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[SWSE] Strike hard for the Adamant!


Sonja Kuurzon, Female Human, Level 5 Jedi

OOC: Chase actually did 22 damage to Ddk 2, he forgot +1damage for Point Blank Shot. Needs to be updated on his RG post too. ;)
Sonja swings around to line up the droidekas and remarks to Gareth, "Help cover me to deal with these two quickly." Drawing the force in she lets loose another wave of energy to knock them off off their feet and draws some extra energy to hit them that much harder. The shields deflect most of the damage on the closer one, but the second is in pretty bad shape.

[Sblock=Updated Map]Purple Circles around tokens means prone.

[/Sblock][sblock=Actions]Move Action: To M17 via L18
Standard Action: Force Power: Utf: Force Slam (1d20+15=22) vs. Fort Def; Damage (4d6=17) & FP for more (2d6=7);
9 damage to Dkd1 & 14 damage Ddk2
Enemy status:
Droideka 1: 27 damage total, @SR10, -2 on CT(-2 penalties Att/Def)
Droideka 2: 40 damage total, @SR5, -3 on CT(-5 penalties Att/Def)[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 5 (Destruction) FP: 7
Init: +10 Perception: +9
HP: 57 (18 Threshold) Current: 57
Reflex: 19 (16ff) Fort: 18 Will: 18
Attack Options: Rapid Strike, Deflect, Block
UtF: +15 Powers: Force Slam(used), Move Object, Battlestrike[/sblock]_________________________________________

Sonja Kuurzon

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The gungan eyes the droid in the corner hard for several seconds and as it looks to be non-threatening for the moment she does a kip up and is on her feet and turns and moves around the corner to lend the Jedi some aid. Beside Dareth, she fires on the droideka. As the shot goes wide Glipala curses in her native language and continues onto the other side of Dareth and she comments, "Mesa sorry... Desa be tougher den dey look."

Acrobatics 1d20+11=19 (Success to get up from prone as a swift action)
Move to J-15 and Attack... 1d20+10=12 MISS
Continues to move and ends in J-17 (Running Attack)[/sblock]


OOC: I think Z3R0 is up and then the SBDs, right? I would like to give orders for the NPCs after we get the results of Sonja's actions and the SBDs.
[Sblock=Updated Map]Purple Circles around tokens means prone.



OOC: Frakkin earthquake hit Japan! I was in a Skyscraper at the time and it was NOT fun. Internet is spotty and you can imagine we schedule is going to FUBAR'd. It is after 11pm on a Friday night and I am stuck at my office because the commuter trains are all stopped until tomorrow at least. Excuse me if I am slow to respond. ;)


OOC: Um, yeah, as the player who not only explained the rules to me, but also crafted the map and single-handedly convinced me to keep the game going, I SUPPOSE I can allow you a *little* leeway with posting speed... this 8.5 earthquake. Next one, though...(!)

Keep safe, don't die. Keep us posted!

Ditto for Songdragon (I see BC, so naturally I assume you're directly on the coast of the Province).

If anyone is really held up, I'm fairly satisfied with this combat; pbp vs. table top, of course. We should be able to finish off the SBDs this round (all the clones firing and all) and maybe even the Droidekas(!)

Sonja does the damage, and can already tell it is basically exactly the kind of effect as she suspected.

Glipala then fires her shot, wide and out there. It hits a lamp post and dings off it, shattering a bulb.

Z3R0: You're up! You pick up a gun, it feels strange in your droidy hands. You *also* have the option of walking up to the massive doors and trying to pick the lock to let everyone in. If you want to skip shooting at the droids, you can make it there (let's say) and roll a technology check to pick them locks.


First Post
Z3R0 heads for the doorway, where he stops and attempts to open the door.

OOC: Did you mean "use computer" - is it computerised lock?
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OOC: I can update the Map once the SBDs have gone. I think the Clones will split, three attacking SBDs and three attacking a Droideka. But isn't one Droideka disabled?


OOC: Okay, let's wrap up this combat. I've been slow due to, frankly, severe writers block for this particular game. I know Perrinmiller is in Japan right now, and could use something more supportive/interesting than more of this one scene.

Z3r0 sticks his finger in the computer's slot and starts to hack the system. Various 0s and 1s are traded back and forth, codes and passwords and encryptions with some decryptions, until finally the door's computer system bursts open!

The droids are momentarily distracted by the action of the doors against their motion sensors: the Clones fire their weapons just in time, catching them off guard and knocking down the last of the SBDs.
One of the clones fires on the remaining Droideka, then the Jedi padawan moves up to it and stabs its shield with his lightsabre, overloading the shield. The Droideka turns its guns on the Jedi, about to obliterate him back into the Force, when a single blaster shot strikes its control module! Its computer is overwhelmed, and its chassis falls to the ground.

Z3R0 can tell from his computer conversation that the alarm has been sounded. In theory every droid in the building should have been summoned to this very spot, but the entrance to the base is strangely vacant.

[sblock=Meanwhile...] The computer monitors showed the POVs of the droids as the attack began, SBDs and Droidekas falling one by one to the clone army.

The Tactician droid commanding operations turned to the dark cloaked figure standing before a large wall of screens of the battle outside the compound's doors. Another bank of screens showed the freeing of the Clone Troopers by two Jedi and some other troopers. Yet, whether this new incident would raise the alarm, or be swept under the rug like the last one, was yet to be determined.

Formerly this mysterious shape had followed the Separatist General Faknom Gi around, less like a bodyguard than a grim wraith. The hood covered the figure's face, but this was the commander of the Separatist forces on the planet now. A hologram transmission from Count Dooku himself had announced as much, moments before a red lightsabre had extended from the cloaked figure's hand and ended Faknom Gi's career. One failure too many, it seemed.

Our scans have determined two members of this Republic group to be Jedi. Should we send reinforcements to destroy the intruders?

No. Leave them to me. The voice was cold, like a voice from beyond the grave.We must lead them on a merry chase... We only need to keep them from escaping. Lead them to the shield generator room, and I'll spring my little... trap.

The figure turned and swept out of the room. Had the tactician droid any blood, or veins for that matter, it would have run chill through them. As it was, its algorythms had determined the best course of action would be to avoid displeasing this new master. It summoned some sky patrols to force the Republic commandoes into the building, and turned again to monitor the building and position forces in strategic locations, to keep the band headed to the Shield generator. Just for safety's sake, it decided, it ordered more troops to the control room; after all, they wouldn't be needed elsewhere...[/sblock]

Outside the compound, the party could see the sky begin to fill with Sky Patrols. The droid fliers began to do strafing runs on the courtyard, encouraging the heroes to escape into the shelter of the building.


Sonja Kuurzon, Female Human, Level 5 Jedi

[sblock=OOC]Sorry, most of the others know this:
Posted on 18 March: I have had enough. I have plane tickets to leave Tokyo in the morning and I am taking my family (even my in-laws) stateside. I will likely be back on-line in about 2-3 days, once I arrive, what else am I going to do with myself.
When I was back online, see this post.
I have been working stateside and gaming normally for 2 weeks now, safe from radiation and earthquakes.[/sblock]With the destruction of the last droids, she waves Gareth to go head inside, "Protect Zero. Chase, fall back to the building entrance with our squad of troopers."

Keeping her lightsaber lit, she moves to help cover Glipala from incoming fire as they move towards the open doors. Once one of the droid fighters comes too close, the Padawan summons the Force and grabs hold a destroyed droideka and hurls it into the path of the strafing droid, slamming them together.

Leaping up the stairs two-three at a time she comes to a skidding halt just inside with the others. "Where is everyone? Would have thought there would be a welcome committee."

[sblock=Actions]Taking a few liberties for cinematic effect since I think we are out of combat. :p
Taking 10 on Move Object for a 25, 6d8 points of damage.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]DP: 5 (Destruction) FP: 7
Init: +10 Perception: +9
HP: 57 (18 Threshold) Current: 57
Reflex: 19 (16ff) Fort: 18 Will: 18
Attack Options: Rapid Strike, Deflect, Block
UtF: +15 Powers: Force Slam, Move Object, Battlestrike[/sblock]_________________________________________

Sonja Kuurzon
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First Post
Chase follows Sonja's instructions and heads towards the entrance of the building. "Yes sir," the ARC trooper states as he leads the enlisted clones.

Voidrunner's Codex

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