Stink in Ship's Towers


"Good idea. If nothing else, we can at least steal the oars. Did anybody bring a tanglefoot bag?"

Kenn begins wrapping a red scarf around his face for a mask.
"I'm not much of a climber, so if somebody is, feel free to stop me. Otherwise, you two cover me. Or get ready to fetch me out."

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Here we go...

Kenn wraps up tight in his cloak, adjusts his red scarf-mask, and settles his hat firmly on his head.

"We'll just take this slow and easy..."
He shucks his gear for easy climbing and examines the cliff to see where he can climb it while taking 20. This will give him a Climb check of 20. (He said he wasn't much of a climber.)

Hopefully, he finds a place, in which case he takes 20 and starts climbing down. He will attempt this while hiding and moving silently:
Kenn's Hide, Kenn's Move Silently (1d20+3=14, 1d20+3=10)

The move silently is broken by soft prayers to a deity known as Mike, unknown in Eberron, but apparently very holy. At least, that's how Kenn is addressing him.

Knight Otu

First Post
(Since you run the risk of falling when failing a Climb check, you can't take 20, I'm afraid. Since you aren't threatened or distracted, you can take 10. Also remember that you're on a pier.)

Kenn begins his climb down the pier, which he finds easier than expected - there are enough handholds to get him safely to sea level. The framework of the pier has caught a lot of driftwood and other material carried down by the Dagger River, creating a pile that can carefully be navigated. The rowboat is moored within this pile. It would take a few seconds to untie it, but cutting it off would be an option as well. With a quick shove, the river would do the rest.


Ah. For some reason I had thought the pier jutted out of a cliff and I'd have to climb the cliff.
This is much better.
Kenn looks in the rowboat inquisitively by general reflex...not searching it in any detail, but just looking to see if it's empty.
Assuming there's nothing there to arouse his curiosity, the knot is yanked, the but is pushed, and the pier is then reclimbed stealthily, taking 10 as before.

Note to self: practice climbing. Next time you may not be lucky.

Knight Otu

First Post
Finding nothing of interest in the boat, Kenn unties it and sends it downriver with a push. Then he climbs back up onto the pier proper, which he finds a bit harder than down, but he still manages.


Kathan grins evilly, and says in a low voice, " Well, I'm guessing we can get on with the show, then. "

After adjusting his belt, he heads inside. Always one to exercise a little discretion when entering unfamiliar territory, he takes measure of the atmosphere inside the tavern before advancing further in.

Drowned Hero

First Post
Kaodi said:
Kathan grins evilly, and says in a low voice, " Well, I'm guessing we can get on with the show, then. "

After adjusting his belt, he heads inside. Always one to exercise a little discretion when entering unfamiliar territory, he takes measure of the atmosphere inside the tavern before advancing further in.

Khuter follows Kathan into the tavern letting his toad out to find some fly or bug that is not laking at the floor.

I dont like this place good i got someone more streetwise then myself to do the talking


Kenn shrugs.
"Hey, this is what we do."
He looks over at Kuther seriously.
"What you need to do is let us know quick if you see a magical type in here. If a sorceror or a war-wizard starts slinging spells, things'll go real pear-shaped real quick."
Kenn looks at Kathan to confirm this is a good plan.

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