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SWSE/Scum & Villany I: The Hutt's Offer (Closed)


Here is a character. Took me a while to figure out, I never considered playing a noble before and with all the books out there, so many talents/feats to choose from. As well, the background stuff is rather interesting. If needed I would be willing to switch Initiative with Treat Injury if it would help having another with the skill.

I will come up with a background story (soon) to go with the backgrounds we are using instead of destinies.

[sblock="Ava Varaun"]
Medium human noble 1
Background Imprisoned
Force Points 5
Initiative +7, Perception +5
Languages: Basic, High Galactic, Huttese, Bothese, Binary

Defenses: Ref 14 (ff 12), Fort 13, Will 13
HP 19; Second Wind 12; Threshold 13

Speed 6 squares
Ranged: Blaster Pistol +2 (3d6, 2d6 stun), Wrist Blaster +2 (3d4)
Melee: -1 unarmed
Base Attack +0

Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 15

Talents: Done it All {galaxy of intrigue}(Knack and Tough as Nails)

Feats: Linguist, Skill Focus (Persuasion), Silver Tongue {Galaxy of Intrigue p29}, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols, Simple)

Trained Skills: Deception +7, Gather Information +7, Initiative +7, Knowledge (Tactics) +6, Perception +5, Persuasion +12, Stealth +7, Use Computer +6

Untrained Skills:Climb +3, Jump +0, Swim +3, Stealth +4, Treat Injury +3

Possessions: (1315cr = 1000 chip1, 315 chip2) blaster pistol, breath mask, cred chip (2), comlink earbud, datapad (10 data cards), holster, recording unit (video), utility belt, wrist blaster.

Description: [sblock=Images]Ava Varaun Ava Varaun Full Pic[/sblock]

[sblock=Ava's Background]
Ava Varaun was not born with the same she now uses, but it has become the only one she acknowledges. As a young girl Ava grew up rather privileged, her parents are both part of a large supply corporation. The corporation was part of supplying parts just as the republic army was crated and has grown and remained strong as it became the Empire. These days Ava has little contact with her family save through several intermediaries.

Ava first ran into trouble in her early adulthood. She was along on a corporate junket when she met a man and the two hit it off together. They spent most of the next two weeks together. It was at the end of this time that the resort was raided and everyone was arrested. It turned out that the man she had fallen for was a suspected rebel spy. As Ava had spent time with him she too was arrested. She claimed her innocence but being caught with a known spy the Imperial authorities just could not believe it. She was given a long sentence, but through her parents connections she freed seven months later.

Ava came out changed. She was more jaded about how things worked in the galaxy. Even though she was offered her job back, she declined and moved on. Much of her new travels had her associating with less reputable beings.

It was not a year later that Ava had been arrested again for fraud. And while she had a small part in the offense, she was punished the same as the others. This time in a local planetary facility she met and became friends with a Bothan woman, Eshka. Eshka was imprisoned for a large list of offences, some she did, but others she did not, all as a favor for the Empire to keep her out of their hair.

Ava spent only three months in the facility before she became part of an escape plan of several of the prisoners. Ava used her skills at persuasion to distract and acquire minor items that fit into a bigger plan. Having escaped the group of former prisoners rubbed it in by stealing the warden’s starship. The small group made a minor pact to help one another whenever they were able, as they went their own ways.

Ava has found her way avoiding the law when she can. Eshka contacted Ava letting her on a potential job that she was not able to take advantage of. The catch, was to deal with the Hutts. Ava thanked her friend for the offer and has made for Tatooine to see how she can make the best of what is offered.[/sblock](Imprisoned: (stealth is a class skill) As a result of your imprisonment, you start as a hero with a criminal history, but you also have a number of criminal contacts who can help you out. You can obtain black market goods in half the time it usually takes to obtain them (minimum 1 day). See page 119 of the Saga Edition core rulebook for information on obtaining restricted objects on the black market.

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Thy wounds are healed!
Sorry hard to find a Wi-Fi spot to post from tried three yesterday they all didn't work.

What's the question? Somebody else wants to take treat injury and leave me to take heavy weapons/mechanics and then I don't need to be a droid doc?

I think after everyone decides I will take whatever everyone thinks we need to round out the group, is that ok? That would be easier for me as my connection is down till the 18th :(



After more thought, here's my 2 creds.

Treat Injury: First, it would help if KT could answer us about the equipment droid. If it is still allowed then perhaps it can be a surgical type then we only need first aid coverage among the player characters. I vote Ava do that and HM stick to Combat Droid in that situation.
But, if we don't get an equipment droid for surgery, then whoever takes Treat Injury might need to consider Surgical Expertise and Skill Focus early or later on. In that case it might be better for it to be HM's droid, since he won't have to use that on himself and Naar can fix him. But with two melee fighters, we need ranged support too. I think HM's original droid concept was going to do both, but not sure.

Spaceship Skills: I am done some rethinking on this. Now originally my Jedi was going to take Pilot (at +7) as his contribution to party skills., but we don't need 3 Pilots. But looking at Spaceship Ops, there really isn't anything else for the Jedi to do except Pilot really, so I would like to go back to that. If we have two Pilots, we also need Astrogation, Gunnery, and Engineering as well. Naar or the Combat Droid will have to be the Gunner in the long run. Maybe Ava should cover Astrogation by taking Galactic Lore. Again it helps to know what the equipment droid will provide too. But overall I think we are going to be spending time flying around the galaxy in our ship and everyone might need a role during those times.

I have started looking at my choices for Background (Mainly Occupational) on the Jedi, leaning towards Criminal(smuggler) to tie in with the setting of being a smuggler and explain association with Naar. Another choice would be Celebrity (Swoop racer pilot - with Pilot skill). I do want to ask about the potential of Professional Athlete as an occupation (Associated Skills: Endurance, Acrobatics, and Jump).

I am happy to work Galen's background into Naar's and/or Ava's. I have the ideas in my noggin but I am sort of waiting on the spaceship issue to be resolved first, since Pilot Skill is going to factor into both Background and Backstory.

Current Party Situation:
Naar the Pirate (Soldier) - Melee combat, Pilot, Mechanic
Galen (Jedi) - Melee combat, Pilot
Ava (Noble) - Ranged Combat, Face, Computer, First Aid?
HM's Droid (Assassin/Medical) - Ranged Combat, Medical?
Equipment Droid ??? - Mechanic, Surgery, or Astrogation?


Yes, the equipment droid offer is still valid. There is also a bodyguard droid also that has some rudimentary combat ability and some medical ability. Or depending on the party, it can be a medical droid or an R2 unit.

perrinmiller: I do not have a problem with any of the backgrounds.

Songdragon: Ava looks good, I do not see anything wrong.


Yes, the equipment droid offer is still valid. There is also a bodyguard droid also that has some rudimentary combat ability and some medical ability. Or depending on the party, it can be a medical droid or an R2 unit.

perrinmiller: I do not have a problem with any of the backgrounds.

Songdragon: Ava looks good, I do not see anything wrong.
Thanks. Probably go with Professional Athlete a Prizefighter/Gladiator type in the Outer Rim.

For the equipment droid, either medical or R2 unit. Votes?


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
As for HolyMan's droid. The droid book basically made playing droids much easier, I would like to suggest a custom built Combat Droid. You don't need much more than what KT provided on the last page, and the core book for picking a class. I'd suggest going with Soldier so you are a killing machine and also have access to treat injury. The idea of assassin doctor is so cool that personally I'd love to see you play one :D

Actually, as SW:SAGA is the one game that I'm totally familiar with and absolutely love, and I love to fiddle with new characters... So if you want, I can build you a droid character if you give a little more detailed guideline :D
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Perrin... Ava can drop pilot (really only took it for a 2nd pilot, co-pilotish stuff, even if I had a +1 better than Naar ;) ) and take Treat Injury. I do not think that I will take the surgery feat, so if HM's Assassin droid with a medical thing wants that, I have no problem with that. Sometimes it is good to have more than one person with needed skills. If someone else takes treat injury all together, than I am taking stealth as another skill (I like backgrounds).

As for the droid helper... I looked at the Q7 stats from the Force Unleashed and they are almost the same. The big things is the Q7 can hover and the like, while an R2 (not sure of the R4 or 5) has several modes of travel as well storage and more appendages. It does not matter to me either way. It would be different to have a ball following us around.

As for ship options... I was going to say that the commander option is available, but my knowledge (tactics) is rather non-existent, but since the DC is 10, I can roll it untrained. I can also use the sensor operator, with some computer use skills.

For the knowledge... I currently have Bureaucracy, I can change to Galactic Lore if needed. As much as Tactics is an option, it just does not seem to fit what I am thinking of for Ava.


Thanks Songdragon. I agree on the Q7. Perhaps it can do surgery later if needed. Original intent for HM was the Assassin that liked to pretend to be a doctor. Based on the characters skills, we can maybe modify the Q7 to cover our redundancies afterward. I was actually thinking that tactics might be something Ava picked up at 4th level if you increased Int with the bonus. It's an option if needed down the road.

For the ship, Naar could have won it in a scheme that Galen and he hatched. Using something of someone else's (without their knowledge) wagered on Galen's prize fight (to lose) and got it in the winnings when Galen threw the fight while favored to win. This also ended his career, but got him the attention of the Hutts as they swindled a rival. What do you think? You can still pick the ship, BR.

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