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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn I

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"Hey, welcome back, Milo," Troi says, raising his drink in greeting. "I see you finally caught your weasel."

"Yeah, the big guy downing the drinks there is Grak... he's got another name, I think, but it doesn't really matter. Grak is Grak." He smiles slightly, and takes another drink from the blue liquid.

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"Hmm..." Troi thinks for a moment. "A chronicler of epic deeds? And you came here, to the Red Dragon? Admittedly, I've heard stories that some famous people came here a few times... but other than that, this is hardly the place to find epic adventure."

"By 'chronicler,' I refer of course to the great oral tradition of my school, and though of course I wouldn't refuse to study an 'epic deed,' in progress, as it were, that was not my intent in coming here and most of my knowledge is of the past. Books can be burned and libraries can be sacked, but with a school such as mine, the history and lore of the great races, as long as a single Nobian Bard walks the earth, will never be lost."

Squeeking in glee "Oh a story, don't know that one. You got a free drink from the special storage room if you can enchant me and one other patron" Tiggle then jumps up and sits cross legged on the bar giving Velbrik his full attention.

"Perhaps I ought to tell the tale, if only for a mug of something to toast my new friends with."

"Many years of the empires past ruled a king, the thirty-second of his line, the Great Kings of Medibaria. This one was Ducard, seventh to bear that name, and known not for the extent of his rule or the fairness of his judgements, though he possessed such things, if perhaps in lesser quantities than others of his line. No, he was known from the other Great Kings because of his peculiar habits. He would often, and quite suddenly, without warning, depart his palace to wander the roads of his kingdom and mingle among his people. He would do this for days at a time, leaving his advisors bewildered and panicked, scrabbling to keep together without the authority the kingdom was used to. Ducard called this "communing with his people," though his people often wondered, in private, whether his time would be better spent in the office he had been raised for, rather than wandering about and wreaking havoc, as it were."

"So - and this is relevant to my reference - one day he was upon one of these Communes, and more specifically, on a road between two small and rather insignificant towns that had sprung up for little more reason than to cater to the needs of travelers. It was his custom to travel with escort, ever since the king was accosted by bandits and robbed (after that, the general quality of caravan guards made a sharp incline) on his own road. Upon this day, Ducard and his pair of guards (surly, gruff-looking types) came upon a cloaked stranger in the road. The stranger posed little obstacle in the road, and Ducard surely could have moved around him without trouble, but to Ducard this was the ultimate defiance - this cloaked figure had the gall to want to stop his king from traveling where he wished."

Velbrik pauses a moment in his story. "Kings back then were a bit more assured of their ultimate power and authority - a lord nowadays would hardly care in such a situation - probably ask him to move or knock him about the head a couple times, like any old fellow."

"Ducard, in a rage, drew his sword and commanded the stranger to move aside. The stranger moved slightly, perhaps in defiance, and Ducard ordered his guards to slay the man. They moved forward, and the cloaked figure man a feeble effort to defend himself, but it was in vain. As the guards' swords pierced his heart, his hood fell off to reveal a beard, slightly tilted eyes, and two missing ears. The man - to Ducard's shock - was his twin brother, whom he had thought lost at a young age to ogres, and completely deaf from his mutilation at their hands."

Velbrik sighs, "A sad story, perhaps. But it is one worth learning a lesson from. It is one of the first taught to us at Nobius, and one, I'm told, that all would-be nobles are told before they take office. Hotheadedness is a boon to no one, especially when you hold as much power as Ducard did."


"By 'chronicler,' I refer of course to the great oral tradition of my school, and though of course I wouldn't refuse to study an 'epic deed,' in progress, as it were, that was not my intent in coming here and most of my knowledge is of the past. Books can be burned and libraries can be sacked, but with a school such as mine, the history and lore of the great races, as long as a single Nobian Bard walks the earth, will never be lost."

"Oh, okay." Troi says. "A Nobian Bard. Though I don't know how much knowing ancient history is really worth... but hey, whatever, y'know? Everybody's got their own thing goin' on."

Troi listens to the story, sipping at the blue concoction. His eyebrows jump in surprise at the end, however.

"Hmm... I must've heard a different rendition, or something." Troi says. "Would-be nobles... yeah, that definitely doesn't include me. Arrogant little pricks, nobles' kids are. Attitude problems all around. But hey, whaddya gonna do?" He takes a heavy drink from the blue concoction. "Whoo... good stuff. So, Velbrik, what exactly brings you to our little tavern here?"


First Post

Llolian pushes through the door. He pauses for a second as his eyes adjust to the light of the bar and slowly fingers the hilt of his rapier. He is nervous. This was the place, the only place he knew where he could find others seeking adventure.

The elf waits as a man tells yet another tale of a king who finds all is not what it seems. He twirls one of the long, thin braids of black hair that he had pulled out of the bronze clip holding them together. He rolls his eyes upon learning that the king had killed his own brother, then politely claps three times.

"Joe?" he calls out, but sees only a small figure on the bar instead of the human he was told to greet. Ah, molding skulls, he thinks.

"I'm Llolian. I was told to look for Joe?" he yells to the room.


"Joe's not around." Troi says to the newcomer. "Tiggle is, though... that's the gnome guy. This storyteller right here is Velbrik... he's a Nobian bard... my name's Troi Delmontes, I study monsters for a living."


First Post
Milo trots over to the newcomer elf, stuffing his pet weasel into his pocket. He takes his chewed up glove of and presents a slightly bleeding hand.

"Hi! I'm Milo the Conjurer! Want me to summon something?"


I aim to misbehave
Originally posted by Troi
"Hey, Thurgan," Troi calls from the bar, giving his traditional greeting of his right hand's index and middle finger raised. "We're kinda busy here tonight, as you can plainly see..." He takes a sip from his drink. "Man, that is some strong stuff... so anyway, Thurgan, how's work goin'?"

"Work . . . work is work," Thurgan finally said deeply after some thought. Thurgan grabbed an ale from a passing bar maid, nodding to her when she looked his way. He paused looking around the room and sat hard on a chair at a table close to Troi.

"It's best I say nothing more, right now . . . I'm tired and it's been a hard few days. I don't want to say anything that would find it's way back to Master Drewer. . . ," Thurgan muttered through his beard. He took a long pull on the ale, drops falling from his mouth and settling into his beard.

Looking to change the subject, Thurgan asked, "So, what's with all of the newcomers?"


First Post
"Oh. Umm. Greetings," Llolian says. He bows from the neck, careful never to lower his eyes.

Seeing Troi's drink, he asks, "What would that blue drink be?"


At the approach of Milo, Llolian steps back.

"Could you conjure up 500 gold and a bottle of 20-year old brandy? Either would be fine, actually."
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"Work . . . work is work. It's best I say nothing more, right now . . . I'm tired and it's been a hard few days. I don't want to say anything that would find it's way back to Master Drewer. . . ,"

"Sorry to hear that." Troi says, as he watches Thurgan take a deep drink. "You're among friends here, for the most part." He smiles slightly. "So what's said here, will more than likely stay here."

"So, what's with all of the newcomers?"

Troi shrugs. "Dunno. They just keep on coming. Have been all day. Lots of variety, too... we got some merchants, some adventure-hunters, this guy here - Velbrik - he's a Nobian bard... y'know, those guys that have all the great histories in their head?"

Troi leans in a little closer to Thurgan. "Y'know, if you want to leave the smithy scene, maybe get out and make a few gold... the one guy, Felix, he's looking for a job. When he finds one, he's gonna let me in on it... chances are he'd let you in on it, too. That is, if you're interested... in getting away from..." He makes a wide, sweeping motion, "all this." He finishes by taking a drink out of his blue concoction.


"What would that blue drink be?"

"Oh, you mean this?" He raises the indicated glass. "Just some crazy stuff Tiggle worked up for me. Got strawberries, elven wine, some other stuff... some great stuff. It knocked me out cold when I hit the sack a few nights ago, got the best sleep I've had in months. He put somethin' in it that makes you not stone-cold 'til you fall asleep, but... he didn't sound too sure 'bout whether or not it actually works that way."

"Oh yeah! It's called Shoeless Sleepin' Halfling, or something like that."

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