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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn IV

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OOC: OK. Thanks, thats pretty much as I saw it.

Ask the Merchants about the horses.

I was thinking of doing a "visit to the Church" post - you could let me know the outcome then. At the time it was looking like just the two of us, with no healing I was wondering that the Church might favour our expedition with a little support. Jaan will probably do it anyway, if just to offer a donation and prayer. The bow comment was just me thinking aloud.

In regards to the Gathering of Info - what I was hoping to do was to commission someone to do it for us. I thought it would be likely that Joe would know of someone. If the others agree then we'll ask Joe and you can let us know what, if anything, happens.

Generally I like having things accounted for IC - shopping an' all. :)

PS - You haven't mentioned a group size as far as I can remember. Does this mean that we can roll with just the three of us?
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
"Something happening, my good sir Dwarf?" Telerin asked with a smile as Whitefang went over to sniff him.

"Oi! Sir Human! 'ow's yer dangle?"

He points over to Ioleta with a stubby, bandaged finger. "'is woman's lookin' fer us mon'strie-slayin' folk. More loot, ye'll see me hopin'..."

He turns his attention to Whitefang, giving the wolf a hearty rub of the scruff.

"Good ole 'ound... No bitin' me face 'r nothin', ye ken? Do yerself like some good 'ound 'n don' have no bite o' me face..."


"Hm. There is a fairly large group heading to help the dwarves already, and only two of you. While I'm sure you're competent enough, it's the numbers I'm thinking about - a band of highwaymen against two, you see."

Troi nods. "I'd be glad ta have ya along, Velbrik. I'm all too aware a th' numbers... th' more the merrier." He smiles.


"It seems to me that the first thing the Merchants would have done would be add a couple of guards to the wagons. It didn't work obviously. What else have they tried? What was the result? Elves are not known for being stupid and obvious. Nor are women. I would like to get an better idea of what we are up against. I think we should talk to the Merchants.

"I also think that a little fishing for information around town would be a worthwhile investment. I have no skill in that area, but there are those who do. I was thinking of asking Joe to recommend someone. It might even be better if we don't do it ourselves.

"That should give us a better idea of how to proceed."

Troi leans back in his seat. "I dunno, but I think ye're thinkin' too hard 'bout this." He says. "Sure, th' merchants mighta added some guards... but how good were they? Me an' Velbrik here have quite a bit a experience fightin' nasty critters. I'm thinkin' that a bunch a brigands ain't gonna be much of a problem."

"As fer lookin' around... dunno if I'd waste my time, y'know? If they're so hard ta catch that th' guard's havin' troubles, then th' people 'round here prolly don't have much of a clue, either. If ya do insist on doin' that, though, I do have some... people skills, that might help us get what we're lookin' fer. I'm a bit rusty, though."


"I was hoping to get a bow like that before we leave, but they are a little too expensive for me at the moment. I think a crossbow will do for the moment, however."

"If ya want a longbow," Troi says, "I've got one... chances're I'm not gonna use it, since I got my whip an' shortsword. Got... nineteen arrows fer it, I think."

"Greetings one and all, Ioleta Gerrich here. I'm looking for any of the crew who recently came from the Monastery of St. Feragon. Where might I find those doughty souls?"

Troi raises his hand in greeting. "I'd be one a th' ones ye're lookin' for. Troi Delmontes, at yer service."


Living EN World Judge
Urgan Jasperfist waves his (obviously younger) brother over and the other dwarf stands and moves to the table of adventurers, smiling as he sits. Still, he has a haunted look and he glances furtively about at every shadow with something akin to dread. Leaning in to his brother's ear, ALgram whispers,none too quietly 'Te...te..ta...' He sighs, frustrated and then continues'Te.. Tell th..them about the Gha....Gha....Ghosts!'
The last is nearly yelled, as the young Dwarf blurted out loudly in consternation at himself and his condition. Afterwards, he sullenly looks downwards and sips his drink. Several people nearby look over in shock at the outburst before returning to their own business.

Urgan clears his throat and whispers 'Well, Good Folk, as me br'ther says,Stonepike Hall has long be'en thought ta 'ave Spirits,restless ones, that. I used ta think it were jus stories, but since this monster 'as been preyin' on us, it seems thet the Spirits'r angry an' restless. It seems thet Ghosts 'r such is hauntin the Halls as well. Looking to Ishmael and smiling hopefully ''Course, along with some mighty sturdy lookin' members o' me Folk here, ya lot 'as a Paladin too. N'of'them Ghosts kin stand up to 'is Holy Fury, I'd reckon, wot?' Urgan sits back, seeing if the mention of the Ghosts had changed the minds of any of the group. Clearly, these towo Dwarves had been having a rough time of it of late themselves.

OoC: Locking this down at Rurik,Sturm,Thurgan (Dwarves!!! Argh!!!!),Telerin,Ishmael,Aranel.
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GnomeWorks said:
Troi leans back in his seat. "I dunno, but I think ye're thinkin' too hard 'bout this." He says. "Sure, th' merchants mighta added some guards... but how good were they? Me an' Velbrik here have quite a bit a experience fightin' nasty critters. I'm thinkin' that a bunch a brigands ain't gonna be much of a problem."

"As fer lookin' around... dunno if I'd waste my time, y'know? If they're so hard ta catch that th' guard's havin' troubles, then th' people 'round here prolly don't have much of a clue, either. If ya do insist on doin' that, though, I do have some... people skills, that might help us get what we're lookin' fer. I'm a bit rusty, though."

"If ya want a longbow," Troi says, "I've got one... chances're I'm not gonna use it, since I got my whip an' shortsword. Got... nineteen arrows fer it, I think."

"Its a generous offer, but I think we should all be equiped to fight at range. I'll get a crossbow anyways. It can't hurt. There are a couple of other things I want to get as well.

"Its mid-morn now. We need to collect the map and visit the Merchants before we leave. We can decide how to approach this once we know a little more. You know my thinking.

"I like the idea of using a third party for a little information gathering as it keeps us out of the picture. And a local would have the advantage of local wherewithall. If you are willing to leave leaving til tomorrow, I'd like to do it. If you want to be gone by lunch, its a moot point. There won't be time.

"I'm going to get dressed. I'll be back soon."

GnomeWorks said:
Troi raises his hand in greeting. "I'd be one a th' ones ye're lookin' for. Troi Delmontes, at yer service."


First Post
Velbrik nods to Troi. "Well, we shouldn't be too overconfident in regards to our fighting skills."

"But I think I agree with Troi...I'm not sure how much we could get from the locals. But I do think we should talk to a couple of the merchants who were attacked, at least. Get a bit of an idea in regards to numbers, tactics, motives...Jaan, I heard Vagan gave you an address of the merchants' guild, or somesuch? We ought to head down there first thing."
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LEW Judge
"Evil, be it living or unliving, deserves divine justice. Be there ghosts or beasts, I hath accepted this task. Mine heart remains the same despite whatever terrors thou givest this halfling tale of."

Sir Ishmael struck his breast (in dwarven fashion) to show the tenacity of his spirit.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
"Ghosties, eh? I ne'er seen no ghost 'fore... I'm lookin' forward at it."

Sturm chuckles a bit at Ishmael's salute, not so much as to be rude, at least once you take account of the source.

"Oi, say, Tele'! By mention, 'shmael's leadin' us out'n fight some beast what makes trouble where 'ese folk come from." He motions to the Jasperfists. "Ye 'n yer 'ound should come with -- 'ey've put up plenty o' loot fer divvin'."


I aim to misbehave
Sturm said:
"Ghosties, eh? I ne'er seen no ghost 'fore... I'm lookin' forward at it."

"I don' know that I'd be looking forward, but me'thinks its somenthin' that must be done," Thurgan said, agreeing with Sturm.

After the outburst from Algram, Thurgan suggests, "Perhaps we best take this ta a private room ta prepare and talk more. What do ya say?"


Registered User
Ioleta drops a breathtakingly (or irritatingly) perfect curtsey and drags her pack bodily over to where the folk who greeted her are clustered... as best she can anyway as they are spread around a bit. She inclines her head in greeting to all and a shadow darkens her face as she says, "I was there. At the monastery when they came." She swallows several times, visibly collecting herself. "I hid. We hid. We..." Her hand flutters involuntarily to her mouth, throat working. She pauses...

Her hand drops to her side, clenching and unclenching into a fist. With an affirmative and vague nodding motion she continues, "You saw.... You know. ...So much blood." she finishes quietly unconsciously wringing her hands. Her mouth curls inward as she bites her lips.

"The beasts will pay and I will follow those folk who are of stern enough stuff to track them and take the payment from their stinking hides." She finishes at a rush and looks a little surprised at herself... at her frankness. At her anger. Her eyes dart around the room... Woodsman... nice whip. Dwarves... fat bellies, fat purses... glinty... like that word... need to get that bath... ...and she settles a bit. She blinks and continues, "If you are those folk I wish to throw my lot in with yours. If not... fate may call me elsewhere." She looks over to the other cluster of folks...

[OOC:] Happy to throw in with TH's lot.
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