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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (OOC Thread)


Good to see you're still with us Possum. :)
possum said:
As to the plant surge skill, I won't allow it to be used on yourself. It just seems a little overpowered that way.
I understand, though the narrow specificity of the circumstances needed to properly make use of the skill make it a poor investment skill-wise. I'll tweak my skill points accordingly.

So how about our characters constructing our own lightsabers?

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Voda Vosa

First Post
Glad yor Back Possum.
I have some questions now you are here with us ^^

-Which character would you like me to use, the Druid(force adept) or the Jedi Consul.
-Did i create it correctly? I used a character generator verifiing the rules in the core book, but im prety new in star wars d20.
Thats all


First Post
Characters are supposed to have constructed your own lightsabers and the cost of materials is supposed to be reduced from your starting gold total. If the cost is higher, we'll have to work something out.

Voda: I'd like for you to have at least one Jedi level. At first glance, the character creation seems to be solid.


First Post
Here's a rough draft of my character.


Female Echani Jedi Guardian 5
Init +3; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Read/Write/Speak Basic
Defense 20 (10 + 3 Dex + 5 Def + 2 dodge)
Wound points 14
Vitality points 5d10+10
Force points 6
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5
Spd 10 meters
Melee lightsaber +8 (3d8+1)
Base Atk +5; Grp +5
Abilities Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Chr 14
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols), Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons), Force Sensitive, Weapon Finesse, Martial Arts, Defensive Martial Arts, Burst of Speed
Force Feats Alter, Control, Sense
Skills Balance +7, Climb +5, Computer Use +1, Jump +7, Tumble +8,
Force Skills Battlemind +5, Empathy +5, Force Defense +5, Heal Self +5, Move Object +5, Enhance Ability +5
Class feature Deflect (defense +1), Deflect (attack -4), Inc Lightsaber dmg (+1d8)
Species Traits Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill points (effectively human)
Experience 10,000
Height 1.5m

Background Pending
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Well heres my revised character, lvl4 force adept and lvl1 jedi consul. Hope its Ok

Voda Vosa

Male Kervaaki Force_Adept 4 / Jedi_Consular 1

Strength 10 (+0)
Dexterity 13 (+1)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 16 (+3)
Wisdom 18 (+4)
Charisma 6 (-2)

Size: Medium
Height: 2.1 meters
Weight: 111 kg
Skin: Gray
Eyes: Black
Hair: None

Total Vitality Points: 32
Total Wound Points: 14

Speed: 10 meters / round

Defense: 19 = 10 + 7 [base] +1 [dexterity] +1 [race]

Touch AC: 18
Flat-footed: 17

Initiative modifier: +1 = +1 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +6 = 4 [base] +2 [constitution]
Reflex save: +4 = 3 [base] +1 [dexterity]
Will save: +10 = 6 [base] +4 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +3 = 3 [base]
Attack (unarmed): +3 = 3 [base]
Attack (missile): +4 = 3 [base] +1 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +3 = 3 [base]

Languages: Speak basic
Read/write basic
Speak Kervaaki

Reputation: 1

Force Points: 11
Dark Side Points: 0

Combat_Gloves [+2 bonus on damage, 1 kg, bludgeoning, medium, simple]
Lightsaber [damage 2d8, critical 19-20, weight 1 kg, energy, medium, exotic]
Quarterstaff [1d6/1d6 damage, critical 20, 1.8 kg, bludgeoning, medium, simple]
Blaster_Heavy [damage 3d8, critical 20, range increment 8 meters, 1.3 kg, stun fort DC 18, energy, multifire, medium, blaster pistol]



Skill Name

Gamble Int ............5.5 = +4 +1.5
Treat_Injury Wis ...............8 = +4+4
Hide Dex* ....................... 3 = +1+2
Listen Wis ................... 14 = +4 +8 +2 [alertness]
Move Silently Dex* ................ 3.5 = +1+2.5
Search Int................. 7 = +3 +4
Spot Wis ............. 14 = +4 +8 +2 [alertness]
Survival Wis ................8 = +4 +4
Swim Str** ................ 4 = +0 +4
Farseeing Wis ................... 8 = +4 +4
Force_Strike Int .................. 11 = +3 +8
Heal_Another Wis ................... 8 = +4 +4
Telepathy Wis ................. 12 = +4 +8


* +2 wisdom

* -2 charisma

* Stoic: -5 to sense motive checks against character

* Natural Swimer: +10 to swim rolls

* Natural Armor (+1 defense)

*Tentacles: with martial arts, the character has a bonus in a grip move

Class HP rolled
Level 1: Force_Adept 8
Level 2: Force_Adept 8
Level 3: Force_Adept 3
Level 4: Force_Adept 2 +1 to dexterity
Level 5: Jedi_Consular 1


Voda Vosa lived in his homeworld Krevas for much of his life, seeking knowledge in the swampy lands of his world. Before becoming a Druid, the priest of nature of his people(similar to the Ithorian ones), Seeking a mayor understanding of the universal fenomena of life and force, Voda Vosa leave Krevas and start traveling the galaxy. In one of the rides he end up messing with the republic, where he meets Mikos Thy'Wen a jedi master who could work out a pacefull solution for the Kervaakian Voda Vosa is an crustacean-like creature, deep glistening black eyes seems to look everywhere. His gender is unclear, sex for Krevaakians is not something you born with, but something you gain each reproductive season, "he" could be male or female dependin on the reproductive season. Anyway, anyone but a Kervaaki can see the difference. The robe he uses covers his 6 walking tentacles, and the other 2 are used as hand, holding his quarterstaff, simbol of his druidic order. He is well trained in martial arts, so the staff is quite decorative.
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Hey Shayuri, your character layout looks a familiar. BTW, the third separator line is still olive in color. ;)

Possum, a dual-phase lightsaber has a listed cost of 6,000 credits. I believe the material costs is a third of the final value, so 2,000 credits. Being what he is, I imagine Lorem would prefer a extended and organically shaped hilt for his lightsaber; the casing will be an long softly curved S shape with the exterior covered in polished baffor wood and a white energy blade (since neti favor broad-spectrum light).

Also, although a regular fusion lantern would be suficient for most of his dietary needs, I was hoping to get something a little more customized in that regard. I was thinking that a custom training remote modified to shed light and heat like a fusion lantern would be great for Lorem; he'd have his own mini orbiting sun. It could be programmed to follow him around and either dim or brighten in response to specific gestures. How much do you figure such a "light droid" might cost?

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