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D&D 5E T1: The Village of Hommlet (IC)


First Post
Kestrel frowned slightly at that. "The forces of elemental evil?" she repeated quietly. "You mean like from the tales? The...the cult or whatever that they killed off at Emeridy Meadows? Why would they..."

She bit off what she had been about to say with an automatic reflex. Questioning orders never ended well.

"Forgive me. I meant to say: of course I will. Is there anything in particular I should be alert for?"

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First Post
Dur'dan walks up and squats beside the other Dwarf. Wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. Then his attention is turned to the others once they've found the brother. He approaches,

"What have you done lad?"


OOC: [MENTION=6776492]Anthony Terry[/MENTION], your character will be fading into the background as well. Let me know when you're ready to rejoin us.

OOC: Filliken is an older fellow, in his late 50s, and one of the most respected farmers in Hommlet. Any character who has been in Hommlet more than a month has at least heard of Filliken and his feud with his younger brother, Percy, who now lies dead in the stable. The two often bickered about sharing space in the barn they inherited from their father. The feud became worse when Filliken's wife died a year ago.

Inside the Inn

The older girl glares at her younger brother, "You are gonna get us both in trouble. You shouldn't have been looking out the window." The boy harumphs and looks at Meadowlark, "I saw him. I saw the man from the trading post. The one the traders hire out to guard the merchant wagons. He went in the stable right when Filliken did. I swears it."

Turuko answers Kestrel, "I have heard rumors that a call has been put out to various independent forces in the area to gather under the banner of the Temple of Elemental Evil. It is also known that bandit activity in the area has increased in recent months. These two things may be connected. The rumor around town is that the bandits are using an old moathouse nearby as a base of operations. I would start my investigations there, if I were you."

The Stable

Elmo frowns at Samara, "I ain't drunk. Least ways not tonight anyway. I was just walking by when I heard Percy scream."

Filliken is staring at his hands, apparently in shock, and doesn't answer Dur'dan, instead mumbling to himself, "Saints preserve me. Saints preserve me. Saints preserve me."

One of the inn patrons runs off to get the captain of the militia, Elmo's father. He arrives soon after, along with Terjon, acting canon of St. Cuthbert, and Jaroo, the chief druid of the Old Faith in Hommlet. As Percy was a member of the Old Faith, he says a quick prayer of Percy's body. Those gathered find it hard not to notice the contempt filled glare Terjon gives Jaroo's back.

Elmo's father, an elderly fellow barely able to hold a sword, says to those gathered, "I ain't one for believing Filliken did this to his own kin. I'm calling for a town meeting to look into this, first thing in the morning." He points to the gathering, "Everyone here is to be there to testify." He looks at his son, "Including you, Elmo."

Elmo nods, "Yessir."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Inside the Inn

The older girl glares at her younger brother, "You are gonna get us both in trouble. You shouldn't have been looking out the window." The boy harumphs and looks at Meadowlark, "I saw him. I saw the man from the trading post. The one the traders hire out to guard the merchant wagons. He went in the stable right when Filliken did. I swears it."

Meadowlark looks seriously at the young pair. "You did right in saying this, and you're not going to get in trouble. But you need to tell this to the other grownups, and you need to do so now. You can bring your sister with you if you like, but I'd like you to come with me now. Are your parents nearby?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Thanking the druid with a nod, Thain rises and turns to Elmo's father. "Of course we will be stayin' here for testifying. That is only right and proper."

Taking the man aside, the dwarf whispers, "Mayhap we should keep an eye out for that brother of his. Wouldn't want some vengeful villagers to do something they might come to regret later." With that, Thain motions to Filliken, although a lot less subtle than the dwarf thinks. "Want me to have a chat with 'im?"


First Post
"The moathouse," Kestrel repeats, to fix it in her head. "All right. I'll get started on that. Do these people of the elemental evil persuasion use any kind of recognition sign or have a sigil or something I might mark them by?"
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"Yes, fine, fine," Samara says curtly, then abruptly turns and steps directly in front of Terjon.

"Father Terjon, isn't it? I'm here on behalf of my instructor to inquire about a missing canoness named Ydey."


OOC: [MENTION=12183]sithramir[/MENTION], are you still with us?

Inside the Inn

The girl answers Meadowlark, trying to sound important, "Our parents own the inn. They're outside with the others."

Turuko says to Kestrel, "According to the rumors I've heard, the temple agents wear black cloaks displaying a yellow composed of fire.

Dur'Dan finds the tavern mostly empty as is his tankard. Some of the other tavern patrons are beginning to filter back in as well.

Outside the Inn

Elmo's father sighs heavily as he responds to Thain, "We're gonna have to arrest Filliken, at least for now. We ain't ever had need of a jail, though."

Terjon regards Samara with annoyance, "If I knew anything regarding the canoness I would not be in this insignificant speck of a town. Last I knew, she was investigating a possible connection between local bandits and the rumors that the Temple of Elemental Evil is resurgent. A fool's errand to be sure. The Temple was well and thoroughly eradicated ten years. I should know, i was there at the Battle of Emridy Meadows."

Elmo's father harumphs, overhearing Terjon, "Most of us were there. Some of them goblins and bugbears and such fled the field when their high priest fell. Say, ain't that cathedral o' yours have some cells in the basement? Mind if we put Filliken in there over night?"

Terjon looks at Elmo's father disdainfully, "If you must."

Elmo's father turns back to Thain, "If you're willing, take Filliken up to the cathedral of St. Cuthbert."

Terjon says to Samara, "Please accompany them and inform Calmert that my permission has been given to house the murderer."

Elmo's father snaps angrily, "He ain't no murderer. He's a suspect. That's all."

Voidrunner's Codex

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