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SWSE/Scum & Villany I: The Hutt's Offer (Closed)


Here is the background to go with the Imprisoned background.

[sblock=Ava's Background]
Ava Varaun was not born with the same she now uses, but it has become the only one she acknowledges. As a young girl Ava grew up rather privileged, her parents are both part of a large supply corporation. The corporation was part of supplying parts just as the republic army was crated and has grown and remained strong as it became the Empire. These days Ava has little contact with her family save through several intermediaries.

Ava first ran into trouble in her early adulthood. She was along on a corporate junket when she met a man and the two hit it off together. They spent most of the next two weeks together. It was at the end of this time that the resort was raided and everyone was arrested. It turned out that the man she had fallen for was a suspected rebel spy. As Ava had spent time with him she too was arrested. She claimed her innocence but being caught with a known spy the Imperial authorities just could not believe it. She was given a long sentence, but through her parents connections she freed seven months later.

Ava came out changed. She was more jaded about how things worked in the galaxy. Even though she was offered her job back, she declined and moved on. Much of her new travels had her associating with less reputable beings.

It was not a year later that Ava had been arrested again for fraud. And while she had a small part in the offense, she was punished the same as the others. This time in a local planetary facility she met and became friends with a Bothan woman, Eshka. Eshka was imprisoned for a large list of offences, some she did, but others she did not, all as a favor for the Empire to keep her out of their hair.

Ava spent only three months in the facility before she became part of an escape plan of several of the prisoners. Ava used her skills at persuasion to distract and acquire minor items that fit into a bigger plan. Having escaped the group of former prisoners rubbed it in by stealing the warden’s starship. The small group made a minor pact to help one another whenever they were able, as they went their own ways.

Ava has found her way avoiding the law when she can. Eshka contacted Ava letting her on a potential job that she was not able to take advantage of. The catch, was to deal with the Hutts. Ava thanked her friend for the offer and has made for Tatooine to see how she can make the best of what is offered.[/sblock]

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Pretty much finished up my Jedi.

Updated Sheet: Galen Rapp

Here's the rough background. I put in some ties to Naar, but need some more from BR to flush it out better if needed.
[sblock=Background]Galen Rapp was born and grew up in Nar Shaddaa. His father was a Jedi on the run and ended up getting his mother pregnant while hiding out at the Smuggler's Moon . His parents never married though, the Jedi refused to put the boy and his mother in danger. During his childhood Galen learned about the force in secret from his father, but not many of the teachings regarding philosophy. Luckily the boy had a good heart and his mother raised him with some values so he isn't completely susceptible to the dark side. Imperial agents eventually tracked down his father and he was killed trying to flee. Galen was able to recover the lightsaber from his dad's belongings before the agents did and having his mother's last name kept him from ever being connected to the dead Jedi. After leaving home as a young adult, Galen used his martial training to get involved with competition fighting. At first it was only a way to hone his fighting skills, but a man has to eat and provide for his family. His mother did not really approve, but then married a quiet merchant to support herself anyway. Galen was able to make a decent reputation for himself in the arena.

He ended up fighting to a draw a brutish fella named Naar. Afterward their mutual respect turned into a friendly rivalry, but they never fought each other again. A few other big, ugly brutes decided they needed to take the two out and they both ended up fighting together in a few matches. This shared camaraderie and mutual respect developed into a friendship. It wasn't in Galen's nature to get hung up on pride so much and he doesn't have a big ego to get in the way either. To him the fights were mostly training and way to earn credits after all. So this friendly rivalry became nothing more than banter after their troublesome foes were dealt with.

Deciding it was time to get out of the fighting business they developed a scheme to work together to make some serious credits. Galen decided this would be a good way to leave the arena and try something else with some capital in their favor. By placing a hefty wager on his Galen's last championship fight, Naar was able to win a space ship after betting on Galen to lose. The wager's victim never suspected that Galen threw the fight, nor the ship Naar wagered was not his own. Galen, having tipped another acquaintance about the fix on the fight, a minor Hutt Lord was also able to make some good money as well. Naar and Galen flew to Tatooine to hopefully turn this little favor into a job opportunity and make some good money working for the Hutts.[/sblock]
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Sounds good perrin. I was thinking that Naar had been out from the jail for a max of 6 months by the time the game starts, so they developed friendship pretty fast, but that's cool. I guess he might have been in the arena for few times himself too :D I wouldn't call Naar "roguish" though... More like "brutish" :D

I still haven't decided whether Naar should have escaped or was released... Kessel sounds right though :D


BR; Okay draft up yours and I can modify mine as appropriate.

Maybe we fought to a draw and mutual respect developed into a friendship. Galen's nature means he doesn't get hung up with pride so much and he doesn't have a big ego in the way either, so rather that trying to see who has the bigger D***, they could have decided to develop friendly rivalry that becomes more like banter than actual deeds.

If they united against a couple of jerks on the circuit, 6 months is plenty of time to be good friends. That would have to be the case if Naar is to know that Galen is a Force User.


knightemplar... I was wondering, did you want the characters to know one another before arriving at Mos Eisley, on Tatooine?

Blackrat... I would just go and make up the droid and see if Holyyman would like to change once he gets his internet back. Cannot hurt to give him some idea of what he might choose to play.

Changes to Ava will be taking up Knowledge (tactis) now... and picking up Stealth as well. If I need anything else I will see about getting it with Skill Training feat. That 4th level Int boost is likely Acrobatics.


Thy wounds are healed!
I think it better if Blackrat did make the droid (I'll provide the character/personaliy) ;)

Is this game like 3.5 i.e. skill ranks/feats/d20 and all?? I got some pm's and really didn't know much about what was described. I think i'll pick up the saga book (think I saw it for $8.00 on Amazon) so I won't have to bug kt with another game of his where I play and don't know the rules. :D

Just make the droid fill in/support I think that would be for the best.



HM; There is a lot of similarities so you will understand things well enough I am sure. But many things have been changed (in the name of simplification), so it is probably closer to D&D 4th Ed in some respects. Less skills is good as they combined them, many d20 Feats are there, but some have been turned into Talents. Combat modifiers are different (some penalties are higher, i.e. firing into melee is -5 instead of -4). There is no 5-foot step as a free action and you cannot draw a weapon (as a free action) while moving; those are two big differences that have had an impact on my first combats.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Actually... I already cobbled together a droid the other day :D I'll post it later as I'm at work now. It is currently built as Soldier, with focus on Treat Injury. There is one choice that I'd like you to make yourself. You get a weapon proficiency feat in addition to those that your class already gives. So you pretty much have a choice of Advanced Melee, Heavy Weapons or Exotic Weapon. I'm not sure now, but I think Heavy Weapons also includes vehicle weapons... Need to check that...

Anyways, I'd say saga is sort of a mix of 4e and D20 modern. The talent/feats work very much like d20 modern, that is, feats are quite like d&d 3.5 too :D Same with BaB/HP... Well, there are no saves anymore though, rather defences. You don't roll a save but enemy rolls against one of your defences depending on what he is doing. Normal attacks against reflex, poisons and such against fortitude and mind controls etc against will. Defences increase per level.

The skills work nearly the same as in D&D 4e. So you get a +5 for a skill you are trained in, another +5 for focus, and then ability modifier + ½ your level. You can use feats to pick more trained skills.
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Yes, Heavy Weapons Proficiency works for Vehicles. I checked when I took it for another character I recently built. It is a good choice if Naar doesn't take it to do Gunnery on the spaceship.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Well, I'll be taking it too eventually, or at least vehicular combat, but there's never too many gunners :D

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