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Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED


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Maor whistels in appreciation. "You make me wish I was more than half a god, for surely you are a goddess..." he starts to charm his way in, but then notices her affect on his comrades. His grin changes into concern, and he quickly steers his horse to Keldar's side and places his hand over his shoulder. In Celestial, he says "Heironeous, father, grant this mortal the fortitude to endure this trial". For a brief moment, Keldar's mind is thrown back in time as the moment of his blindness replays in the hands of fate.

OOC: Maor cast resurgence - I believe it will give Keldar a second saving throw.
His Diplomacy roll is 15, although he was cut short, if it matters.

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Garon sees the stunning sight and as he registers the complaints of his fellows, averts his eyes.

"My beautiful Lady, please, we mean you no harm. We are simply travelling through this land. We are no threat to you."

Garon turns Arodan to avoid pointing directly towards her. He keeps an eye on things around him to make sure nothing else is waiting to attack.

Keldar's mind is thrown back in time as the moment of his blindness replays in the hands of fate, he runs the moments before looking at the woman, than he open his eyes and see the most beautiful sight he even seen, the woman again.

Fort save - 20 [Success]

Steve Gorak

Yair said:
Maor whistels in appreciation. "You make me wish I was more than half a god, for surely you are a goddess..." he starts to charm his way in, but then notices her affect on his comrades. His grin changes into concern, and he quickly steers his horse to Keldar's side and places his hand over his shoulder. In Celestial, he says "Heironeous, father, grant this mortal the fortitude to endure this trial". For a brief moment, Keldar's mind is thrown back in time as the moment of his blindness replays in the hands of fate.

OOC: Maor cast resurgence - I believe it will give Keldar a second saving throw.
His Diplomacy roll is 15, although he was cut short, if it matters.

Keldar, visibly distraught by his blindness, was about to shout but remains in a sense of quiet nervousness, after hearing Maor's words. "A blind warrior is as good as dead, he thinks to himself"


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“Great, half of us blinded, the other half lost their mind. Lady, you better drop those magics from us!” Allyra calls out angrily.


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Atesh Yakhar, Baklunish Sorcerer

"Lady, remove what you did to my friends immediately, or you will have to face the consequences."
Atesh tries to deceive her that he is not blind.
Bluff 10
Also Atesh tries to communicate his familiar empathically. He wants to learn if it is blind too.

Lady of the Lake

Kuzgun reply to Atesh empathically
I can see master, the most beautiful creature in the whole forest realm is sitting on the rock in front of me.
The woman slips from the basalt rock and into the water, it seems the strong stream doesn't affect her, the water flows angrily from both her sides. The green creatures jump into the water and disappear from sight.
Be Calm
The woman says in the human tongue, her voice is soft and gentle like a breeze on a serene lake.
I feel the anger in your voice but I know that you mean no harm human
She says to Atesh, she then turns to Garon with a smile that makes your heart melt like a sword in a dwarf's furnace.
I feel you are good hearted soldier, a pass I shall give you in my land like to those pure hearted a few days ago, you can sleep with no worries and you can travel safely to the human's road, from there you'll be at the mercy of the mountains.
She looks sadly at the sobbing dwarf on the ground and the blinded party members
I can do nothing for those souls, I meant no harm, the power of gods can help them to retain their sights.

Atesh – from what you saw before all turned black is that the two green creature resemble to the description of Nixies.
Turo – Those are Fey, from which kind - you are unfamiliar.


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"You are as kind as you are beautiful, oh lady of the lake, though but a moment ago I would not have thought either possible" Maor bows to her slightly, while directing his horse towards Allyra. Reaching out to her, he adds with a smirk "Why so angry, Allyra? Are you jealous?" Placing his hand upon her he says softly in Celestial [smallcaps]"Father, by your blood I beseech you, restore her sight."[/smallcaps]

He continues onwards to Atesh and Gorash, touching and blessing them in turn.

OOC: Three more resurgence spells, one on each, allowing any one to reroll his save. I'm not sure if the spell will work twice (serf's parma*), but if it will I'll recast it if needed.

So far Maor has cast resurgence 4 times, he still has 3 more 1st level and 5 2nd level spells to cast today so there's plenty to go around. :)

*serf's parma = I'm at work, without the book (Complete Divine)

Edit: see OOC thread regarding her ability to undo the blindness
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“Jealous of your good eyesight mostly, right now.” It is apparant, that the wizardess has significantly calmed down already, seeing that there is no real imminent threat, and that they seem to have the means to break the fey's annoying magic.

[SBLOCK=Resurgence]OOC: Found this with Google:

Resurgence(CDiv p177)
<Abj, VS/DF, 1StdAct, Touch, Instantaneous>
– The touched creature receives a new saving
throw against one ongoing spell, spell-like
ability, or supernatural ability affecting
him/her. If the subject has more than one
ongoing effect, the caster chooses which one
the save applies to.
Only effects which allow a save can be targeted
by this spell.

Atesh's and Allyra's memories are thrown back in time to the moment they looked upon the lady, Allyra open her eyes to see that there in no immediate threat for them, she can see again, Atesh open his eyes just to realize that he is still blind.
I will ask in the morning for the help of my god
Says Turo to Atesh and Gorash.
Garl Glittergold can regain your sight.

Remove the foul curse Witch.
Gorash shouts and tries to feel his way back on the horse.

The lady ignores the dwarf and points to the north, half a mile to the north, giant Fir trees grows in the gorge and flank the strong stream from both sides, the tree tops cast shade upon the stream for protection.
Follow the stream beneath those trees, you can sleep over there. But you must leave in the next day, walk along the stream to the north east, the end of the gorge opens to a steep slope towards the human's road.
With that she sinks into the foaming water, disappearing from sight.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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