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STAR WARS - The Clone Wars - Child of Prophecy FOLDED

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First Post
Doc here---
I've got a full weekend... I start writing again on Mondee. I might get the opportunity today to run the D&D adventure game box set for a group of kids who've never played. I'm excited.

As soon as I get money, I'm going to get the Eberron campaign setting. If I like that, I might have to start whipping up a new campaign. Oooooooh.


Before the next exciting chapter in this storyline gets posted, I think it's time for another parody song. This time, it's to the tune of Elton John's "Bennie and the Jets."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hey, fans, wasn't that a great bout?
There's nothing like some bloodshed
To get all your screams of hate out.
We've got another match up next, so stick around.
You're gonna see a battle 50 meters 'bove the ground.

Say, there in the grandstands, have you seen them yet?
Oh, but they're so damn cute!
J-J-J-J-J-Jedi and Kid Fett.
Oh, but they're young, inexperienced.
That Jedi, he's just a kid.
A Child of Prophecy, he just might be,
You know I saw it on a holo-vid.
J-J-J-Jedi and Kid Fett.

Hey, fans, check out Boba's blaster.
If Pock is gonna win this,
He'd better hope he's faster!
Who will survive? Better place your bets real fast.
'Cause the fight's about to start and the
Dianoga's lunchtime has passed.

Say, there in the grandstands, have you seen them yet?
Oh, but they're so damn cute!
J-J-J-J-J-Jedi and Kid Fett.
Oh, but they're young, inexperienced.
That Jedi, he's just a kid.
A Child of Prophecy, he just might be,
You know I saw it on a holo-vid.
J-J-J-Jedi and Kid Fett.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wandering Unofficial Bard

Dr Midnight

Hey Richards, nice stuff! I'd enjoy that a lot more if I could remember how the song goes besides the "B-B-B-Benny..." part.

Richards, while I've got you here, I thought recently that there's a tale you'd love from my current D&D campaign. It's not got a story hour, and that's kinda sad and kinda fortunate. Sad in that it's funny as hell, and fortunate in that there's just NO WAY that the party would have been selected for this regal quest they're on.

Anyway, the story is this- I ran them through Gorgoldand's Gauntlet. They got Hoardmaster and were incredibly excited about the idea of having a coin dragon with them. For those that don't know, Hoardmaster, when placed in a pile of coins, turns the coins into a dragon-shaped mass of deadliness to fight anyone who might try to steal the coins. Time passes and they eventually go into the Sunless Citadel and are having a hard time fighting the goblin horde near the back of the first level. They come up with a plan, and pour ALL their party treasure into a pile, then stick Hoardmaster in it. They call the goblins out from a distance and say "Hey goblins, that's our treasure... it's yours now, take it!" They crouched back and giggled, waiting for the fireworks to begin. The hesitant goblins started coming out and loading all the coins up. They took everything, and the dumbstruck party couldn't figure out why the dragon hadn't appeared to turn them to mush.

They had, of course, GIVEN the treasure to the goblins, and it was thus rightfully theirs. I had to hold in the laughter until they figured it out, and when they did I just about fell on the floor.

They eventually had to bargain to get Hoardmaster back, but the treasure was lost for good... about 800 gp, the sum of ALL their coins. So funny.

OKAY, ENOUGH D&D! I'm writing now. Here's a taste:
Pock reached Boba and cut out at him. The young bounty hunter’s apprentice dodged with remarkable speed, but a second swing gashed his armor. Boba rolled backward and up to a kneeling position, extending his left arm. A thin cable shot out and would have wrapped completely around Pock, but the Padawan sliced the cable into four parts that skittered off in different directions around them.
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Dr Midnight


Magnus growled “Yash. You said Pock wouldn’t be harmed.”

Yet chuckled and waved a finger. “Ah-ah, I said neither I nor my men would harm him.”

Pock cast his eyes up, feeling for which booth had his master in it. He found it, and tried to imagine what Magnus would guide him to do. His concentration was rudely wrenched forward as Boba Fett fired at him. Pock deflected the blast, the crowd roared, and the fight was on.

Pock began running across the tiles. Beneath the two meter square glasteel hovertiles he could see the deadly drop to the tentacles swirling in the muck below. Off to his right, one of the tiles suddenly fell. A tile behind him did the same. All the while, Fett repositioned himself, stepping lightly, never taking his gaze from the young Jedi rushing him from across the arena. He fired rapid blasts that were roundly deflected.

Boba Fett was quickly running out of space. He changed his strategy and thumbed a button on his blaster. He fired a blurred blue circle across the arena and hit Pock.

The stun bolt didn’t take, though, and Pock kept his footing. He kept running and nimbly ran around a square as one of the tiles fell. The tiles were falling at the rate of one every three seconds. Within three minutes there’d be nowhere left to stand.

Pock reached Boba and cut out at him. The young bounty hunter’s apprentice dodged with remarkable speed, but a second swing gashed his armor. Boba rolled backward and up to a kneeling position, extending his left arm. A thin cable shot out and would have wrapped completely around Pock, but the padawan sliced the cable into four parts that skittered off in different directions around them.

Boba dodged two more lightsaber cuts, then darted through an opening and ran to increase the distance between them. He knew that close combat would go poorly for him.

Pock turned on his heel and ran after Boba. He got four steps before the tile he was on dropped beneath him. For a moment he fell with it, but his quick arms snapped out and grasped the rim of the remaining tiles. He pulled himself back up and continued his pursuit.

Boba fired more stun shots. He was apparently looking to incapacitate Pock, if for now. Pock closed the distance again and began attacking Fett in earnest.

Boba stood his ground this time. He held up his arm and with a CHAKK noise curved, razor-sharp blades sprouted from his forearms’ gauntlets. He began slicing and punching at Pock, who stepped back a bit to allow him room to dodged the other youngster’s quick strikes. The lightsaber slashed Boba several times on the legs and arms. The armor absorbed a lot of the damage, but blood oozed slowly from the smoking wounds.

The floor dropped away beneath them. The crowd gasped with pleasure as both fighters began to fall. Both managed to cling to the sides and pull themselves up. Boba was faster, though, and he rolled to his feet, pulling out his pistol in one smooth motion and shooting Pock with it.

Pock was struck in the back with a stun bolt as he stood from the edge of the pit. His limbs froze up and he couldn’t move at all. The audience cheered lustily as Fett walked up to the Jedi.

“Jedi dog,” Boba hissed. “You and your kind have all got this coming. I’ll start with you.” He grasped Pock’s hanging padawan braid and cut it quickly with his gauntlet blades, then fastened it to his belt. He took Pock’s lightsaber and studied the colored blade up close. The green light reflected in his helmet’s visor.

Fett casually turned and walked a few paces away. He hefted the lightsaber and paused. “This will be quite fitting, I think. You’re going to die the way my dad did.” He began to run at Pock.

Jaren, in the viewing booth above, leaned over and whispered “Do we move? He’s about to get shorter…”

Magnus seemed strangely calm. “Not yet. I’ve trained him too well.”

Pock’s forehead gleamed with sweat. His body was frozen stiff and he was completely defenseless. His mind, though, was free. Pock concentrated. He called upon the Force, and felt it answer. The glasteel tile Boba Fett was just about to set his foot down on turned upright, spilling Boba down its front like a slide.

Boba held fast to the side and pulled himself up. He was alive, but the maneuver had bought Pock several precious seconds. He began to feel the feeling come back into his hands. His fingers tingled with pinpricks and his fingers twitched reflexively.

Boba Fett reclaimed his footing on the floor, which was now half gone. Only a rickety checkerboard of surface area remained of the arena’s floor. Boba lunged at Pock, swinging the lightsaber for the padawan’s neck.

Pock reached up with his left hand and caught the hilt of his lightsaber in his hand, stopping its swing. At the same time his right hand rushed out and pushed at the air, and Boba was launched backward. He slammed into the still upright tile that Pock had turned with his mind, then fell straight down, screaming as he did. He splashed into the water below and the tentacles twisted after him below the surface.

“The WINNER,” the announcer voice yelled. “POCK SIRUS, JEDI PADAWAN!!!” It had been a great fight and the crowd were all on their feet cheering thunderously.

Jaren cast his eye to one of the guards in the room. The guard winked at him and made a barely perceivable gesture. Jaren nodded. Mikau and Magnus saw it but didn’t care to ask at the moment.

Magnus faced Yet Yash, body tensed to spring. His hand floated near where the pilfered lightsaber rested in his tabard. “Yash,” Magnus said. “What now?”

Yash turned with a smile. “What do you mean, ‘what now’? You all are free to go.”

Magnus blinked with surprise. He hadn’t expected that.

More to come…
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First Post
The cost of freedom was merely a few lives and the entertainment of couple hundred sentients. Why were they complaining?


Excellent update as always, Doc. And that Gorgoldand "Hoardmaster" story was pants-wetting hilarious! I would have loved to have been there to see that.

Hmm, this is the second Elton John tune you've failed to recognize. I may have to cut him from my list of source material...


Dr Midnight

It was determined that yes, the heroes were free. Yash had made a great deal of money but kept his word and released them.

The downside to this was that Yet considered their Pheleeni starship his own property, and the Republicans had no ship.

They could, however, perform a small service for Yash. In exchange for delivering a parcel to Manaan, they would be allowed to leave with the Pheleeni ship. Yash told them this as if he were doing them a great favor. Jaren bristled at the offer, but Mikau politely said the group would agree to deliver the item.

The group were led outside and the ship was waiting. Inside, a large crate was placed in the cargo area.

“I’m glad we didn’t have to fight our way free,” Mikau said casually as Jaren primed the ship for liftoff.

“Me too,” Magnus agreed. “Pock, you did really well.”

Pock grinned. “Thank you, master.”

Jaren nodded. “Yeah, Pock, you were wizard out there. You hit that kid fast and merciless, just the way to do it.”

Magnus said “I don’t believe merciless is a good word to describe a Jedi’s actions.”

Pock added “Yeah… thanks though!”

From the loading ramp, a voice called up. “Wait, don’t take off yet, wait!”

Jaren hit the Idle switch and got up expectantly. “What is it?”

Two of the guards were walking up the ramp, pushing another crate on a repulsorlift dolly. Magnus and Mikau exchanged a look- they were two of the guards that had been making signals with Jaren back in the viewing chamber.

“Another parcel,” the guards said breathlessly. “You know what to do.”

Jaren nodded and placed the crate beside the other. He then sat back in the pilot’s seat and continued the liftoff sequence as the two guards went back down the corridor.

Mikau was suddenly alarmed. His senses were on the alert, and his skin felt tense. Taut. It took him a moment to realize that he was smelling something. He was smelling something aquatic… a predator. His kaminoan ancestry had gifted him with a finely honed sense for knowing when a dangerous sea creature was nearby. He was getting that now. He looked at the second crate and lifted his hand to his chin as he pondered the dripping corner.

“Magnus,” he said quietly. “Look.” He pointed out the crate’s bottom.

Magnus knelt and examined the crate. “Jaren, want to tell us what this is about?”

“Not until we’re off-planet,” Jaren said coolly.

The ramp closed and the Pheleeni ship lifted up into Rattatak’s reddish atmosphere. When they’d broken the planet’s orbit, Jaren set a course for Manaan and punched the hyperdrive. The stars melted around them in straight lines as they made the jump to lightspeed.

Jaren turned in his pilot’s chair. “That,” Jaren said, “Is something of a side deal I made on Rattatak. Open it.”

Magnus paused a moment, then opened the latches holding the crate’s lid closed. He lifted the lid and looked inside. Boba Fett was lying at the bottom of the crate, soaking wet and unconscious. He was covered with bruises and lacerations, but he seemed to be alive, if barely. Magnus was stunned. “Jaren… what…”

“Hold on, hold on. I made a deal with some of the boys from Yash’s guards. Turns out this kid Fett was at Geonosis. He had an insider’s look at the Separatists’ side of things. He’s worth a lot of credits to your Jedi Council, who’ll want to talk to someone with his perspective.” The other two Jedi merely stared at him, so he went on. “The deal was that if the guards get the kid- and me- out, I let them in on the profits from his handover. Seventy-five percent.”

Magnus said “The kid- and YOU. Not us?”

Jaren rolled his eyes. “Us, yes, of course. You’re missing the big picture here, which is that I made us friends on the inside. If things had gone badly, the guards would have sprung us. They were the ones that suggested we run this parcel mission for Yash and saved us another fight. They’ve done a lot of work for us behind the scenes- did you notice how none of the things in the arena battle attacked me?” The others nodded. “My doing. It was one of the conditions. I don’t know how you convince a bunch of warriors to NOT attack someone in a fight to the death. Maybe my prowess was slightly exaggerated… Hmm…”

“And you think the Council will pay for Boba Fett?”

“Of course. If they don’t, no big deal, but I promised the boys a great deal of money as a condition of getting us out of there. I’ll pay them one way or another. It was worth it to get their help.”

Mikau said “What he says is true for the most part, I overheard him discussing the deal late last night with the guards. He most certainly did not include us in the bargain- but he, Boba and Pock were to be extended certain protections.”

Jaren shrugged guiltily, smiling, while Magnus’ face went dark. “Pock? Why Pock?”

“He’s a good kid, I hated the thought of him getting hurt.”

Mikau was kneeling by the crate. “We can discuss this later. Young master Boba needs to be placed in the bacta unit immediately.”

Pock stood over the crate, looking at his fallen enemy impassively. “He shouldn’t have tried to kill me.”

The crate was taken belowdeck to the infirmary. Here, Magnus, Pock and Mikau were further surprised to find roughly fifteen of Yet Yash’s guardsmen playing Pazaak in the engine room. One looked up. “Creel. Are we clear of Rattatak?”

“Yes. You guys sit tight, we should reach Manaan sometime tomorrow. Then it’s straight to Coruscant to deliver Fett and get your money. Hey, point of interest- what’s this parcel going to Manaan?”

The guard shrugged. “Something about a biological weapon. Going to a Selkath named Ekra Tev.”

Mikau’s posture stiffened. “Ekra Tev?”

“Yeah, you know ‘im?”

Mikau exchanged a glance with Magnus. “Yes, I know him. At any rate, we have to take Boba to the infirmary. Can you check on him now and then?”

The guards nodded agreeably. “Sure. We’ll be down here if you need us.”

The heroes went by quietly and hooked Boba into the bacta system. His vital signs were faint but persistent. “The kid’s hardy,” Jaren observed. “I don’t know many full-grown men that could survive a minute in a dianoga pool.”

“Let’s get back upstairs,” Magnus said under his breath. “I don’t want to keep Pock around these scoundrels.” They walked again past the guards and back to the cockpit, where they closed the door.

Magnus faced Jaren and gave him a hard glare. “Creel, I’m a little tired of the secrets. You’ve lied to us about a great many things. You’re going to start telling the truth. Right now.”

Jaren looked silently from Magnus to Mikau and back to Magnus. He sighed and sat back in his pilot’s seat. “All right.”

He told them everything.

More to come…

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