• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Stolen Goods (El Jefe judging)


Alden follows quietly as the others hurry down the steps. He looks out over the amazing view of the city for a moment before following them into the store. He stands at the back, watching as the gnome moves forward to speak.

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Maps and Guides turns out to be a small office, a wooden desk halfway across the room in front of a portly gnome. Almost before you've had a chance to enter the building he greets you, "Well hello! New to the city, I'm sure I can help! My name is Theremore Beezlebrocket Ramplestein Gornagon; maps and guides is my buisness and I know Fallon like the back of my hand," he says almost without drawing breath.

To his right two are two cabinets, piles of paper overflowing slightly from the drawers and keeping them from closing properly. On the desk you can see another pile of paperwork, maps, although nowhere you recognise. Behind him, a large map pinned to the wall, marked as Fallon, depicts the city floor, with a large area surrounding it on three sides, all coloured dark blue and marked 'The Caves'. At the bottom of the map a lighter blue is at the city edge depicting Lake Kithsui.

At Joru's request, Theramore opens one of the cabinets. "Maps of the city and the caves... well.. these are all maps of the city... hang on, somewhere here I've got something that might be useful." He pulls out a large stack of papers and rifles through them. There appear to be maps of all sorts there, from detailed maps showing buildings in one area to what looks like a childs sketch.

While he rifles through the paperwork, he addresses your other questions. "Well, a guide, well that would be my brother I guess. I can guide you around the city, give you the whole tour if you like, just 4 silver and he'll show you the city, including the beautiful gardens, the Hall of Gods and the elven quartz buildings in all of their splendour. Never a finer day out in Fallon." he says, setting some of the maps aside in a seperate pile.

"Ah, the caves!" he says, proudly producing a sheet of parchment. He thrusts out what could, just about, be described as a map. It looks like a 3/4 of a ring, with stairs marked around the inside. Further out from the stairs there are boxes drawn, marked and labelled but entirely unclear as it looks like a great many levels have been drawn on top of one another, with the labelling so small you wonder how the cartographer managed to write it in the first place. "All one hundred and eleven levels of the caves on one easy to use map!" Theremore proclaims. "Yours for just 3 silver!"

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid

Quarion frowns, looking down his nose at the bumbling gnome. He whispers, "They certainly have lengthy names in this city." Quarion looks around the store for a moment and then shakes his head. He seems to remember something, and the corners of his mouth turn up a bit. "I think we shall pass on the map for now. Your brother sounds like he knows Fallon well, but we are not looking for a tour of the city. Rather we would like to be directed to a specific location. The store 'Natural Remedies', to be precise. Would that cost us... money?" Quarion's voice turns up on that last word, doubtful that the answer will be yes, but willing to accept this awkward gnome's terms if it gets the party to their employer.

OOC: A map would be nice, but a map we can't read is no good. =P


First Post
Eanos, human monk

Rae ArdGaoth said:
Quarion frowns, looking down his nose at the bumbling gnome. He whispers, "They certainly have lengthy names in this city." Quarion looks around the store for a moment and then shakes his head. He seems to remember something, and the corners of his mouth turn up a bit. "I think we shall pass on the map for now. Your brother sounds like he knows Fallon well, but we are not looking for a tour of the city. Rather we would like to be directed to a specific location. The store 'Natural Remedies', to be precise. Would that cost us... money?" Quarion's voice turns up on that last word, doubtful that the answer will be yes, but willing to accept this awkward gnome's terms if it gets the party to their employer.

OOC: A map would be nice, but a map we can't read is no good. =P

Despite himself, Eanos finds he's smiling in amusement as the elf enters into a bargaining session with the energetic gnome. He sits back to watch the proceedings.


First Post
Joru, Gnome Bard

Upon seeing the variety of maps, and the quality of some of them, Joru becomes a little more animated.

Rae ArdGaoth said:
"I think we shall pass on the map for now. Your brother sounds like he knows Fallon well, but we are not looking for a tour of the city. Rather we would like to be directed to a specific location. The store 'Natural Remedies', to be precise. Would that cost us... money?"

Joru considers that his companion has made an excellent request. The map proffered seems of little use; however, Joru resolves that he will discover what the shop keeper's stock contains before he takes his leave of Fallon.

OOC: Joru was nearly submitted with maxed ranks in decipher script. In this particular case a guide is the better option, but it is interesting that an opportunity to use the skill would present itself so early in Joru's adventures.


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Dae nods. A guide to a specific location would be much better than unreadable map. Fallon interests Dae, he has never seen anything quite like it before.


First Post
Theramore nods, although he looks slightly dissapointed that his efforts were not helpful. "Natural Remedies... yes, I know the place. Level 6, so almost all of the way to the bottom, west side of the caves. Next to 'Fallon's Finest Cheese Emporium', and just below 'Scamp's Hardware'."

As you descend, the city begins to gain more of an active bustling feel. People, predominantly gnomes and dwarves, scamper up and down the stairs as if they posed no obstacle at all, often running up or down several levels. The caves themselves are quite small, each level holding only a couple of buildings, some are shops but many appear to be homes cut into the caves.

The caves are lit by small hemisphere's which appear to stick out from the wall, glowing with a dull white light. As you descend these appear more and more often, as natural light becomes scarcer.

As you near the bottom of the caves the homes, and shops, appear to be of a slightly higher class; you imagine that the prices may be similarly increased. Heading down another flight you are greeted by a large store, apparently taking up all of this side of the caves, a small corridor running in front of it, allowing access round to the north and east sides. Several people bustle around inside looking at an assortment of tools, on display you can immediately see picks, shovels and assorted tools.

A level further and the smell of cheese overwhelms you. Fallon's Finest Cheese Emporium has a large front, the 'windows' displaying their goods being just holes in the walls. Behind a large counter, on which you can see an assortment of cheeses, stands a goblin, serving a customer. Even as you descend the stairs, looking for Natural Remedies, a human couple leave the store struggling with several cumbersome round cheeses. The woman walks to the balcony, places the cheeses on the floor and whispers words strange to all of you. Retriving a vial she tips a single silver drop over the side of the balcony. The drop does not fall, however, but forms a large disk about 3ft in diameter over the side of the balcony (looking remarkably like the platform you saw the previous night). The couple load the cheeses onto it and walk around the corridor, the platform following them without any apparent guidance.

Natural Remedies is not hard to spot, a little way around from the Cheese Emporium. While the front of the store is quite modest, the back, over a tall wall appears to glow with light. On ledges on the wall sit several plants in small pots. Inside it seems quite a quaint and homely store. A wooden counter divides the store, behind which a human woman stands, red curly hair down to her shoulders. Behind her stand large glass jars filled with dried plants, and what look like animal parts. "Hi, how can I help?" she asks.


Alden steps forward and nods once.

"We seek the store owner. Is that you? We have come in answer to a posting he made at the Red Dragon."


First Post
Joru ghe Bana, Gnome Bard 1

hafrogman said:
"We seek the store owner. We have come in answer to a posting he made at the Red Dragon."

Joru lets Alden get on with their business. He glances excitedly around the store. There were certainly many interesting shops in Fallon!


First Post
The woman shakes her head. "Me? No," she says with a wry smile.

"We didn't expect anyone so soon to be honest. Come through and take a seat, I'll get Scodi for you." She opens a door at the back of the shop and leads you through to a small room with a sturdy wooden table and six wooden chairs around it. Another doorway leads further into the building, a steady light visible under the crack of the door, and a flight of stairs leads up from the room.

The woman heads up the stairs as you take a seat. The table looks well used, with many cuts and notches in it, and small stains of green, brown and black They are slightly uncomfortable for all bar Joru, clearly designed for people of smaller stature.

From the top of the stairs you can hear the woman's voice "Scodi? You're adventurers from the Red Dragon are here." Coming back down the stairs she heads back into the main shopfloor, telling you that Scodi will be down in just a moment.

From the top of the stairs you can hear several bumps and crashes before a dishevelled looking gnome comes down the stairs. White unkempt hair sits at peculiar angles on his head, what looks like a dried leaf entagled in amoungst it. He wears what seem to be pyjamas in red white and blue vertical stripes. "Ah, hello! I am Scodi Torensutta Harrelen Beremwocket III. You can call me Scodi, everybody does. So, who are all of you?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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