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D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

The chieftain would shake his head adamantly against Ordrar's accusation. "Villagers alive. This one spat on me so fed to rats." The goblin then see the odds stacking against him as more allies arrive and lets go of Daphne. The girl would instantly run over to Ordrar and break into a sob.

"Villagers go? Yes! Goblins leave? No," he says defiantly. "Outside no safe. Ear Seekers everywhere."

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"Ear-seekers? Do you mean the elves? I can't imagine an elf would take a goblin ear. Seems more like the other way around. Unless you mean orcs. They tend to take ears, though still usually elf ears. Not goblin ones." rambles Aremus, then he whispers to the others, "What do you think, should we pay this liar? Can we even trust him?"


"Of course you can't trust it," Carolina pipes up. "It's a goblin. It's lucky that it's still alive... for the moment." She locks eyes on the sniveling thing, and though she is still talking to her allies, her words are meant for the goblin to hear. "That price alone is steep enough already, but to put a coin in this vile beast's hand is to be no worse than the beast itself.

"In my world, ransoms are paid with a far different currency." The halfling's tiny fingers lightly dance over the silver pommel of a dagger strapped to her leg.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Is that true, girl? The others are still alive? Where?"

Ordrar holds the girl as she cried, but still asks the questions, no time for fear now.

"Goblin, it's no longer safe for you here. Without ogres and with your tribe dispersed, orcs will claim this case with or without you know inside. Take your chances outside or I give you to the villagers. This group promised no to harm you and I feel bound by the promise. But the law says you stand trial if the villagers accuse you."

OOC: this last part is of course false, it would go against spirit of the promise, but the goblin doesn't need to know that ;) it would expect treachery of some kind

"Ear seekers are orc tribe," the goblin explains in frustration. " They violent. Really violent now. Not sure why."

The chieftain see the room turn against him and quickly takes off his headdress and robe. He tosses it at the wounded goblin on the ground before spitting on it. "I knew Snikbat had traitors blood. Tribe his problem. Hark leave."

The creature would then attempt to scurry out the side tunnel to the forest. "Villagers in bat room. Make no noise," Hark yells back behind him.


"Good luck keeping your ears!" says Aremus as the goblin leaves, surprisingly sincerely, and then to the others, "They really are loathsome creatures, aren't they?"

He makes an "eeew" face as he picks up the limp form of "Snikbat" and revives him.

"You will show us to the bat-room, Chief. Congratulations, by the way." he tells the traitorous goblin, as Snikbat becomes aware of his surroundings.

OOC: I will "waste" 1 point of Lay on Hands on him

AC 17
HP 23/28
Slots 2/3 (Level 1)
Lay on Hands 14/15
Channel Divinity 1/1[/sblock]
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Orklar would just waste him :)

Orklar gives the girl to the group to heal up or support as he hurries into passages going from the main cave clockwise (north first, east next) looking for bats.

Snikbats eyes dart around the room, trying to process the scene before him. It is then the robes at his feet and Aremus' words that cause the creature to let out a mighty roar. "Snikbat has done it. Snikbat has killed the evil Boss Hark," the creature shouts as he chokes back tears.

"You true heroes," the ruler proclaims as he puts on his new garb. " Legend live forever." Snikbat would then motion for the heroes to follow him further into Hark's throne room, revealing a pile of spears and shields hidden away.

"Human soldiers drop these. None brave like Dwarf," the Chieftain admits before handing a light crossbow to Carolina. "You like?"

Meanwhile, Daphne would confirm that the villagers were still alive and being kept in a cavern filled with bats. "Did Lady Nandar send you," she asks the group. "I tried my hardest to get back to her, but the bridge was out. I hope she understands."

If the group allows, Snikbat would lead them all down the hall to the north eastern part of the caves. They would see a room with six goblins guarding about 30 terrified villagers. The warriors are shocked to see their new leader, but do not question him, immediately allowing the villagers to leave the room.

Snikbat would then show you a room in the south western corner, filled with goblins. These ones are all women, children, elderly, and sick. Snikbat would offer to give back all the items looted and prepare Darthag's bones for you to transport back. He requests you allow the goblins to stay in the cave, fearing trying to move such a defenseless population with the ear seekers about.
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OOC: That's all good enough for Aremus. He'll take Carolina's bow and arrows if she doesn't need it anymore. He's happy to escort the villagers home, as well.

"That winged cat," Aremus says to Fistan, when everything is quiet, "I knew one just like it in Nightstone. It belonged to the Xelbrin family. Do you know what became of them?"

He notes that they are not with this group, holds out hope that they are among the survivors back in town, but suspects the worst.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Bah! You didn't have any trouble bringing all these defenseless people here, did you! We should run you out of here forever! But maybe we can benefit from one another, eh? You say you're afraid of Ear-Seekers. Well, we have villagers to escort to the town. I'm sure Lady Nandar will appreciate the help to her people. Give us some of your warriors as additional escort and if we encounter Ear-Seekers they can help with killing them. That way, you get your people to stay safe, we get extra eyes and ears on the way and we all get safety in numbers against the orcs."

Dwarf spits into the dirt
"The day I'm making deal with goblins...strange times, strange bedfellows indeed. May Keeper of Secrets forgive me."

He goes off to collect the villagers and waits for others in the main cavern.
"Come on out, you're safe now. Some adventurers are here and they dispatched the goblins. We can return to Nightstone with them." he calls from the cavern than remembering the warning about being quiet and knowing well how bats can be unpleasant when disturbed, he goes in more carefully. He notes the bones, but at the moment doesn't judge goblins hygiene, just looks for his citizens.

Voidrunner's Codex

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