[Stargate SG-1 RPG] Part III - The Enemy of my Friend . . .

kid A

First Post
Andreev Ilianov

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
32 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

"I'm not sure that we want to get out of here. If we get caught in the open, we've got the guys outside and whatever weapons those planes might have on them to deal with. On the other hand, in here we can keep the stairs covered, and someone can take pot-shots from behind the furs."

Andreev nodded to Rylee, indicating his understanding, but careful to keep his nervousness just under the surface. He didn't like these odds. He had the utmost confidence in Rylee's survival skills, and he was moderately sure that Fisher could defend himself. Lorelai, however, had never experienced combat, nor had she received basic combat training, having disappeared with Lt. Terrell for the team's training. The odds were stacked against them, and there were no allies in sight. Where the hell are the others?

In response to Lucas' question, Andreev whispered in reply, "Please just set the bags down by the stairs, Mr. Fisher. They will be fine there." He continued to listen as Lucas voiced his opinion about their situation. Although he would prefer to stay hidden as long as possible, he also knew it was entirely probable that they would be located before long. "Mr. Fisher, if we are able remain here undetected, that would be preferrable. However, if we are located, the ability to escape would better suit us than to attempt a defense. Should they decide we are not worth capture, the Goa'uld may simply signal the death gliders to destroy this building and everyone in it. So, if you would, please try to find an alternate exit for us, should the need for escape arise."

With that he turned and whispered to Rylee, "And Miss Fallon, please keep a sharp eye on our Goa'uld friends." Finally, he looked around for Lorelai. "Doctor Nguyen, how are you holding up?"
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Dark Nemesis

First Post
Andreev didn't need to tell her twice. She was already crouched by the window, gun braced, aimed, and the curtain pulled back only enough to see the twelve armored guys.


Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
32 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

kid A said:
"Mr. Fisher, if we are able remain here undetected, that would be preferrable. However, if we are located, the ability to escape would better suit us than to attempt a defense. Should they decide we are not worth capture, the Goa'uld may simply signal the death gliders to destroy this building and everyone in it. So, if you would, please try to find an alternate exit for us, should the need for escape arise."
"Ah. I didn't realize we were dealing with that level of firepower..." Carefully placing the bags in a neat stack beside the stairs, Lucas made his way back down to the lower level.

Once at the foot of the stairs, he started searching for any sign of another way out of the building, preferably on the other side to the Stargate courtyard. Well aware of the dozen armed men outside, he made every effort to be as quiet as possible.


I aim to misbehave
Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
33.06 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

Andreev Ilianov said:
With that he turned and whispered to Rylee, "And Miss Fallon, please keep a sharp eye on our Goa'uld friends." Finally, he looked around for Lorelai. "Doctor Nguyen, how are you holding up?"

Lorelai simply gave Andreev a withering look and didn’t comment. Storm troopers and death gliders were a little beyond her curriculum and expertise. More time with the Stargate, the DHD and even one of those ‘death gliders’ was what interested her.

As Rylee looked on, orders were barked out in the courtyard (something very similar to “Jaffa, Kree!!”). More disconcerting than the alien language was the fact that the one barking the orders was pointing his staff weapon at the two story building she was in when he said them. As a unit, nine of the Jaffa turned and hustled to toward the building, staff weapons at the ready. Rylee estimated that the Jaffa would be to the building in seconds. The remaining three Jaffa stepped back several paces and the three horizontal rings came down again, revealing a half dozen more Jaffa.

Lucas dropped the bags at the stairs and looked around the common room. Looking a lot like a tavern, Lucas made his way to the archway behind the bar and looked into the room beyond. The room was a kitchen of some kind, complete with stone sinks, a large table and two ovens. Along with a huge stone cabinet, huge stone casks with taps stood along one wall with stone crates making several aisles in the kitchen. Beyond the last crate ‘aisle’ was a fur covered archway leading back into the town.

Lucas almost missed the hole in the floor at the end of one of the other aisles, spotting it on his return through the kitchen.

OOC: Fallon, Fisher, Ilianov, Nguyen. I will adjust the action if Rylee wanted to take a shot.
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I aim to misbehave
Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
7 minutes since arriving, June 3,2003

Craig Durant said:
"Find anyplace we can set up a quick base camp at?" He glanced around while she spoke, still waiting for the missing piece he couldn't put his finger on, yet.

Lt. Reed nodded to Durant after sticking her tongue out at Lt. Stewart. "Yes, sir. There's a two story about four buildings down that had a vantage on this courtyard. Not great sight lines - but it was the best I found."

After Durant's agreement, Reed lead the rest of the team to the town story building. Heavy fur hangings covered the opening revealing an interior hallway and staircase. The overall impression of the place was an apartment. There were similar hangings, three to each side down the sixty foot hallway. Stairs up at the end of the hall lead to a similar arrangement on the upper floor.

OOC: Donovan, Durant, Reed, Stewart

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
33.06 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

"Damn..." she said quietly, then whispered to Andreev. "We've got six more armored guys, and nine of them are heading to this building." She bit her lower lip, trying to make a decision. She didn't have long to take a shot, and from what she had gathered from Andreev, these guys were dangerous. Without waiting for orders, she shot twice at one of the guys in armor.


I aim to misbehave
Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
33.06 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

Rylee took careful aim and fired off two shots at one of the Jaffa moving toward the building. With satisfaction, Rylee smiled as both of the bullets hit their mark and the Jaffa fell backward, prone and unmoving. Then . . . the Jaffa shook himself . . . started to get back up again.

The three Jaffa by the rings crouched and appeared to be bracing their staffs against the ground. The remaining Jeffa hustled out of the courtyard, while the newly arrived Jaffa copied the crouching Jaffa and braced their staf weapons, pointing them at the building Rylee was in . . . only sixty feet away from them.

Lucas almost missed the hole in the floor at the end of one of the other aisles, spotting it on his return through the kitchen. The unmistakable sound of two shots rang out from above – something was happening.

OOC: Fallon, Fisher, Ilianov, Nguyen.


I aim to misbehave
Interlude: Jeremiah Grayson

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
0740 hours ???, June 3, 2003

"A rollercoaster ride through the stars"

That's what one person who traveled through the Stargate called the experience. Stars and constellation becoming evident then flashing by, turns and dips at unanticipated points. Unknown flashes of light and color. A constant whine sounding through the traveler's ears. An overall sensation of speed and movement covers your body. All of this and more takes place in the moment between entering and leaving the Stargate.

The velocity that someone comes out of the Stargate is apparently somewhat more that that which someone entered at, or at least that's the theory as Jeremiah came flying out of the Stargate and tumbled into a cobblestone courtyard. Frost was apparent on him everywhere as if he had traveled through the cold vacuum of space - even if but for a moment. The temperature here seemed more pleasant than where Jeremiah had come from - though that really wasn't too difficult.

Several moments passed . . . and no one else emerged from the still active Stargate. Jeremiah remembered from reading some of the Stargate details from Andreev that passage through the wormhole was one-way for matter . . . and he didn't have another gate address

The ground beneath Jeremiah's feet was cobblestone and the nearby buildings were of the same stone materials. The buildings were either one or two stories that were within sight of the Stargate proper. The courtyard of the Stargate was approximately fifty feet on a side, with three 'streets' leading away from it (on the north, south and west facings). The eastern edge of the courtyard was blocked by the same grey stone, the solid grey stone of mountain several thousand feet high.

It appeared mid-day and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The sky was somewhat odd . . . it had a more blue green cast to it rather than the typical sky blue of Earth. Between that and the yellow sun that didn't appear to give as much light as Earth's sun did, it was apparent that the team was no longer in Colorado . . . or even on Earth itself. Light illuminated the courtyard from the active Stargate and was much brighter than the light from the planet's sun . . . even at what was apparently mid-day.

A DHD stood about twenty feet from the Stargate. That was the only thing in the courtyard - there was no greeting party . . . the town seemed empty.

Stargate_Com now playing Jeremiah Grayson said:
Lying on the cobblestone road, Jeremiah was quick to shake off the disorienting effect. Yet, the pain of the fall was another story. Aching and a little sore, he lifted himself up.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

Dusting himself off, Jeremiah's eyes came to rest on the quaint, cobblestone town. He searched his memory for some connection to an Earth civilization. Maybe, this would give him a head start on the language of the natives...if there were any. Thoughts of new and interesting languages raced through his head as he stared aimlessly at the town. An excited smile came over the young linguist's face. Yet, his happiness was short lived.

'The team? The lizards? I need to find some help...now.'
With the town being his best bet, he quickly gathered his things and headed off.

"Tok'ra, here I come."

kid A

First Post
Andreev Ilianov

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
33.06 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

"Damn..." she said quietly, then whispered to Andreev. "We've got six more armored guys, and nine of them are heading to this building." She bit her lower lip, trying to make a decision. She didn't have long to take a shot, and from what she had gathered from Andreev, these guys were dangerous. Without waiting for orders, she shot twice at one of the guys in armor.

Damn! This is moving from bad to worse!

Having turned his attention from Lorelai to Rylee for her report, Andreev was about to issue an order for her to hold fire until he specified. Yet, before he could speak, two shots rang out from her rifle into the courtyard. Despite the fact the Jaffa seemed to be heading in their direction, Andreev had no desire to give away their exact location just yet. Also, while he had been briefed that the Jaffa were not necessarily good news, he was still unsure as to their specific purpose. Now, however, they were left with very little choice or option.

"Miss Fallon!" His anger surfaced slightly, and then subsided. There was nothing for him getting angry. What was done was done, and he couldn't say he wouldn't have done the same in her situation. "Please, Miss Fallon, Doctor Nguyen, grab what gear you can carry, and let us see whether Mr. Fisher has discovered another exit. Quickly!"

Grabbing his bag and another, he slung them over his shoulder and began down the stairs. Making sure his FN P90 was ready for use, he located Lucas and asked, "Mr. Fisher, I hope that you have located our escape route!"

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Two story building
P7X - 912
33.06 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

She looked up at Andreev when he said her name. "What?" The armored guys had stopped advancing on the building, hadn't they? Although she hadn't even fazed the one that she had shot. And she hoped the was mistaken, but it looked like her bullets had just bounced off their armor. Damn.

Shrugging at Andreev's orders, she picked up her bag and rifle, and moved away from the window. She wondered if they would fare any better out in the open...

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