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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn IV

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WizWrm said:
Velbrik nods to Troi. "Well, we shouldn't be too overconfident in regards to our fighting skills."

"But I think I agree with Troi...I'm not sure how much we could get from the locals. But I do think we should talk to a couple of the merchants who were attacked, at least. Get a bit of an idea in regards to numbers, tactics, motives...Jaan, I heard Vagan gave you an address of the merchants' guild, or somesuch? We ought to head down there first thing."

Jaan confirms Velbrik's recollection, then heads off to his room.


He packs what little he has, and gets on his armour and weapons. He pokes his head into the gnomes room. He gnome sleeps, fitfully to be sure - the mutters and tossing suggest bad dreams - but he sleeps nevertheless. Before returning to the table and the others, he finds Joe and pays off his room and meals, and whatever is needed to keep the gnome warm and fed. {1}

"If there is anything left over Joe, give it to someone who needs it."

Joe considers Jaan for a moment, then say, "You know that he has some coin of his own? Enough for this it seems. And it sounds like you don't own him any favours."

Jaan blinks. He hadn't thought of that, and for a moment he is tempted. He has little enough for what he wants to buy for this commission.

"Perhaps. But it was my choice to bring him here. Had he been able, he might have chosen otherwise. No, take what is needed out of what I gave you.

"And thank you for your help yesterday."


Jaan dumps his bag beside the table but doesn't take a seat. From beneath his cloak can be seen some well tended, but well used, leather armour and a couple of simple light maces, primitive almost - a slightly longer haft, one end bound for grip and the last half foot of the other encased in a simple sleeve of iron. One hangs head down from his right hip, and the other is slung head up under his left arm.

"I think we should go via the watch house. Having the map will give us a better understanding of whatever we learn for the Merchants. According to Joe, its not far out of the way. Going via the Watch house will also take us through the market as well. I'll be able to get what I need along the way. Or you can collect the map and I will meet you at the Merchant's Guildhouse. Either way suits me."

{1} ooc: I calculate 8gp all up - 3gp for Jaan's room (incudes price of the bath) and two good meals, 5gp for the gnomes room and food (common room (5sp) + good food (5sp)/day for five days). Let me know if I've missed anything.

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Velbrik says, "Ah, I...see. I apologize that we couldn't get there sooner." He clears his throat. "It was your home? I...don't really know quite what to say, but I'm sorry for what they did."

"As far as we know, only one of the attackers survived the battle in the monastery - a druid, and he got away. We considered buying a bit of scrying magic to hunt down the druid, but, frankly, there are other people in need of immediate aid, and not a whole lot of people willing to offer that aid. They," he jerks his head towards the group of dwarves, "are planning to hunt down a monster haunting a dwarven stronghold, and we," Velbrik gestures to indicate Troi and Jaan, "are looking to deal with a bandit problem. For now these things are more pressing than vengeance against the lone survivor."

"If you'd like to join us, you'd be most welcome. We're about to head out and collect a map of the area, then ask the merchants about the attacks."

As Jaan gets up, Velbrik stands and collects his gear. With a flourish of his cloak, he gestures to the door. "Shall we, then?"
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LEW Judge
Sir Ishmael looked at Ioleta with concern as well as some surprise. There was much rage in her, a little more and she would certainly burst. But the halfling understood, at least partially what she felt. Disgust and shock and flowed through him like a river in that monastery. The monks were dragged down to forms hateful and bestial... such travesties. One's sanity can only bear so much of them.

"Calm thyself, Lady Ioleta. I empathize with thee and wouldst join thee in a hunt of these monstrosities. But the trail is beyond our current powers. I hath not thrown away mine thirst for vengeance, but those of us who hunt for them must instead await their next strike.

Until they rear their heads once more, I advise to thee peace, so that thou may unleash thine storm upon them when the time cometh. Even a giant cannot carry a mountain, and I can see that thou dost carry a heavy yoke upon thee from the slaughter. When thine mind is clear, thine course of action shall be all the more focused to their destruction."

The halfling spoke to her in a tone that soothed and advised but did not command. He wished that she were going with them (for in these times, numbers might be sorely in need), but he knew that her current state might bring danger to herself and the group. Perhaps, some other day...

"Whilst their next evil I await to halt, I shall not be idle. As they regroup so shall I gather together mine skills in war so that when time cometh that the reckoning shall be wrought, evil shall lay in dust and ash. So I say thee, Ioleth, peace and rest first. Then ready thineself for when they slither forth from their pits to corrupt goodly folk.

Mayhap then or a time before, thou couldst join us to hunt these minions of darkness. But not this day for to dwarf holdings afar we go."

[OOC: Declining Ioleth's offer IC so it doesn't look like we just ignored her. Would've been kewl to have you though :)]


Jaan runs his eyes over Ioleta, from head down to boots and back again. That one is wound tight.

Sparky said:
She looks over to the other cluster of folks...

Jaan shrugs.

"We hunt some bandits."

He really can't think of anything else to say. {1} Jaan swings his pack onto his back.

"I'm ready."

ooc: {1} Would one really say, "You are welcome to join us?" like offering a trip to the beach rather than the park? She is of course, welcome that is, but she might need to leave some of the stuff in that sack behind :)

ooc: I suppose that that means we are ready for an IC thread now, Mr Hobbes.

PS: Thought that I would add Jaan's wish list here to save time:
Crossbow light (35gp), bolts 20 (2gp), Potion CLW (50gp), 50' of rope silk (10gp), Thunderstone (30gp), 2 x Sunrod (4gp total), Flint and Steel (1gp), Pen and ink boxset (10gp) (total 142gp)
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Guilt Puppy said:
"Oi, say, Tele'! By mention, 'shmael's leadin' us out'n fight some beast what makes trouble where 'ese folk come from." He motions to the Jasperfists. "Ye 'n yer 'ound should come with -- 'ey've put up plenty o' loot fer divvin'."

Whitefang was now walking over to Aranel, rubbing against her leg to get attention. Telerin smiled and looked back to the Dwarf, "Sounds interesting enough. Count me in...and I think Whitefang won't mind that much."


Registered User
Ioleta takes a few calming breaths as she listens to the words of those in the common room. She seems calmed as Sir Ishmael's soothing, if flowery, words pour forth. She smiles crookedly at the halfling, "My apologies... I did not mean to infer that any of you were not... brave. She chuckles like a cool, floating breeze, seemingly in command of herself again, "After all, I was the one who hid." She sweeps out an arm and her cloak follows it rippling, "The monks were fortunate to have such saviors. My thanks to you for the lives of their survivors. They were kind to me. Gentle. There is so little true gentleness to be found and I weep to see it crushed. As do you all I am sure." She bows a deep bow to the larger crew and hoists her pack to one shoulder moving away to the other less dwarf-laden table.

She sets her pack down at the table with the three, the pack groans oddly, "You two were there as well. It seems the monks had many saviors. Again my thanks for their return to safety. And mine." She nods and smiles at Velbrik taking a seat if proffered, "I lived there, but it was not my home. I would like to hear more of what you learned of these... beasts." She shudders delicately... other than what it sounds like when they feed.

She cocks her head inquisitively, "You are hunting bandits? I knew a bandit once." She grins, "Though our acquaintance was brief. Perhaps my knowledge will be of assistance. And my skills. As I have not unpacked I am ready to depart in an instant. Let us depart and you can fill me in on all the glorious, gory details."

OOC: : Ioleta still needs to be approved, is it okay if we depart with her as is?


She bows a deep bow to the larger crew and hoists her pack to one shoulder moving away to the other less dwarf-laden table.

Troi nods to her as she approaches the table.

"You two were there as well. It seems the monks had many saviors. Again my thanks for their return to safety. And mine. I lived there, but it was not my home. I would like to hear more of what you learned of these... beasts. Other than what it sounds like when they feed."

"Hmm." Troi muses, leaning back in his chair. "Dunno if ya wanna hear everythin'. It's kinda creepy, ta be honest with ya. They're real nasty, fer one, an' fer another that druid guy can summon up demons, er so I heard..."

"You are hunting bandits? I knew a bandit once. Though our acquaintance was brief. Perhaps my knowledge will be of assistance. And my skills. As I have not unpacked I am ready to depart in an instant. Let us depart and you can fill me in on all the glorious, gory details."

"Yeah, I knew somebody who could be called a 'bandit', once, too... bastard..." He shakes his head. "But anyway. Well, I'm set ta go, so if Velbrik an' Jaan're ready..." He looks to the other two.

OOC: : Ioleta still needs to be approved, is it okay if we depart with her as is?

I see no problem. :)


Rurik nods blearily at Ioleta as she sits down, talks, then leaves. "Ssshe look't upsshet. Is sshe awright? Ssssure wuzh purdy..."

Rurik attempts to stand up (succeeding, on the third try!), and throws a panicked look at Jack, who points. Rurik stumbles off in that direction as fast as he can go. Minutes later, patrons of the bar who succeed at a Listen check DC 0 can hear what sounds like a Balrog, emanating from the washroom.


GnomeWorks said:
"Yeah, I knew somebody who could be called a 'bandit', once, too... bastard..." He shakes his head. "But anyway. Well, I'm set ta go, so if Velbrik an' Jaan're ready..." He looks to the other two.

Standing there in his armour, with his weapons at his side and backbag on his back, Jaan nods.

"It would appear so."

To Ioleta he gives a simple but easy bow.

"I am Jaan Saaresar of the Osilia and servant of Verdante. It is a pleasure to have you join us."

He gives a considered glace at the swollen bag that she has hauled around the room.

"We may be doing a fair bit of walking ..."

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