Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08

Walking Dad

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Midias Sunchosen, cleric of Hyrag 1

"Thanks, brother. Through, I'm not very much above a novice. Please forgive my glory hunting sayings." Midias replies reluctantly.

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Eusebius chuckles as he turns to the bar, signalling for two ales. Collecting them and nodding towards an empty table, he moves over to sit with the young priest.

"Oh, all of us are novices in the ways of virtue. And one thing I've learned from my experiences is that the challenges of a good life never get any easier. Still, here's to the Light!"

He raises his tankard and clinks it against Midias's then drinks deep and sighs in satisfaction.

"It's also true that Joe stocks a fine cellar ... and who are we to refuse the bounties of the Sun."

"Now, tell me about yourself. Where do you hail from, and how did the Shining One call you to his service?"

Richard Rawen

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Richard picks up the dice, distracted by the newcomer for a moment.
Setting the cubes spinning again, he smiles and nods at Karl. "Seems like eight is a lucky number so far."


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with a loud scream the man draws out his sword and yells

he runs at the men playing dice. naked and greased the warrior is a fiercesome sight of splendor and power. the glisten of his nude skin reflects with a silvery shimmer from the cooking grease he applied to skin like warpaint of a pygmy shaman ready for war. disturbingly enough he has no sheath, lending to the question of where he drew his sword from.

this man is beautiful, hairless from head to toe. he seems freshly shaved and the residue of clotted talcum powder in the soft folds of his armpits is proof he shaved prior to this warcharge.

on his left flank he painted a large number '4' in fireplace ashe covered over in grease so that it won't wash away as he sweats.


[4,3] = (7)


First Post
Out of nowhere a black crossbow bolt flashes across the room and buries itself in the naked warrior's throat. He drops like a stone.

When the startled adventurers look around, they see Joe calmly putting a gleaming black crossbow back under the bar. He notices their attention and says laconically, "Sometimes they get a bit frisky ... and sometimes just a bit crazy. Father, you're closest. Can you stabilize the idiot ... and maybe explain to him how things work around here? Thanks."

Eusebius nods to the bartender and goes over to deal with the strange young man.

"I'll take him to his room. Midias, would you give me a hand?"

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Karl picks up the dice to roll, the dice fall from his hand out of sheer horror of a man beeing so insane as to be neked infront of other men the he hides his face to keep from grossed out. the dice spin maniacally on the table in front of the explorer ... ... ...
2d6=6 the dice spun for another half a second and then tumble to a 4 and a 2. the man gets the crossbow bolt to the throat and falls to the floor at the same time as the dice showing good. Karl looks about for a second with his mouth agape and says in his best intellectual voice for the words, " uhhhhh. errrr. oooookaaaaaay. I am still in the game." then quickly passes the dice on.


LEW Judge
Nurlan is, like everyone probably, taken aback at the psychopath's outburst, but amazed at how easily Joe has the situation under control. "Count on Joe Smith". After he recovers his composure, he takes the dice again and rolls 6 and 5. "Eleven. I guess it's down to Richard and Karl. May the best man win."

He leaves the table and meanders over to the bar. "Joe, you never cease to amaze me. Nobody in this tavern saw that coming except you." Turning to the assembled, he announces his tribute to Joe Smith the way Nurlan usually finds to express anything: by singing.

For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
That nobody can deny

OOC: Why be original when there are enough real-world songs to fit the occasion?

He motions to people to join in. His vocal talents, familiar to anyone who's known him for any length of time, are never more on display than in this heartfelt expression of appreciation (), but he would not be disappointed to be joined by friends of lesser talent.

Rae ArdGaoth

At the sudden commotion, Rasereit's hand moves quickly towards his axe, though not half so quickly as Joe's hand. The dwarf grins. "Nice shot, mate." With a swig from his tankard, he raises it in the air and joins Nurlan in song, the gruff dwarven voice providing a stark contrast to Nurlan's well trained chords.

Walking Dad

First Post
Midias Sunchosen, cleric of Hyrag 1

"My last adventure took me..." Midias begins before the sudden interruption from the obviously lunatic.

Eusebius nods to the bartender and goes over to deal with the strange young man.

"I'll take him to his room. Midias, would you give me a hand?"
"Uh, sure. Just show me the way."


First Post
The rangy monk kneels and lays a hand on the chest of the disturbed young man. A slight glow suffuses the stranger's flesh. Then he and Midias carry the stranger upstairs. They return a short time later and Eusebius hands over the crossbow bolt to Joe with a formal bow.

Joe takes it without comment.

He then turns to the room at large and says, "I've given him enough healing to save his life but not so much as to make him dangerous, again. So far he hasn't said anything but I'll keep an eye on the young man."

With that he collects another couple of ales and settles back to continue the conversation with Midias.

"Now, you were about to say ..."

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