• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Strange New Worlds trailer

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Staff member
Personally, I’d love to see a ST series that focused on away teams, starships, and bases around the Federation, instead of a single crew. Maybe even beyond the Federation, showing how they handle away missions…. It wouldn’t even have to be within a particular time setting.

Imagine a Tholian starship handling first contact within their empire, for instance. Or seeing the events leading up to ”Arena” from the Gorn perspective.
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Very excited about the show, but this trailer doesn't bring much to the table.

Maybe I just don't like "teaser" trailers. Stop teasing me and show me some stuff!


What IS it about Star Fleet captains running off to bucolic lifestyles in their off times/retirements? Do no inactive Star Fleet captains live in urban centers so they can go to the theater and see the latest musical productions or check out the new chic restaurants? They all have to ride horses, farm, or grow grapes?
YOU try living on what's essentially a flying apartment block for 5 years, then see how much you want to be around people.


I'm looking forward to this. A communicator that looks like a TOS communicator. The shuttle and Enterprise, while updated, look like Star Trek ships. Uniforms that look like updated versions of TOS uniforms. And, as Snarf said, the music and the sound...

With Lower Decks Paramount+ has shown it can get Star Trek when it wants to. For as much as I enjoyed season one of Picard, just one episode of season two felt more like Trek than the entire first season. I am hopeful that P+ is learning from past mistakes and I am optimistic about this show. I just hope it is allowed to do its own thing and not fall into a bunch of fan service.


Yeah, I think the danger is being overshadowed by TOS -- but that's the problem with all prequels; you know what happens in the end, and they can't discover or change anything too important.
I jut hope that they don't make the same mistake that Enterprise did, by going for a galaxy wide crisis. I have high hopes for it.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Yeah, I think the danger is being overshadowed by TOS -- but that's the problem with all prequels; you know what happens in the end, and they can't discover or change anything too important.
Going by the Star Trek: Discovery experience, the risk isn't being overshadowed by TOS - the risk is treading too heavily on it. It was a bit of a relief when Discovery jumped to the future and stopped stomping all over the things covered by or discovered by TOS.

I really enjoyed Anson Mount and Rebecca Romijn as Pike and Number One during Discovery's second season. And I'm thrilled by some of their choices of characters. But there's one looming thorn. How will they handle La'an Noonien-Singh? She's not simply Chekhov's gun waiting to go off - she's Chekhov's howitzer. She could be handled with some subtlety (which brings up the question why even have her obvious connection to Khan) or she can be an irritation intruding on TOS stories. Given Discovery's track record, I'm battening down the hatches in expectation of the latter but desperately hoping for the former.


What IS it about Star Fleet captains running off to bucolic lifestyles in their off times/retirements? Do no inactive Star Fleet captains live in urban centers so they can go to the theater and see the latest musical productions or check out the new chic restaurants? They all have to ride horses, farm, or grow grapes?
To be fair, this isn't a new example - it's the original example. Pike's rural homelife was established during one of the fantasy scenarios in the original pilot The Cage, complete with horse.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
To be fair, this isn't a new example - it's the original example. Pike's rural homelife was established during one of the fantasy scenarios in the original pilot The Cage, complete with horse.
Yeah, and Kirk was basically a copy of him with a new actor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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