[Stargate SG-1 RPG] Part III - The Enemy of my Friend . . .


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Lt. Luthor Donovan

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X – 912
0742 hours ???, June 3, 2003

After Durant and Donovan finished discussing what the remnants could mean, Barry kept his voice low and talked to Donovan a moment. Stewart put his hand to Donovan’s back to instill the sincerity of what he had to say, “Donovan, that was one hell of a shot back there taking out the lizard-king. When my round bounced off the things chest and dripped to the floor, my life was flashing! I mean it; I thought for sure that I was a goner. I owe you one…anything, you name it!”

Donovan looked up at Stewart after listening to his speech. He smiled slowly and said, "I am the Lizard King. I can do anything."

He eyed Stewart a moment longer. Then he went back to studying the medical remains. Without looking up after that, he said, "No problem, Stewart. Don't worry about it."
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I aim to misbehave
Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
30 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

Lorelai completed here examination of the DHD and pronounced it in full working order. She couldn’t be certain, she explained, because of the active wormhole that was currently open from the warehouse. During that time, no one emerged from the wormhole.

Examining the cobblestone lanes and considering the winds of the mountains, it would be very difficult to pick up Jeremiah’s trail. Nevertheless, the two trackers made their way slowly through the lanes attempting to pick up his trail while exploring the cobblestone town

Most of the buildings near the Stargate courtyard were one or two story buildings of cobblestone and mortar. There were windows and doors, but not in the usual sense. Heavy animal hides of some unrecognizable variety hung over the doors and windows. The hide’s furred side faced the cobblestone street.

Several blocks away the main square of the town could be discerned. A large courtyard had a single statue in the middle and several large four or five story buildings surrounded the courtyard itself.

The pair were only sixty feet down the lane heading deeper into the town (after briefly trying to pick up the trail on the other two lanes) when Lucas caught the glint of something metal in the sky . . . two somethings actually. A pair of crescent shaped flying ships were approaching from the northern skyline. They were distant, maybe a couple miles out but they were definitely heading toward the town.

Fortunately, Andreev noticed the shapes as well and recognized them for what they were . . . Death gliders . . . Goa’uld Death gliders, and they were heading this way.

OOC: Fallon, Fisher, Ilianov, Nguyen


Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
30 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

Lucas frowned as he spotted the crescent shaped objects in the sky. Pulling his binoculars out of his backpack, he focused on the approaching vehicles.

"Look like planes of some kind." He said to Rylee. "Huh, I guess I was expecting flying saucers or something." He turned back towards the Stargate, calling out to Andreev.

"Hey, we've got a couple of... things... flying in from the north. Any idea on what they are? Maybe the locals are sending a greeting party? Are there supposed to be locals here?"

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
30 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

"Planes..." her eyes scanned the skyline, searching for the planes that Lucas had spotted. "They're the first sign of life we've seen since we got here... I wonder if those are the things that scared Greyson off..." With that, she began looking for a place to hide; at least until they figured out if these things were friendly.
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I aim to misbehave
Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
5 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

Donovan examined the texture of the bandage and the adhesive tape. It was definitely standard military gauze and tape. He had used them far too often in the past to forget them. Donovan noted that the pieces were cut rather than simply discarded.

Reed hadn’t been sighted for several minutes since she had started down the northern lane.

Durant’s cell phone was only ‘Looking for a signal’ and it didn’t appear likely that the phone would work in this environment (and with no cell towers). Durant scanned the courtyard while trying to figure out what could have happened. The hairs on his neck stood up a little . . . his combat instincts telling him he was being watched.

The Stargate startled everyone as it whoosed and the wormhole (as well as the light it was providing) winked out of existence. The area looked darker and cooler that it had only moments earlier. A squishy thud sounded near the stargate though none of the three could see what created the sound.

OOC: Donovan, Durant, Reed, Stewart


Rogue Warrior
Lt. Commander Craig Durant

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
5 minutes since arriving, June 3,2003
Durant’s cell phone was only ‘Looking for a signal’ and it didn’t appear likely that the phone would work in this environment (and with no cell towers).
Durant shut off his cell phone, shrugging to himself.
“You know guys I am starting to miss our little princess. I’m sure she would give us her opinion on what’s going on. Probably something like” and Barry raised the pitch in his voice and gave an amusingly weak attempt at imitating Lorelai, “’If the gate was entered at different times the worm hole could create a time anomaly by accelerating the first to enter the event horizon ahead of those following. What would seem like just a second of time to those following, could in theory…’ yada, yada, yada.” He paused to see how the two would react to his imitation, not sure if his timing would be appreciated.
He threw a smile in Stewart's direction in response to his impression of Professor Nguyen. It was a little too accurate to actually laugh at. And they could really use her.
The hairs on his neck stood up a little . . . his combat instincts telling him he was being watched.
A squishy thud sounded near the stargate though none of the three could see what created the sound.
Durant froze in place, slowly turning his head. The familiar feeling of the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end had brought him quickly into the moment. Relying more on his ears and peripheral vision he suddenly heard an odd noise from the Stargate. He tried to see around it. Durant raised his rifle and began to creep around the far side of the gate. He glanced over at Stewart and Donovan to see if they had picked up on the sound as well.

kid A

First Post
Andreev Ilianov

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
30 minutes since arriving, June 3, 2003

Fortunately, Andreev noticed the shapes as well and recognized them for what they were . . . Death gliders . . . Goa’uld Death gliders, and they were heading this way.

It was immediate recognition. Even if he hadn't studied the files from the briefing so thoroughly, he would have remembered the aircraft from the photos. Andreev's natural interest in aircraft and spacecraft had created in him a vast pool of knowledge, allowing him to recognize just about any flying object he had either seen or heard of. Unfortunately though, he did not feel quite so excited about this particular sighting as he would have under normal circumstances.


"Hey, we've got a couple of... things... flying in from the north. Any idea on what they are? Maybe the locals are sending a greeting party? Are there supposed to be locals here?"

He snapped to attention, and called Lucas and Rylee back. "Miss Fallon, Mr. Fisher, come quickly!" Pointing at the two aircraft, he continued, "This is not the particular welcoming party to be hoping for. In fact, we will not be made to feel very welcome at all by their greeting. We need to find cover now, and prepare to defend ourselves!"
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First Post
Lt Barry Stewart

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
5 minutes since arriving, June 3,2003

The Stargate startled everyone as it whoosed and the wormhole (as well as the light it was providing) winked out of existence. The area looked darker and cooler that it had only moments earlier.

Stewart whipped his head around to see what happened. Seeing that the portal was not filled with water anymore he relaxed realizing that the gate had just closed.

Jesus…about gave me :uhoh: :uhoh: :uhoh: :eek: heart attack. I wonder if I’ll ever get use to that sound.

A squishy thud sounded near the stargate though none of the three could see what created the sound.

A millisecond later he was ready for what was next. He watched Durant skirt the far side of the gate and nodded to the affirmative that he too had heard the sound. Stewart took it upon himself to take the near side. Half crouched, pistol drawn and ready he took a half loop route toward the backside of the gate to see if he could find whatever it was that made that rather unnerving sound. His eyes darted left to right and back again in a continuous scan of the area hoping that whatever made the sound didn’t disappear as quickly as the rest of the team had done.
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First Post
Lt. Luthor Donovan

Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
5 minutes since arriving, June 3,2003

Donovan examined the texture of the bandage and the adhesive tape. It was definitely standard military gauze and tape. He had used them far too often in the past to forget them. Donovan noted that the pieces were cut rather than simply discarded.

Donovan finished his study of the medical remains and brought his findings to Durant. "These're ours, sir. Theirs, anyway. Looks to me like they've been and gone already. But these ain't old. Can't have been too long."

Durant froze in place, slowly turning his head. The familiar feeling of the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end had brought him quickly into the moment. Relying more on his ears and peripheral vision he suddenly heard an odd noise from the Stargate. He tried to see around it. Durant raised his rifle and began to creep around the far side of the gate. He glanced over at Stewart and Donovan to see if they had picked up on the sound as well.

Donovan noticed the sound too, and he nodded when Durant glanced at him. He raised his rifle, and flanked the opposite side of the Stargate. If there was something (someone?) there, hopefully he, Durant and Stewart would corner it.
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I aim to misbehave
Stargate Platform and Courtyard
P7X - 912
6 minutes since arriving, June 3,2003

Durant turned, trying to get a bead on what his combat senses were telling him, but didn't notice anyone or anything.

As Durant and Stewart cautiously moved to the Stargate to try to identify what had made that sound, they both heard the sound of boots on cobblestones coming from the north. A brief glance in that direction revealed Lt. Reed, arriving in the courtyard at a full run (quite possibly the loudest any had ever heard from her). She stopped suddenly and looked relieved seeing the three soldiers investigating the Stargate. Lt. Reed nodded in their direction and smiled, resumed her approach, much quieter than her initial entrance.

As the duo closed with the Stargate, the source of the sound was clearly evident. A scaled clawed severed hand lay just inches from the now empty Stargate Iris. The hand was cauterized but still sizzling on the cobblestones. The salamanders from the warehouse were only a few feet away from the team as they darted into the Stargate, but was only coming through the gate just now . . . minutes after their arrival. Fortunately the gate closed and no more of the creatures would be coming through, including what remained of whatever creature’s arm this was.

Lt. Reed spoke up as she neared, “Town seems abandoned, sir. I didn’t pick up any traces of the rest of the team. 'Course I didn't stray too far . . . ewww."

OOC: Donovan, Durant, Reed, Stewart

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