System Reference Documents

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If I were you, I'd download a copy of the 3.0 SRD before then...

*If* it disappears (=gets replaced by the 3.5 SRD), perhaps ENWorld could host it, as an attachment to a sticky thread...? *If* it disappears, mind you.

Maitre Du Donjon

First Post
Not a bad idea

And if anyone need it, i have an even older copy of the SRD, in which the monsters that have now disappeared are still in it. Of course, such material was never distributed as open gaming content, so I don't know if there were be any problems associated with having it posted somewhere.

Maitre D


First Post
Answers from the FGA

Maitre Du Donjon said:
Not a bad idea

And if anyone need it, i have an even older copy of the SRD, in which the monsters that have now disappeared are still in it. Of course, such material was never distributed as open gaming content, so I don't know if there were be any problems associated with having it posted somewhere.

Actually, the pre-release SRD is not Open Gaming Content. We were only allowed to use it if we agreed to update our work to the final SRD when it was released.

The old SRD with the removed monsters is as much "OGC Contraband" as the monsters in the Fiend Folio.


First Post

Tabarnak Smokeblower said:
Will 3.0 SRD become "OGL Contraband" once 3.5 SRD is released?

Nope. Not without far more effort in legal fees and lawyer bills than Hasbro would ever make from the recision.

Ryan Dancy modeled the OGL off of the GPL, which is a license designed to ensure that software remains "Free." (free-as-in-speech, not necessarily free-as-in-beer.)

Unless a court with authority makes the unlikely ruling that copyleft licenses such as the OGL and the GPL are illegal, or the D20STL is modified to require the most current version of the SRD, Wizards of the Coast (and Hasbro) can't do a thing to make a properly released work "OGL Contraband."

The draft SRD is such simply because it was never released under the OGL, but rather made avaliable through the "Gentleperson's ageement."

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