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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (OOC Thread)


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Ambrus said:
Uh, okay. Do training remotes not exist yet? Can I still acquire an orb-shaped fusion lantern then?

As far as I know, training remotes do exist back then (there's nothing that says that they don't). I guess you can have a droid that'll provide you the light needed for photosynthesis.

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First Post
The key is to make it so annoying that the other Jedi will "accidentally" lose it, disintegrate it, throw it into a Sarlacc, etc...

Make it talk in a high, squeaky, excited voice...ALL THE TIME. And say things like, "Yay! Now it's my time to SHINE!"


I don't mean to push or anything; I wanted a fusion lantern then figured it'd be cool if it could float and follow Lorem around on its own. :heh:

So should I simply use the stats and costs for a regular training remote and then add the cost and abilities of a fusion lantern to it or would you rather it be statted and priced some other way?

If the former should we use the training remote detailed in the Hero's Guide or the one in the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook? They're pretty different...
Shayuri said:
"Yay! Now it's my time to SHINE!"
Definitely no vocabulator. :eek:

Maybe it can just change hue to communicate. :\
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Thank you very much Ambrus, i apreciate it ^^ I would like if you (anybody feel free to) correct my spelling =P As I said before, im not prety good at writing. Its all you can get in 4 years of english at school (That happened like what? 5 years ago? )

Dire Lemming

First Post
Here's what I've got so far.

Yeshua Nataraji, Human, Male
Jedi Guardian 5

Str	16 +3  Level 4 increase
Dex	16 +3
Con	13 +1
Int	13 +1
Wis	10
Cha	10

Initiative +3
Defense  18  (Dex +3, Class +5)
Speed 10 m
VP [URL=http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=975023]39[/URL] 
WP 13
Reputation +2

BAB +5

Saves			Total	Base	Abil	Misc
Fortitude		+5	+4	+1
Reflex			+7	+4	+3
Will			+3	+3

read/write and speak Basic

Skills			Total	Abil	Ranks	Misc
Balance			+11	+3	8
Climb			+9	+3	6
Jump			+11	+3	8
Tumble			+9	+3	6

Force Skills		Total	Abil	Ranks	Misc
Battlemind		+6	+1	5
Enhance Senses		+5		5
Force Defense		+5		5
Move Object		+6	+1	5

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber)
Force Sensitive
Weapon Proficiency (blaster pistol)
Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Combat Expertise
Improved Disarm
Power Attack

Deflect (Defense +1)
Deflect (Attack -4)
Increase Saber Damage (3d8)

Yeshua Nataraji is a human male about 1.78 meters in height with an athletic build. He has dark hair down to his mid back which he keeps tied in a braid behind his head. His eyes are a dull maroon color and all of his facial features are relatively small.

Yeshua Nataraji is the third child and only son of a noble family from Alderaan. As such, his sensitivity to the force was recognized early on and he was taken under the tutelage of the Jedi Order at a young age. He showed great talent for lightsaber combat and he incorporated moves from his family’s own traditional sword dance, forming his own distinct style. His second older sister was also a Jedi but disappeared while on a mission two years ago. His first sister is six years older than him and his second is four years older.

Yeshua seems to take saber training very seriously and is always willing to spar with his fellow students, sometimes telling them they “need the practice” if they are not at first as eager as he. He does however care deeply for the welfare of his allies. Two years ago he sensed that his sister was in danger and attempted to leave but Master Thy’Wen was able to dissuade him, reminding him that she was a knight and he was still only a padawan. When he later received news that she had disappeared he felt guilt over not going to her aid and started to act bitterly towards his teacher and peers. Thy’Wen spoke with him about it one day and after the talk he came to realize that even had he gone there would have been little he could have done to help and so vowed to become stronger so that he could protect others in the future. He still believes his sister is alive and hopes one day to find her.

Due to his brush with the dark side in the past he has concentrated much of his time since to gaining better control over his emotions.
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First Post
Here's a slightly less rough draft of my character.


Female Echani Jedi Guardian 5
Init +3; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Read/Write/Speak Basic
Defense 20 (10 + 3 Dex + 5 Def + 2 dodge)
Wound points 14
Vitality points 5d10+10
Force points 6
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5
Spd 10 meters
Melee lightsaber +8 (3d8+1)
Base Atk +5; Grp +5
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Chr 14
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols), Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons), Force Sensitive, Weapon Finesse, Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Burst of Speed
Force Feats Alter, Control, Sense
Skills Balance +7, Climb +5, Computer Use +1, Jump +7, Tumble +8,
Force Skills Battlemind +5, Empathy +5, Force Defense +5, Heal Self +5, Move Object +5, Enhance Ability +5
Class feature Deflect (defense +1), Deflect (attack -4), Inc Lightsaber dmg (+1d8)
Species Traits Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill points (effectively human)
1755cr (on card)
Lightsaber Parts (Used to make 'saber) 1000cr
Blaster Pistol 500
Stun Baton 500
Combat Gloves 200
Knife 25
Field Kit 1000
Glow Rod 10
Datapad 1000
10 blank datacards 10
Recording Rod 500

Experience 10,000/15,000
Height 1.5m
Weight 56kg
Age 16yrs
Description Kestrel is still a little young, having advanced through the early Jedi training quickly. She's pale skinned, with defined cheekbones and a sharp nose, she also sports the white hair common to the Echani people...in this case a short, untameable mop atop her head. Her features are quite pretty, if a bit stern. This is amplified by her frequent misinterpretation of the Jedi's avoidence of passions for an avoidence of expressing emotions in general. When in training or on Jedi business, she dresses in a rather traditional tunic and breeches, otherwise she favors Echani styles.

Background Pending
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Dire Lemming

First Post
Hey Ambrus, or anyone with a greater stash of obscure Star Wars knowledge than me. What's a good decorative metal to make a bracer with my character's family's crest on it out of? Also, please feel free to comment on my character. I could really use some input.
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