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Pathfinder 1E Sword of Valor, Wrath of the Righteous AP Part 2 with your hosts Scotley and MLeibrock

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

[INDENT=]'Keva snorts a short laugh at Denir's sally, leaning at his ease against the wall with his bow propped in the crook of his elbow.[/INDENT]

[SIZE=+1]Vakeva Kiihko[/SIZE]
HP: 61/61, Speed: 40' Perception: +15 (Darkvision 60')

Ki Pool: 11/11

AC: 19, Touch: 19, Flat-footed: 17, CMD: 25 (29 vs Bull Rush/Trip)
Fort: +9, Ref: +8, Will: +11 (+2 vs. Poison/Spells/SLAs)
Defensive Abilities: Defensive Training (+4 Dodge Bonus to AC vs Giants), Hard to Kill

BAB: +4, CMB: +6 (+8 vs Demons)
  • Raivo (+1 Adaptive Evil Outsider Bane Composite Longbow):-----+12/+12/+7 (1d8+ 5 (20/×3))
    --------------------------------------------------------------+14/+14/+9 (1d8+ 7 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    ---------------------------------------(Ki Extra Attack): +12/+12/+12/+7 (1d8+ 5 (20/×3))
    ----------------------------------------------------------+14/+14/+14/+9 (1d8+ 7 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    --------------------------------------------(Deadly Aim):-----+10/+10/+5 (1d8+11 (20/×3))
    --------------------------------------------------------------+12/+12/+7 (1d8+13 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
    ---------------------------------------(Ki + Deadly Aim): +10/+10/+10/+5 (1d8+11 (20/×3))
    ----------------------------------------------------------+12/+12/+12/+7 (1d8+13 (20/×3) +2d6 vs Evil Outsiders)
  • ------------------------------------------Unarmed Strike:------------ +6 (1d8+ 2 (20/×2))
  • --------------------------------------------------Dagger:------------ +6 (1d4+ 2 (19/×2))

Weapon in Hand: Raivo

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 10

Condition: None

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[sblock=Queenie only!]His actions don't really let you know if he is bluffed or not. I'm going to continue in Sblocks now as no one else can see what's happening downstairs.
Faxon reaches out and runs talon-like fingernails down the top of Lia's thigh just hard enough to leave red marks. "Oh I agree, I think we are going to be great friends then." His eyes are wide and his breathing swallow and rapid. He's obviously getting very excited.

[sblock=Everyone else only]Now that Lia is seperated downstairs she should not be aware of what is happening upstairs and conversely, none of you can see what is happening downstairs.
The female cultist snorts in amusement and grins at Denir's words, "I see you know our Delgon then."
The fellow named Delgon reddens with anger and grips the haft of his Glaive and stares at Denir with murder in his eyes, but sizing the big Warpriest up he chooses to wander to the back of the chamber away from the discussion.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=upstairs] The moment Denir acts to move, Sheldon's hand is on the hilt of his sword and ge hefts his shield. His gaze never changes from directly in front of him. Though there is no emotion, the intent is clear.[/sblock]


Queen of Everything
[sblock=Queenie only!]His actions don't really let you know if he is bluffed or not. I'm going to continue in Sblocks now as no one else can see what's happening downstairs.
Faxon reaches out and runs talon-like fingernails down the top of Lia's thigh just hard enough to leave red marks. "Oh I agree, I think we are going to be great friends then." His eyes are wide and his breathing swallow and rapid. He's obviously getting very excited.

[sblock] Meliara glances down, raises one eyebrow at the red marks on her leg, raises her eyes to meet Faxon's then grins, "I bet you say that to all the girls, don't you? But I don't imagine you have too many friends in this line of work. At least not any you can trust."

She slowly takes his hand from her thigh and places it back in his own lap. "Business before pleasure," she purrs, her exotic golden eyes implying that the pleasure part will come.

She slides off the table and takes a couple of steps around the desk, running her finger along it as she moves. "So... Now that we've gotten rid of the cretins, will you share plans? I'm hoping to do something more than these little scouting expeditions. I just get bored so easily..."
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Denir sneers as Delgan walks away. He addresses the female cultist "If the rest of your crew is like Delgan I am not surprised Faxon needed to take over, or that he has been able to corral the rest of them. You seem to be only one with brains up here. Not to mention the only one with balls" he says with a nod to Delgan

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=upstairs] As Delgin runs away with his tail between his legs, Sir Sheldon's hands relax off the hilt of his sword. On Denir's comment on balls, "**Snort**"And a grin.[/sblock]


[sblock=Upstairs]Randlay grunts impatiently at his companions lame attempt at humour. They were engaged in an epic struggle against forces of otherworldly evil and the best they could do was comment on genitalia? Where was their sense of the poetic? If only someone would give the signal for 'start shooting' he could get down to showing them all how it was done.

The bulky crusader fidgets uncomfortably. It was all he could do to resist stretching his trigger finger.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Downstairs] "My... you are a willful woman indeed. I've always found the juiciest fruit is that which is hardest to reach." Faxon stands, pauses for only a second as to calm himself and continues... "Yes, I can indeed use your group to my advantage." He slowly, regretfully, leaves Meliara's side and moves to the back door where he emerged minutes ago. He opens the door, turns back to her and finishes... "Please come into my office my pet. I don't allow any of my group to lay eyes on my maps or orders but you are most intriguing and I think our partnership can be mutually beneficial." He disappears from her sight into the room. From where you are you can see the room has an eerie green glow and you see what looks like an table in the middle of the room. [/sblock]

[sblock=upstairs]All feel tensions are high due to the genitalia remark from someone 'outside' the group. [/sblock]

[sblock=Jack Randlay] You notice that the two male cultists have aligned themselves on either side of the room with the female cultists in the center. Your gut tells you this is probably just a coincidence yet you are uncomfortable with this flanking position. [/sblock]


[sblock=Upstairs] "So besides the rough slap and tickle by Delgan" say Denir to the female cultist "What's Faxon have you up to? Seems like our boss on your boss are getting along pretty well. I just want a heads up as to the kind of outfit you got going here. No offense, but if you guys are scoring like you say you are, I would have expected better grub" says Denir poking idlely at the bowl of rancid stew. [/sblock]


Queen of Everything
Downstairs [sblock] Meliara pauses briefly. Though she is still smiling and seemingly calm, inside she is calculating. She took a certain amount of risk in helping her party and friends to gain valuable information yet she knew they would not want her unnecessarily risking her life or going someplace they could not follow.

Her eyes flicked towards the upstairs very briefly, then returned to the dark room where the nefarious tiefling was waiting for her. She stepped to the door to look in but instead found herself overwhelmed with curiosity and walking confidently into the room.

"So... I can guess what your plans for me might involve but why don't we talk about the bigger picture? How can I, and my friends, be of assistance to you?"
She especially tries to take in any map information while she speaks and wanders to the table. [/sblock]
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