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(Suspended) OOC 3.5 Eberron Shipwrecked Campaign


The character creation rules are not finalized, but I do not have any intention of cutting anything from the current list in the OP. any changes will be additions to options. I may add another class or two and most likely the paragon classes as bonus levels (but I need to think about exactly how I want to do the latter).

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Here is my warlock I've had in several aborted games. PM me if you'd like me in the game.

I'll go through and adjust the attribs, skills, etc for 28 point buy and clean up a little if I can join.

Edit: Aww crud, copy paste didn't work so well. Fixing...


assuming a 32 point buy
Yarvok is pragmatic to the point of ruthlessness. At the age of 16,
much to his mothers delight, his warlock powers began to manifest. He
had no idea who his father was. His mother was a witch, living out her
existence and raising her son in the sheltering embrace of a dark
forest. Yarvok had never really had any interest in the dark arts his
mother continuously pressed him towards, but ultimately, she won that
little contest of will. One day, as he was doing his favorite activity, (target
shooting with a crossbow he had been given for his birthday) his mother
approached him. He ignored her as was his usual response, until her
hand came to rest gently on his hip. "Such a handsome young man..." she
started. Yarvok paused, his aiming eye rolling to glance back at her as
she pressed herself uncomfortably close. "Have I ever told you of your
father? His name is -" Yarvok never heard the rest. Baleful images
suddenly clouded his mind and his eyes. In them, he saw his mother,
much younger than she was now. She was speaking in a foul sounding
language to a dark, man shaped figure. Two pinpoints of white hot light
emanated from where the figures eyes should have been. The figure held
out a peice of parchment. His mother drew a small blade and sliced her
wrist, dribbling it on the parchment and smearing the blots into an
arcane mark. The dark figure then rolled up the parchment and consumed
it. The scene then changed, and now his mother wakes in the middle of
the night, finding a dark and familiar shape standing at the end of her
bed. In an instant, the figure is on her, and Yarvok understands what
he's seeing to be the night of his conception. Through inborn infernal
logic, he comes to understand the nature of the deal struck by his
mother: She sold the soul of her yet unmade child to some abysal being.
She sold HIS soul. His fury overwhelmed him and he lashed out, not with
his body, but with the arcane fire that seethed within him! He heard a
deep, resonant, and thouroughly vile laughter in his mind, and when his
vision cleared, his mother lay before him - dead. The same voice
sounded again "The deal is struck, son. You got the power, and you
delivered me her soul. She should have realized you cannot sell someone
elses soul. You only succeed in damning your own. Revenge is sweet, and
never again will she use my true name to bind me to her petty
pursuits!" The presense in his mind faded completely, leaving Yarvok
alone with his dead mother.
Feeling ambivalent and stunned, Yarvok sat there in the dirt beside the
body for a long while. Finally, the pragmatic part of his brain took
over and he began the task of burying her. He wasn't terribly afraid of
retribution from local officials, they only came this far out once a
year to collect taxes. Nonetheless, he had no desire to stay in this
place any longer. He scavenged what goods he could from the cottage
he'd lived most of his life in, shoved a burning stick from the
fireplace up into the thatch of the roof, and headed out the door.

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[MENTION=31390]Yttermayn[/MENTION] - My first thought was Rain is so not going to like this schtick stealing nappy wearing fighter magic-user wannabe. Then I read the backstory and thought, that's pretty cool. Assuming some sort of time passes between the characters meeting and Rain learning his story (and Rain has not exactly been the most gracious during that time) then she is going to feel like a bit of a #### when she does.

By the way, I seemed to have editing rights to your character sheet. I resisted the temptation to change his deity to SpongeBobSquarePants (just for verification purposes). Not sure if it is suppose to work like that.



I'm not familiar with Eberron, so...

If you still need 3.5 players, I'd be willing to play a NG elven cleric, healing domain and water domain. He's not very tough, but he's not one to be trifled with.

He's either a wandering cleric looking for his divine master/mistress or one the outs with the powers that be of his god, whoever that happens to be. He was traveling to a remote village that requested a cleric.

Should I go on?


I'm not familiar with Eberron, so...

A google search for Eberron will give you a wealth of material. Here are two to start with:

1. Wikipedia - Eberron.
2. Eberron Wiki.

A quick browse through the first should give you a reasonable overview. The latter should help if you have any more specific areas of interest.

Should I go on?

I'll leave that up to Airrwalkrr. But this seems to be where we are at the moment.

1. Dwarf Ranger (Scott)
2. Longtooth Shifter Barbarian (Red Knight)
3. Something Rogue (Greybeard)
4. Elf Sorcerer (myself) - next level ranger probably.
5. shifter druid/human rogue, (pathfinderq1)
6. Human Warlock (Yttermayn)
7. Elf Cleric (Lou)



Well, it certainly looks like we have enough interest drummed up so I am going to finalize character creation rules, maybe tonight, perhaps tomorrow.

[MENTION=31390]Yttermayn[/MENTION], that was a very interesting background. I definitely think it is worth something. I could definitely see your character as hailing from Karrnath, the Eldeen Reaches, or possibly the edge of the Demon Wastes. I like the dark nature of the background and how it fits into the character concept. I am still not sure about what the bonus for background writing will be. I need to make a pros/cons list before I settle on anything. But for everyone else who is looking for a character generation bonus, Yttermayn's background is absolutely perfect for this campaign. It has all the elements I am looking for. The character has a reason to flee his homeland, a background that allows for some interesting character development, and it isn't too long, just long enough to give you a good idea of what the character might be like.

[MENTION=51567]Lou[/MENTION], if you are interested, I recommend learning a bit about the nature of elves in Eberron. If you would like to read a few select passages from the book, I will copy a couple pages for you and you can PM me your email address. Elves in Eberron are ancestor worshippers (although a fair number of them have taken to worshipping other deities or pantheons, particularly the Sovereign Host). There are several flavored of elves, from the island-dwelling Aereni to the mercenary Valenar to the assimilationist citizens of the Five Nations who have more or less adopted human culture. The links doghead provided have some great info as well.

I will work on the character creation rules and start laying the groundwork for the campaign. My plate is quite full at the moment. It is a busy point in the school semester for me so I can't give a definite start date. But I would estimate sometime in the next 30 days.


First Post
Re: Recruiting! 3.5 Eberron Shipwrecked Campaign

Wow, thanks, Airrwalkrr! I take it I'm in? I'll work on cleaning up the sheet then.
Doghead: It will be interesting to see how it goes with Rain. I can't imagine the two characters would have much common ground between them.
As far as the editing rights thing goes, it's just a temporary way to get the basic character idea across. Also, I'm still trying to figure out how to use dropbox.
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Finalized character creation rules are up in the original post. The official player roster is [MENTION=49929]Scott DeWar[/MENTION], [MENTION=6705220]Red Knight[/MENTION], [MENTION=21705]Graybeard[/MENTION], [MENTION=8243]doghead[/MENTION], [MENTION=48394]pathfinderq1[/MENTION], [MENTION=31390]Yttermayn[/MENTION], and [MENTION=51567]Lou[/MENTION]. I will review characters as time allows. When I have the opportunity I will post up a wiki site (probably Obsidian Portal) to be used to track character sheets and other campaign information.
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First Post
Sounds good to me. Should we get the ball rolling on what sort of ship we were on, and that sort of thing?

I will look over the character creation rules and send you a message sometiime soon with ideas/questions.

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