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Suppose D&D was outlawed tomorrow...

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First Post
Well, Pat Robertson did run for president of the U.S., and Ralph Reed, who is Roberton's creature (or maybe familiar) is still very influential. So, the banning of 'satanic' activities, such as Dungeons and Dragons, isn't that far off the radar.

Were this to happen, I probably wouldn't have time for rpg's, as I would likely join the Colonel in feeding the Tree of Liberty.


Re: It gets worse...

Frostmarrow said:
What if it wasn't only oulawed and banned but also scorned upon by the general public? Say, to the extent society treats certain vile criminals today. Publishing names of known role-players on websites, writing obscenities on suspected role-player's front doors and so on. Ex-role-players naming old gaming buddies. Mobs beating role-players on sight. Then what would you do?

This is getting eerie.

Scorned by the general public? How is this different from 10-15 years ago? We survived then, and would in this senario.


First Post
I'd use other tactics than taking up arms.

I'd form a legal defense built around the concept that "Role Playing" is too ingrained into our society to be removed or censored.

I'd point out that most of our police dept. could not train cadets without some one playing a roll of some one commiting a crime to arrest.

I would point out that Doctors, nurses and paramedics use roll playing as a for of how to treat the sick and injured in emergancy situation.

I would point out that business on a regular basis puts employees through training in a "roll playing format" to ensure customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

I would point out that the military use roll playing all the time to judge troops effectiveness in a large number of situations.

I would point out that the government roll play out many situations every year to test out emergency preparedness such as by natural disaster, disease breakout, nuclear fallout, invasion, terrorist attacks and power failures.

I would point out that most popular entertainment could and would be considered outlawed. Acting in any form of media as well as live performances is considered taking on a "Roll" and "Playing" it for the masses. Enteractive entertainment would not suceed in this environment.

Christian and Catholic churches would not be able to put on Christmas pagents because people would be roll playing biblical personas. Passion plays would fall under the same ruling.

The government might try to make a statement that these are different than RPG's, but I would counter that they are not. The goal of rpg player is to see if their assumption, "Their character" or "Party of characters" can succeed in a senario and accomplish their goals, even if their goals are murky at best.

The game master provides that senario. Much like a trainer would provide guidelines as to which a person is judged as to be competent or not.

To disallow any person in the world the ability to use their creativity whether in business or in pleasure, is a direct attack on the principle that our founding fathers had in mind when the first penned the Declaration of Independence. "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", are not to be taken lightly and such a law would attack all three.

And after I finished wrapping myself up in a flag I'd start introducing witnesses to explain just how roll playing is much to important to their way of life to do with out it. Police, firefighters, military personnel, doctors lawyers and the like. Then the next witnesses I'd bring up are people who use games as a form of education.

And after I won, I'd run for congress and start my life in politics. My first duty would be to convince Gary ad others that they can come back out of the hills and get a hero's welcome.


Iron Fist of Pelor
This is getting eerie?

No, dude, I got it -- what if, like, roleplayers really DID start turning into demons, and then, like, what if -- or no, say Congress started turning into demons and, and, and like roleplayers were the only ones that knew, and we had to like STOP them because we were the only ones who knew how to get past damage resistance? Aw, man, I gotta stop, I'm freakin myself out here!

Honestly, I think this thread would make more sense to me if I were baked.



First Post
Re: This is getting eerie?

Pielorinho said:
No, dude, I got it -- what if, like, roleplayers really DID start turning into demons, and then, like, what if -- or no, say Congress started turning into demons and, and, and like roleplayers were the only ones that knew, and we had to like STOP them because we were the only ones who knew how to get past damage resistance? Aw, man, I gotta stop, I'm freakin myself out here!
Classic! :)


...Mobs beating role-players on sight. Then what would you do?

Unfortunately I'm still waiting for a d20 mass combat system to come out. Maybe Games Workshop will release a line of Role-Player army miniatures...


Rotten DM
a spoof

Jasper the beloved President dictator for life.

Memo to Press secretary Ms WhoLies A Lot.

Dear WhoLies here is the rough notes for the speech tonight. Please have the writers polish it up. And see if you work in the words Security and Safely the crowd looks those.

On what amendment you state you must PLAY a RPG as right? The first covers only speech. You cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theatre. The first amendment covers SPEECH not play.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble. And when did these RPGers assemble in peace with out loud arguments taking place.

My dear herald you are trying to spread your filth lifestyle to smear such great actors as Richard Burton, Liz Taylor, and Peewee Herman. Your comments "…I would point out that most popular entertainment could and would be considered outlawed. Acting in any form of media as well as live performances is considered taking on a "Roll" and "Playing" it for the masses. Enteractive entertainment would not suceed in this environment..." These good people act out parts in high drama. And are well-paid productive members of the society. When did RPG'ers ever get pay to be in a GAME.

RPG'ers are an EVIL blight on our country. They sit around in dark rooms rolling dice and writing arcane messages on paper to try to control each other. They roll dice and ROLE PLAY being on real dates. It is time to get this unproductive part of OUR SOCIETY out of their parents' basements and send them on real dates. To meet real living WOMEN!

RPG'ers are EVIL sore on our beloved country. They are mentally ill. Look at the Arturick shovel awards where they acclaim their violent behavior and sacrifice innocents who were entice with the offer of free soda and other heavily sugar laden snacks.

The infamous leader who has given himself the rank colonel Gynax. Is a well know child of the sixties. And will all know how much ILLEGAL drug use and lack morals happen during that SHAMEFUL part of our history. Has demanded his sick followers, cohorts, and henchmen take of arms against the people of the United States. After all the 2 nd amendment states A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed…
Strangely shaped DICE are not arms. We the good people of the United States would welcome these sickly brain dead followers of rogue Gynax with welcome arms. Col Gynax has two arms and we unlike our Middle Eastern brothers don't cut of hands and arms for those rogues with sick minds. He needs help with caring doctors. And no where in the Constitution of this GREAT NATION is the right to game mention.

Second, I have seen RPGers. These poor brainwash victims of the fanatic Col Gynax. Most can hardly do ten push ups. These so called Children of Gynax a man who had FORTY unsuccessful relationships. And at least seven businesses where his wretched illegal and immoral practices cause him to be ran out the good decent town of Lake Geneva. These children of Gynax what to attack our sons, daughters, husbands, and wives with swords. I quote from one of the sick minds called Nightfall.

Nightfall…" NO ONE takes away my right to enjoy my free time, we will used swords, polearms, heck even tossed dynamite at them while the rest of us used crossbows against girls. It will be cool! Kind of King Arturick and His Knights of Dinner Table…"

This militant Nightfall hides under the cover of night and will not show his face to be counted.

Other of his fanatic followers what to fled this GREAT COUNTRY to Canada. They want to run from the law to live out their IMMORAL gaming habits.

Contact Secretary of Armed Forces to make sure military commanders know who in their units have RPGers pass lives or contacts with RPGers.

Contact owners of dice companies to scent dice like explosives are done.

Contact border patrol to step their searches for illegal gaming supplies coming across the border.

Rashak Mani

First Post
Selling Game Books would at last become profitable !!!

I would set up an underground press and become a GAME TRAFICKER !! Books would be sold by weight !! >:) Dice would be harder to get by... commanding premium prices...

Of course I would continue playing D&D... I would call young boys to try it out and give them free samples ... and very soon D&D would be more popular than before... not a Geek thing... but a COOL forbidden thing... :cool:

Very soon of course when the police raids start cracking down on gamers... I would set up a mob style organization and bring some cops into gaming sessions... give them some "free" books and so forth... Military personell by far the easiest... would all be in my book distribution list and so forth...

Competition from the Call of Cthulu cartel would of course have to be violently repressed and some minor Cartel forcibly joined into my Organization...

AHhhhh Sweet Dreams... when there is a will there is a way... Rules are meant to be bent... ;)
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First Post
Gotta agree with Rashak. Where there is demand there will be supply.

If RPGs were outlawed, it would make some people quit and some people start (lure of the forbidden). In the end though, I'm sure it would use the same enforcement methods as "the War on Drugs" and we all know how effective that's been.

Personally, I'd keep playing, look into peaceful methods first and go from there.

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