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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn V

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Thoria just nods, though the human girl had no chance of hiding behind her, even if she were on her knees! But, of course that was the point of the joke.

Perhaps THoria herself has had to much as well, though that has not happened in years!

Laughing, she pats DD on the back and heads out.

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Kahuna Burger

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Shortly after the small group's departure,the door opens again and a gnomish woman enters. She is dressed in studded leather armor with a sickle at her side, and two odd bags on her belt. A large silver pendant around her neck bears the symbol of a lit candle.
to any with ranks in know:religion, the divine focus of the Mortalists
She has blond, almost white hair that stands out against her dark skin.

Nodding to the bartender, she says "I doubt you would remember me sir, but I am Kirin." After a short pause and with a wry grin, she adds, "I'm here to help. I took the liberty of moving Cirus into the same ground floor room I had last time, I hope you don't mind."

She glances around the common room for any current occupants or new looking job listings before settling in for a meal.


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The door opens with a loud *bang* and a halfling stands in the door. "Oops" she says to Joe as she walks in. "Didn't intend to throw the door open like that, sorry about that!" She looks at the people in the bar, or more the empty chairs and tables. "I'm Irene, I'm a Wizard! Yeah, I can do some fancy tricks, learned it all in school! Yup, that's what I said, the School of Magic, cool huh! Say, why is it so quiet around here? Nothing fun to do for a girl like myself?". She looks at Joe with a big, cute smile. "Well you can't start by pouring me some wine, and I'll wait for the party to get going here!"
She laughs and waits for her drink to be served.


LEW Judge
The next person to enter the Red Dragon is a large, swarthy man. "Hello", he greets Joe. "My name's Nurlan, and this looks like the kind of bar that's proud of its specialty drinks. So mix me one of your specialties -- whatever it is that I wouldn't find anywhere else." Then, seeing the sign, he turns to the patrons with a grin -- introducing himself, after all, is one of *his* specialties. With a clear, crisp bass voice, he begins to sing,

I'll sing for friendship
I'll sing for my supper
I'll sing for the party
I'll sing for love

For music and song are the greatest of treasures
To soothe and relax, entertain or to woo
Ballads and epics, romances and all
The whole world over, to nourish the soul

For dukes and for peasants
For soldiers and wizards
For gnomes, orcs and hobbits
For guildsmen and kings
For ladies and courtiers
For mourners or lovers
For all of your friends
And for you I will sing!

(Perform check: 14+7=21)


First Post
"Wow Nurlan, that sounded great! You must be a great musician if you can sing like this! Have you been singing for a long time? Could you sing a song for me? Please?"
Irene looks at Nurlan with big puppy-eyes. "Pleaaaaaase? Just for me?"

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Kirin waves at the two new arrivals from her table in the "short section". She smiles in undisguised amusement at the halfling's enthusiasm and waits to see if there will be any more singing forthcoming.


LEW Judge
Venus said:
"Wow Nurlan, that sounded great! You must be a great musician if you can sing like this! Have you been singing for a long time? Could you sing a song for me? Please?"
Irene looks at Nurlan with big puppy-eyes. "Pleaaaaaase? Just for me?"

A song just for this halfling, Nurlan thinks. No problem. He glances quickly at the gnome across the room -- would she feel left out if he obliged? The halfling seems more enthusiastic.

So what song would be appropriate for this halfling? He sizes her up -- arms and equipment much like anyone else who frequents a place like the Red Dragon Inn. Nurlan can't tell if she's a scout, a burglar, a mercenary, ranger, or what. The two things about her that stand out are (a) female and (b) very small. Would she be honoured by a song about a female halfling?

Addressing her in Halfling, he says "A song just for you? Sure!" He speaks nonchalantly, as if there were nothing unusual about someone more than twice her height speaking what he presumes to be her native tongue, but he's trying to read her face to see if she's surprised, or flattered, by his choice of language. (Sense Motive check: 10 -- let me know if there's any really obvious reaction from Irene.) "I learned this song from Shayka, a halfling bard from West Chumbershire." He launches into the Tale of Nina of Doria, a song about the first female ever allowed to join the monasteries for which Chumbershire is famous. She so excelled at the skills taught in her monastic tradition that she became the most famous monk in the history of the Pushiri Monastery. The song tells of how she became the star of the monastery's travelling dance show, a troupe whose choreography exhibited the acrobatics and contortions only learned through the monastic discipline -- and then, when the dance troupe's caravan was ambushed by a couple of trolls, she single-handedly killed one of them with her bare hands.

(Perform check: 9+7=16)

Kahuna Burger

First Post
When nurlan's song is over, Kirin aplauds politely (but sincerely) and walks over. "That was very good, do you often get put on the spot like that?" Then she adds in belated politeness, "I'm Kirin, by the way. I'm here to help. It seems if you want to know who everyone is you have to be the first one here in the morning - or perhaps we should wear nameplates. If you won't consider it rude, I take it you are here for more than the mixed drinks and appriciative audience - what kind of adventure are you seeking?"


LEW Judge
Kahuna Burger (Kirin) said:
"If you won't consider it rude, I take it you are here for more than the mixed drinks and appriciative audience - what kind of adventure are you seeking?"

"Delighted to meet you", Nurlan says in Gnomish, turning to Kirin and bowing. "And I am pleased you enjoyed my song." As with the halfling, he watches for her reaction upon realizing he can speak her language (Sense Motive: 6 -- probably doesn't notice anything), but then switches to Common, so that everyone might understand his answer. "As for what kind of adventures I seek, I confess I am not really sure. I have learned that the most interesting adventures are the ones that seek me. I did not seek to meet Shkarna, my esteemed teacher, but I did meet him, and all my life's adventures have unfolded from that moment in ways I could never have planned. I know not whom I shall meet along the way, but I do hope to encounter travellers of many races and many distant lands. That is how I have learned so many songs and stories. Perhaps you can teach me some of your gnomish legends; I know your people have produced some of the most renowned bards to walk this earth.

"I also hope to meet the kinds of characters the bards have sung about through the generations: swashbuckling heroes, powerful wizards, noble aristocrats, blessed knights, dragons, giants, protectors of the weak, champions of the strong, and other wondrous creatures. Whether as friend or foe, it would be an honor to get to know those about whom one day others will sing. If I could accompany heroes on some noble quest, I would be happy to help out any way I can. I do have a little martial skill"
(at this he gestures to his longspear) "although my greatest contribution would no doubt be with my song. Songs to raise the morale of the better fighters, songs to sooth hostile beings, even songs to conjure minor effects. And most of all, songs to turn strangers into friends, to open closed doors. After all," he shoots a quick glance at the halfling, then back to the gnome, "within minutes of arriving at this place, I have through my song already made the acquaintance of two of the most charming ladies in Orussus."

He then picks up his cocktail, which Joe had put on the bar while Nurlan was singing to the halfling, and takes a drink.


First Post
orsal said:
Addressing her in Halfling, he says "A song just for you? Sure!" He speaks nonchalantly, as if there were nothing unusual about someone more than twice her height speaking what he presumes to be her native tongue, but he's trying to read her face to see if she's surprised, or flattered, by his choice of language. (Sense Motive check: 10 -- let me know if there's any really obvious reaction from Irene.)

Irene smiles surprised as Nurlan speaks to her in her own tongue, and this surprise stays when he plays his song for her. "Wow..." she says when he's done and applauds loudly. "You really are a great musician! How did you learn to speak all those languages? And learn all those songs? You've travelled a lot? Seen a lot? You care to share your stories?" Irene's eyes glitter with delight as she speaks, and she sits down next to Nurlan with her drink. His compliment makes Irene blush a bit as she takes another zip of her drink.

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