SWSE: Scum & Villany [IC]


"Well, Miss, I am sorry I did not catch your name?", she says as she taps more information into the datapad she is holding. "If you can show me the Cargo Bays, so I confirm that you are empty."


"Well, Hu-man, what game do you play?", the twi'lek says quite condescending.

The doors for the cantina open again. In comes two brown nikto with blasters rifles, followed by a green nikto in respendant robes that look rather expensive, followed by two more brown nikto with blaster rifles.

The green nikto is dressed in robes of green with plenty of gold trimming. He holds a large staff in his hands as he walks, but it seems he does not need it to steady himself. He looks around the bar, and notices how little business is in here.

"I am Phylus Mor, major domo to the wise Prello of Clan Anjaric. Long may she live in her resplendant glory. She needs a starship for a trip to Nal Hutta. Are there any starship captains in here?", the green nikto says.

[sblock=Holyman]Yes, it is the black book with Vader on the front cover, I think its a 6 by 9 format, but it is not the standard size for most of the wizard's books. As for speaking in your head, it up to you whether you want to say itself. [/sblock]
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"Well, Hu-man, what game do you play?", the twi'lek says quite condescending.
Galen replies, "Well, we know am entertaining game called hurtzdontit and we bet on the outcome. First my friend here will..." He stops talking as the niktos enter the cantina.

"I am Phylus Mor, major domo to the wise Prello of Clan Anjaric. Long may she live in her resplendant glory. She needs a starship for a trip to Nal Hutta. Are there any starship captains in here?", the green nikto says.
Galen gives Naar a nudge as he spies the newcomers. He says, "Ho ho, that's for us. Let's go." He heads over to the niktos and holds his hands out in a nonthreatening gesture of greeting.

"Sir, your search is over. I am a pilot and we have a ship. Perhaps we can be persuaded to transport your Lord to Nal Hutta. You will have to arrange the fees with our agent of course, but I am sure she can be agreeable to your needs."


Aboard the Frozen Star

Ava smiles and with a hand motion points the way to the cargo holds of the ghtorc-720 as she avoids answering the query on her identity, "The starboard hold is right this way Inspector." She turns left then right and makes for the door and taps the controls opening the door. "Feel free to look about."


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Naar places his hand on Galen shoulder and squeezes just a bit too hard. My friend speaks too fast. Yeah, we have a ship. But we just flew in from Nar Shaddaa and I'm not keen on flying that way again, even if we skip the moon and go straight to Nal Hutta. He eyes the niktos menacingly and then grins. But if we can come to an agreement on the payment, up front, then I might be persuaded to make the trip.


Galen mutters to Naar, "Yeah where's that persuasive chick when you need her. That's the *agent* I was referring to."


Galen Rapp


Both Galen and Naar receive a comms signal, when answered you hear a smooth almost feminine voice of a droid, "Captains, please be advised your vessel is currently undergoing an inspection from by law enforcement." When checked you see that the signal is coming form the Frozen Star

((Yes, Quin took some initiative. And yes, I had a vocalizer installed. :cool: ))


On hearing the comlink in his ear go off he says to Naar and the Niktos, "Excuse me a parsec," and he moves away to be out of earshot. "Quin, what the frag you talking about? Is everything under control? We shouldn't have anything on-board to worry about but... Watch to make sure they plant anything incriminating. Please ask Eva to comm if she needs us back there, but I suspect they might be looking for a bribe."


Galen Rapp


Quin replies, "Everything appears to be under control Captain, this was an informative message. Ava is currently with the Inspector, proceeding to the starboard cargo hold. Very well Captain. Frozen Star out."

The Q7 droid moves from the cockpit area and moves off to watch the inspector while attempting to look busy with ship operations.


"I see, it definetly is empty in here.", says the gray-skinned customs officer. "How about the port cargo bay now?"


"Where is your agent?", asks Phylus. "My mistress is hoping to leave within the next day or so, that she can make it on time for her progenitor's lifeday." the nikto eyes survey the cantina again, hoping another pilot is here in case it will take to long to find their agent.

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