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Swords and Socialites Part 1: The Forgotten Forge

Karl Green

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Grimm, dwarven fighter

Grimm nods to Koren and turning to his side he mutters "What do ye think? Could be claim jumpers... but we an't going to find this cavern by outself I be a thinkin'"

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Koren continues to speak in Grimm’s mind,
”They could be, but after those two abandoned us I think we might need some help finding this heirloom. Let’s wait and see if they move away from that goblin before approaching. Keep your eyes peeled for a couple of shifters, I didn’t like the looks of them. We can try to run interference, if they come back and look like they are after these two.” Koren says before giving Grimm a short description of the two shifters he had noticed earlier.

Koren continues to stand off to the side of the Goblin Market, his face a mask of indifference. He really does stand out despite his best attempts because of his attire.


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The goblin cooly looks Lancel up and down, taking the money for the sealing wax.

"Oh most fine explorer, that most rare sealing wax was surely destined to be yours this night, but I think that...er...maybe you misunderstood me when I told you heard me say the price for valve information this day is 40 silver. This I most assuredly did not say. I announced the price for such USEFUL information at the bragain of 70 silver. As all know, I, Skakan price my items fairly, and therefore NEVER negotiate. All of my prices are surely set. Seventy silver is the price this day."


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Lancel smiles at the goblin and says "Excuse my misunderstanding of your pricing system. I must consult with my companion over you fair prices."

Lancel then turns to Tiberian and says quietly,

"Tiberian, you wouldn't happen to have a few gold on you, would ya? I only have so much with me and this goblin seems rather set on his price. Spare 3 gold? I'll try and get him down to 5 or 6 gold total..."

(assuming Tiberian agrees to the small investment) "Skakan, we have agreed that your price of fifty silver is a just and fair price for information pretaining to particular valve clusters in the area. We are most grateful of your agreeing to do business with us."


Tiberian gives Lancel a crooked grin and does his best to make the handoff of currency discreet, while keeping his intense gaze fixed firmly on the goblin. "Be sure that I'll get that money back from you later, Lancel. We're bleeding lucky to find a merchant as honest as Skakan. But he knows we won't soon forget his good nature, and wasn't I telling you just the other day that I knew some blokes who wanted wares such as these? Seems to me they might come by with more money for such good information."

Tiberian considers the matter. Not that I have any idea if he has another useful fact in his rotten little skull. But eh, won't hurt him to think we have a few more friends than we've got.


Glancing back towards Grimm, Koren says in his mind,
"Perhaps we should approach them, they seem to be heading in the same direction. What do you think?"

Karl Green

First Post
Grimm, dwarven fighter

Grimm shurgs his shoulders and marchs over to the pair "Hey, ye two. If ye be a looking fer Valve Cluster E-213, someswhere under this here nest of... people" he says glancing at the goblin. Adding quickly he says "Wells the lad heres and me was headin' that a way also. Lookin' fer... a family heirloom of ...someone. I don't rightly like competing fer things but iffin' we be a headin' the same way, might as well travels together. So longs as we an't lookin' fer the same thing I guess"

(occ :D not sure how else to get the group together AND Grim is not ‘subtle’ anyway /occ)


"No conflict there, boyo. We're headed down to look for a bloke we know from the war," Tiberian says after a moment's consideration.

"M'name's Tiberian. It's not really my call, though. What d'you say, Lancel? Little extra help for this one?"

(/ooc: Heh. I'm all about pushing things forward a bit.)


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Skakan looks hard at Lancel and Tiberian, as if he is trying to decide how much money you really have and how badly you want this information.

"I see the two fine warriors such as yourselves surely fought in the great last war, saving our Breland from the agressions of our enemies. I understand that in such wars wounds are had that sometimes addle the brain and cause remembering to falter. Such a condition is an honor in this day and age and I honor it truly...so in honor of your fine sacrifices for the crown that you and I surely both serve, I remind you again the agreed price for the information in question is none less than 70 silver...not the fifty silver your honor has lead you to believe."

He says this with seeming sincerity, his eyes constantly darting to your purses.

((Sorry I havn't posted before now, my internet is down. SHould be back on saturday))


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Lancel takes the three gold from Tiberian, looking mildly annoyed at the goblin's accusations of brain damage. He turns to Skakan "Then seventy silver it is then. I shall pay you in gold if that is well?"
Handing the seven gold over to the Goblin, Lancel turns to meet the dwarf and human talking to Tiberian. "They look like friendly enough people...especially if they can help foot the bill for this information" Lancel's face breaks into a smile as he says "Nice to have you aboard. The name's Lancel. I have recently aquired the services of this fine merchant to lead us to the valve cluster in question. Maybe full information why we're going where we are going can wait until our information has delivered us to the agreed upon location."

Turning to Skakan "So, that information please? Take us to Cluster E213"

Voidrunner's Codex

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