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Tale Weaver's Vampire: The Masquerade Game Board


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The 24th Diocese

Koln watches Ruby carefully. In all the literature he's read, usually vampires cannot eat/drink food unless...I mean even Twilight got that right... This needs to be researched more. He also hopes that Ruby is able to hold her alcohol and not do anything rash...

"So, Sarah, would you like a drink?" He asks again, figuring she might have not heard the first time, but he desperately wants her to get at least a little buzzed, anything to numb the inevitable pain he thinks as he daydreams (or nightdreams?) about piercing her skin with his fangs.

Sarah grins and says "A glass of wine would be fine with me."

Koln orders the glass of wine and watches Sarah drink. Koln and Sarah chat idly at the bar and Sarah starts to look a little buzzed.

"That girl over there is giving me some rather dirty looks" she says as her eyes wander over to where Ruby is. "She sure can knock 'em down huh!"

When Sarah is done drinking she puts her hand on Koln's shoulder and gets up out of her seat.

"How about some fresh air? Do you smoke?" she asks Koln.

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First Post
The 24th Diocese

Oh heck why not...-1 blood point from me, lets see what happens

Ruby raises her shot glass. "Cheers" she says with a smirk. She uses her guise to mimic her drinking prowess. Hopefully this guy will be out soon. She is hoping one of his buddies would join the fun too.

You get another round and Jimmy still looks alright. It's just as well because that is probably a hint that he has good stamina and some strong blood. Ruby feels nothing as she drinks the shot down, but at least it's fruity kind of like candy. She can feel her body wanting to reject the vile liquid but she fights it down.

Ruby uses 1 blood point and now has 8.

After the second round Jim starts to look tipsy. He gets brave and puts his arm around Clover.

"Hey girl, you want to join in too?" he says in a louder voice than needed.

He looks back over at Ruby and says "I love a girl who I can drink with!"

Ruby looks around for other boys but it seems like most of them are out on the dance floor. She might have to work on her latest dance moves to reel one of them in.

I think Jimmy likes this 2 girl action ;)


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Meanwhile, Clover had been stealthily pouring her wine little by little into a nearby potted plant to give the illusion that she had been drinking. She wondered at Ruby's ability to be able to join Jim to shots, but all she could manage was a couple of odd looks in Ruby's direction. She had always taken the Amish girl for a wallflower. But seeing her flaunt her social skills, Clover was beginning to think that Ruby might have been able to give Mindy a run for her money!
She felt Jim slide an arm around her, and she managed to remain calm at the contact. She was exceedingly hungry at this point, and the smell of his blood coursing under his skin only inches away was slowly becoming unbearably tempting.
At the suggestion that she join them, Clover became wary: still seeing Koln's warning clearly in front of her eyes. Instead (not sure if Ruby was ever going to go this route but happy that the girl had managed to get Jim drunk), she lowered her voice and turned to his ear, "Hmmm... it looks like the two of you are having a lot of fun. But I can think of another activity that we could join you for, too. If you would be so inclined?" She stared into his face pointedly and seductively. She didn't think he'd be able to say no to two lovely girls even if he wanted to!


First Post
The 24th Diocese

Meanwhile, Clover had been stealthily pouring her wine little by little into a nearby potted plant to give the illusion that she had been drinking. She wondered at Ruby's ability to be able to join Jim to shots, but all she could manage was a couple of odd looks in Ruby's direction. She had always taken the Amish girl for a wallflower. But seeing her flaunt her social skills, Clover was beginning to think that Ruby might have been able to give Mindy a run for her money!
She felt Jim slide an arm around her, and she managed to remain calm at the contact. She was exceedingly hungry at this point, and the smell of his blood coursing under his skin only inches away was slowly becoming unbearably tempting.
At the suggestion that she join them, Clover became wary: still seeing Koln's warning clearly in front of her eyes. Instead (not sure if Ruby was ever going to go this route but happy that the girl had managed to get Jim drunk), she lowered her voice and turned to his ear, "Hmmm... it looks like the two of you are having a lot of fun. But I can think of another activity that we could join you for, too. If you would be so inclined?" She stared into his face pointedly and seductively. She didn't think he'd be able to say no to two lovely girls even if he wanted to!

Jim looks rather drunk at this point and is starting to look it. He looks into Clover's eyes "You've got such pretty eyes...hic" he says through his drunkenness.

"What do you have in mind girl? By the way, I don' think I got your names." he says and then before you can answer he says "You ladies want to join me out on the dance floor?"


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'No, no not really.'
Clover managed to smile as though the idea of joining Jim on the dance floor delighted her to no end, "We'd love to! By the way, you can call me Angie. And this is my roommate, Ruby." She got slowly to her feet and grinned at Jim enticingly, "Shall we?" She nodded to Ruby, hoping that between the two of them they wouldn't come across as fools on the dance floor.


First Post
"How about some fresh air? Do you smoke?" she asks Koln.

Koln resists making the obvious pun about burning vampires.

"No, I do not, but I do enjoy fresh air, and wouldn't mind retreating with you to someplace more open but private." He smiles, taking her arm around his and politely leads her out of the club, wondering if this is how Jack the Ripper felt before his first victim.. although she will not die tonight, God willing... Strangely, he felt much more sympathy for the cow...

He quietly shuts the door behind him as they are now in the familiar alleyway where it all began. On the ground Koln can see a couple shell casings from his gun fired that night, and in the distance there's a "t" shaped glint in the bottom of a muddy puddle.

He removes his hat, "If you wish to smoke, please, I really do not mind..."

...It is only natural for sinners to burn and smoke anyway...


First Post
The 24th Diocese

'No, no not really.'
Clover managed to smile as though the idea of joining Jim on the dance floor delighted her to no end, "We'd love to! By the way, you can call me Angie. And this is my roommate, Ruby." She got slowly to her feet and grinned at Jim enticingly, "Shall we?" She nodded to Ruby, hoping that between the two of them they wouldn't come across as fools on the dance floor.

"Angie and Ruby....what nice names..." Jim says as he takes Ruby and Clover out on the dance floor.

Jim starts doing a dance that quite frankly looks rather rediculous but doesn't seem to be drawing any attention. The dance also involves a bit of Jim brushing up against Clover. He can see that Ruby feels a little awkward and offers her some help dancing.

"Just move with the rythm Ruby!" Jim says in an encouraging voice.

Ruby is only half listening though another group of boys on the dance floor catches her attention.


First Post
The 24th Diocese

Koln resists making the obvious pun about burning vampires.

"No, I do not, but I do enjoy fresh air, and wouldn't mind retreating with you to someplace more open but private." He smiles, taking her arm around his and politely leads her out of the club, wondering if this is how Jack the Ripper felt before his first victim.. although she will not die tonight, God willing... Strangely, he felt much more sympathy for the cow...

He quietly shuts the door behind him as they are now in the familiar alleyway where it all began. On the ground Koln can see a couple shell casings from his gun fired that night, and in the distance there's a "t" shaped glint in the bottom of a muddy puddle.

He removes his hat, "If you wish to smoke, please, I really do not mind..."

...It is only natural for sinners to burn and smoke anyway...

Koln watches as Sarah lights up a cigarette. He remembers the days when he himself used to smoke. But now he simply has no desire, in fact just the thought of doing it again disgusts him.

The smoke from Sarah's cigarette swirls around her and Koln can see the figures of 2 people dancing in the smoke. The man has his face covered by the brim of a top hat and the woman is wearing a rather classic victorian dress. They are doing what looks like a waltz.

Sarah tries to strike up conversation saying "So. Have you seen Tony tonight? He hasn't been around much for the past few days, I'm getting worried. I wonder what's up."

When you do feed from her keep in mind that you get a -5 (1 for each night) to your Will Save because you haven't fed on a person....ever :p


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"Angie and Ruby....what nice names..." Jim says as he takes Ruby and Clover out on the dance floor.

Jim starts doing a dance that quite frankly looks rather rediculous but doesn't seem to be drawing any attention. The dance also involves a bit of Jim brushing up against Clover. He can see that Ruby feels a little awkward and offers her some help dancing.

"Just move with the rythm Ruby!" Jim says in an encouraging voice.

Ruby is only half listening though another group of boys on the dance floor catches her attention.
"Ok, like this?" Ruby responds as she swivels her body like a pipecleaner and tries to go with the music. Concentrate Ruby, you can do this, dancing is anything right??
She notices another group of guys next to them and slinks her way over. "I'll be right back cutie" she says flirtatiously. Sometimes she didn't know what side of her spoke, its almost as if someone is making her into a marionette.
She gazes at the guys with a crooked playful smile. "Hey there, mind if I join you."
She quickly was able to adapt to the movements of their dancing soon enough. Her predator instincts allowed her to be insynch with her prey. She was the feline on the prowl at last...


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When you do feed from her keep in mind that you get a -5 (1 for each night) to your Will Save because you haven't fed on a person....ever :p

As if he didn't hear question he asks in a steady monotone voice, facing slightly away from her "So, Sarah. Do you have any family? Brothers, sisters...?" He is doing his best to remind himself that she is a person, that he cannot attack her.

He doubts that she would survive it anyway with the growing hunger inside of him that combines and twists around his anxiety that will no doubt culminate in a very gory rage at the first taste of her scarlet lifeblood.

Voidrunner's Codex

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