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[SW Saga] The Second K'ril Incursion (OOC) [RE-RECRUITING]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Voda Vosa said:
Ok, I missed that, but, you do allow Force user tradition that is not the jedi one?
The ones in the SWSE book are not not around in the KoTOR time period. No Dark Side characters, so none from the Sith tradition either. You can always be a non-Jedi force user (my character is), just not necessarily have access to other force talent trees.

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Siannia'mersu (Sianni Amersu in Galactic Basic)
Female Twi'lek Scoundrel 3/Soldier 4/Gunslinger 1

Like many other Twi'lek girls Sianni was trained in her childhood as a dancing slave and then sold off-planet when Clan Amersu, head-clan of Dox'pa on Ryloth, judged that the number of non-profitable females among their ranks had grown just too large. However, very unlike her fellows in misery, Sianni had decided early on not to accept this as a simple fact of life.

After being purchased by minor crime boss Dandlin, Sianni routinely tried to flee again and again, only to be (re-)captured almost as routinely. She only escaped harsher punishments because of Dandlin's reluctance to "damage the merchandise". In the chaos surrounding his death in the now infamous (and often laughed-about) "pool party" incident, Sianni finally managed to escape.

Looking for protection from any of Dandlin's associates who might decide to recover the lost "merchandise", sought out and petitioned the Jedi Order to join. The gentle rejection and explanation that it wouldn't really work out for her didn't exactly endear them to her. After drifting through the galaxy for months, supporting herself with thievery and other unsavory activities, Sianni realized that she needed to overcome the "little dancing girl" stigma if she were to anywhere. She determined that there were essentially two roads to 'Respect', one was money, the other being feared for one's fighting skills. For prudential reasons she decided to use the latter to get the former and sought out the local mercenary guild to demand work. When one of the oldtimers there offered her the most obvious job, it took three others to tear the screaming and flailing "little dancing girl" off before she could choke the life out of him.

This determination earned her an apprenticeship with a contact of a guild, a (legal) arms dealer who, being too old for that, offered to show her the ropes of weapon practice and the mercenary trade. Oddly enough, his business suddenly began to spike after he put Sianna behind the counter.

The Twi'lek girl was a quick study and she learned soon enough that a charming (if vacuous) smile got her much better sales than slapping customers with a lekku for their insinuations. Her natural agility, only honed by her dancing training, also stood her in good stead as she learned to use blasters. She even mastered the rare skill of using two blaster pistols.

Still wary of the possibility of Dandlin's associates coming after her, she at long last came to realize one eternal truth - in his line of business dead men had no friends. His immediate superior had simply reabsorbed his assets and doled them out to another fawning underling.

Feeling truly free of the dark cloud she had been under since her escape for the very first time Sianni began to wonder whether she could now finally start to really live. Out of the obligation she felt to the old man who had taken her in, she never acted upon that impulse till his sudden and unexpected death a few months later. Sianni was almost struck speechless when his will left her the shop but advised her at the same time to sell it and move on. After a bit of deliberation she followed his final wish and sold the shop back to the guild, only to lose most of the money in one of her "patented" (hare-brained) 'win-guaranteed' sabacc schemes.

Since then she has mostly worked as freelance mercenary and bodyguard. For this Sianni revived the "little dancing girl" again as there was no more potent cover for a bodyguard - nobody ever expects the dancing simpleton to be a blaster-wielding she-devil. Still, work is work but nothing more and thus she maintains a strict "Hands/Paws off!" policy.

In the line of her job she has crossed paths with Jedi on one or two occasions, teaching her two important things: Jedi are not immune to stun-bolts and not all Jedi are arrogant, "holier-than-thou" jerks. Especially the latter stills sends an uncomfortable shiver down her spine.

From the Twi'lek point-of-view, Sianni is a stunning beauty, thanks to her two biggest assets - her lekku are especially long and supple and are unusually dextrous. This in turn has lead her to develop a strange habit: Like some humans talk with their mouths and their hands, Sianni speaks often both verbally and with her lekku at same time.

[sblock=Sianni]Siannia'mersu (Sianni Amersu)
Medium Female Twi'lek Scoundrel 3/Soldier 4/Gunslinger 1
Destiny (Discovery) 4; Force Points 10
Init +13; Senses Perception +8, Low-Light Vision
Languages Basic, Ryl, Lekku, Twi'lek, Huttese, Rude Brain Tail Gestures
Defense Ref 26 (flat-footed 22), Fort 24, Will 19; Great Fortitude
HP 83, Threshold 24
Speed 6 squares
Base Attack Bonus +7
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +12 (3d8+6 energy) or
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +12/+12 (3d8+6 energy) or
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +7/+7/+7 (3d8+6 energy) or
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +12 (2d8+6 stun) or
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +12/+12 (2d8+6 stun) or
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +7/+7/+7 (2d8+6 stun) or
Ranged holdout blaster pistol +12 (3d4+6 energy) or
Ranged holdout blaster pistol +12/+12 (3d4+6 energy) or
Ranged holdout blaster pistol +7/+7/+7 (3d4+6 energy) or
Ranged holdout blaster pistol +12 (2d4+6 stun) or
Ranged holdout blaster pistol +12/+12 (2d4+6 stun) or
Ranged holdout blaster pistol +7/+7/+7 (2d4+6 stun)
Atk: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
SQ: Disruptive, Walk the Line, Harm's Way
Force Powers Known: -
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 16
Talents: Disruptive, Walk the Line, Harm's Way, Weapon Specialization (Pistols); Multiattack Proficiency (pistols)
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Double Attack, Weapon Focus (Pistols), Weapon Prof (pistols, simple)
Skills: Acrobatics +13, Deception +12 (may re-roll), Gather Information +12, Initiative +13, Mechanics +12, Perception +8, Persuasion +12, Stealth +13
Possessions: comlink (short-range, encrypted, holo-enabled), comlink (long-range, video-enabled, miniaturized), code cylinder, datapad, holoprojector (personal), recording unit (holo), utility vest, utility belt, aquata breather, medpac, binder cuffs (2), bandolier, liquid cable dispenser, security kit, power recharger heavy blaster pistols* (2) [Licensed], hold-out blaster pistols (2) [Licensed], hip holsters (2), concealed holsters (2), knives (2), power packs (10), energy cells (6); 6830 credits

* both fitted with standard targeting scopes
Experience 28,000
Age 23
Height 1.73m, Weight 64kg
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First Post
Special thanks to Stonegod whose template I "borrowed" for statting Sianni!

drothgery said:
Well, fill her out some, and we'll see.

Just as an FYI, this is not intended to be an all-Force-user game. It's okay to post a non-Force Sensitive concept.
Phew! I already began to wonder ... ;)


First Post
stonegod said:
The ones in the SWSE book are not not around in the KoTOR time period. No Dark Side characters, so none from the Sith tradition either. You can always be a non-Jedi force user (my character is), just not necessarily have access to other force talent trees.

Yup. If you can point me to write-up of a non-Jedi/Sith tradition that should be around in ~3720 BBY (there's one I've created for my tabletop game and reused for this one, but it's primarily a Dark Side tradition), then I'll think about it. But the Witches of Dathomir and the Jensaarai (the non-Jedi traditions detailed in the SWSE core rulebook) do not exist at this time.

Paper_Bard said:
Kurden Vaas
Male Echani (Human) Soldier 7/Martial Artist


OOC: This is of course assuming you will allow me to use the PrC.

My inclination is to allow it, mostly because unarmed combat is, at least at first glance, a really weak option (compared to fighting with blasters, lightsabers, or vibroweapons), so a PrC that improves it won't be unbalancing.


First Post
I'd be willing to re-tool Hawke as an Ace Pilot, if there's too many Jedi candidates at the moment. I havn't played any classes in this edition, so it's all new to me :D In fact, let me do that. I'll have a new sheet and altered background up for him tonight.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tomalor updated, now with Aitch.

I added the extra costs for getting licenses for all his equipment and Aitch's various parts. I wasn't sure if that was SOP or not.


First Post
No problems with the tech specialist feat, outlaw tech talents, or buying 'modded' equipment, though Droid heroes cannot be 'modded'.

Might I ask at which price?

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Updated version of Hawke to make him not Force Sensitive:

Hawke Reyal
Male Human Scout 7 / Ace Pilot 1

Hawke was born on an out-of-the-way human settlement in the Mid Rim called Owumeha IV. His home planet is a quiet, pastoral place, with little hope of anything more exciting than a particularly strong thunderstorm. Hawke, however, was not born to be a farmer. Throughout his youth, he had a strong urge to explore and adventure (which drove his parents to distraction, as he rarely showed up for dinner on time if at all). This compulsion grew and grew until, on his 16th birthday, he declared that he was going to leave Owumeha and join the Republic military. Nothing his family or friends could say would dissuade him, and eventually they gave their blessing.

Hawke quickly proved to be one of the military's best young scouts, and he was sent out to explore and investigate dozens of strange worlds, much to his delight. His happiness translated directly into excellent performance, and he gathered many commendations and recommendations for his service. After making the discovery of a new sentient space-faring species on Iepp X, he was rewarded with a promotion into the prestigious Excelsior Squadron. Under their expert tutelage and companionship, Hawke became not only a renowned scout and explorer but an expert pilot as well.

Hawke is now viewed as one of the best quick-response / uncharted territory pilots in the Republic military. Still, he was surprised when the Republic High Command gave him his new mission ...
[sblock=Character Sheet]Hawke Reyal
Medium Male Human Scout 7 / Ace Pilot 1, CR 8
Destiny (Discovery) 4; Force Points 10
Init +13 (Improved Initiative); Senses Perception +9 (Acute Senses)
Languages Basic, Durese, Binary
Defenses Ref 25 (flat-footed 21), Fort 22 (flight suit 23), Will 18
HP 82; Threshold 22
Speed 6 squares
Ranged blaster pistol +8 (3d6+4)
Base Attack +5; Grapple +6
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Sniper
Abilities Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 10
Talents Acute Senses, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Jury-Rigger, Spacehound
Feats Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (simple, pistols, rifles), Vehicular Combat, Skill Focus (Pilot), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Sniper, Quick Draw
Skills Endurance +11, Initiative +13, Knowledge (Galaxy Lore) +11, Mechanics +11, Perception +9, Pilot +18, Stealth +13, Survival +9
Possessions blaster pistol (licensed), comlink (encrypted, long-range, video-capable, minaturized), credit chip, datapad, blank datacards x20, electrobinoculars, fusion lantern, sensor pack, field kit, hip holster, flight suit, utility belt, power pack x4, mesh tape x2, power recharger; 5170 credits
Experience 28,000
Age 25
Height 1.9m, Weight 80kg

Voidrunner's Codex

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