I was also in Blackrat's After Earth d20Future game.

With PbP, I like that the slower pace allows time to develop characters and (as a GM) to have time to think about evolving plotlines that unfold according to the character's actions - at the moment I'm particularly playing with the notions of defining the whole world/setting around the character backgrounds and goals. I think it's kind of fun having a game where people from all around the world are involved too.

I'm usually online every weekday, sometimes weekends, but not always. I can't promise every day posting but I try not to be the one holding things up. It's a bit easier as a player to post a little something. As GM, I find the need to prep combat maps etc. or compose a long transitional post can hold things up. As player, you don't need to do these things.

I would also like to say that I have none of the above concerns about taking over a character. No offence to Toasterferret, but Darius doesn't seem to have a strongly evolved personality, apart from being the calm, quiet one. There isn't a detailed backstory either, which is good - I myself like a bit of Design-In-Play character development. If it was one of the other characters, I most definitely would think twice!


Well... I am sure that Sloor has mentioned...

Sloor - Scoundrel - About the deal, having a good time, and bashing some heads together!
Mack - Soldier - All about ranged combat, former law enforcement.
Mir - Scout/Scoundrel (Force Sensitive) - Force using character
Darius - Jedi (Player departing)

I am all for 5 characters. It does give a little more interaction than four. But that is the Possum's call and how he wants his game to run.

What is needed... a techie. Several of us can cover bits of it, but none are really proficient in more than one skill, if that.

Now if Perrin really wants to play his Jedi... and you do seem to be there PM ;) *nudge* Then someone well versed in ranged combat would be nice.

Saga Edition of Star Wars was the precursor to 4E, from what I got when it came out (I never played 4E). It did not go all the way, but cleaned up some of the former editions issues and added some easy to use rules. I am happy I got it... and am able to play it too! :D


First Post
Both of the "candidates" sound very good and I'm sure that it would be hard to make a choice, as it kind of is right now. What is everyone of my current players' thoughts on ideal party size?


As for the canon characters that can be taken over, I have to rule Okeefe out at the moment. She's currently 6th level and too powerful to hand over right now.


Funny, a year and a half ago, I asked to join as a 5th player and I was turned away. ;)

To me 4 players is ideal for multiple reasons.

I often find that 5th player making it appear crowded, particularly when everyone is posting daily or more frequently. Some people are so eager they don't even wait for responses form the other players.

However, based on our candidates answers, if everyone is on a comfortable pace of posting only daily or every other day, it will be fine from that standpoint.

Re: Mack vs. Sonja. Mack was my first SWSE build and not my best. I do have another Soldier type running elsewhere with the same personality, so it is easy for me to slip into his character. I have that same persona running in another rule set as well.

Originally I wanted to play a Jedi, but I was late to the game and filled the hole on what was needed. Of course I graduated from rookie to journeyman since then too. :p

If we do run ahead with 5, then Dr Simon might as well come up with an original concept too if he wants. If they take over the skills/role Mack covers, then I would like to switch to Sonja just to finally have that personality in play. If not, no big deal. :)

Dr Simon

Well, I've a couple of character concepts from the Revised Edition that might fit Mack's role, if you wanted to switch characters. One was a cool-headed Duros spacer, which might make the party a bit scoundrel-heavy (also depends on how likely it is to need PC piloting skills since we have an NPC pilot), the other a Gungan (don't worry, more the Captain Tarpals type than you-know-who) with a penchant for explosions; probably commando-tree soldier under Saga rules. I could mix and match aspects if desired. However, I quite like some of the support aspects of the noble as well.

Well, ideas are there, just say if you need me or not.


First Post
I'll will post some concepts tonight. Will try to come up with a techie and/or heavy. If you guys want to keep it at 4, I don't want to intrude. Let me know.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
I have to rule Okeefe out at the moment. She's currently 6th level and too powerful to hand over right now.
Well frek, never would have guessed! Good thing Mack didn't get too fresh, eh? ;)

Perrinmiller said:
If they take over the skills/role Mack covers, then I would like to switch to Sonja just to finally have that personality in play.
Now *that* would be a heavy loss. Mack is part of the core group: it would be downright *strange* to play Sloor without him! No, no, no, no, no, no! <puppy-dog face, maximumm pathos> Think of the children, man.

On another tack, a bit late now but I think at least RX just had Cover, not Total Cover from our earnstwhile soldier of justice (Karg brother to the north possibly too). I have been wrong before though.


First Post
So....I'm a bit confused....Should I be trying to write up a soldier techie, or a scout techie...I can go either way with it at the moment.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Well, up to you really, but this *is* a fairly combat heavy adventure path. Mir, Sloor and TB all have Stealth capabilities and have had only a couple of opportunities to use them... so far.

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