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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VI

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Keeping silent while Oirhandir speaks, Rogier nods every now and then. When his companion is done, he sees Iggy heading for him.
"Well met Ignatious, and ofcourse I remember you. It's a shame we never did find the lost Key of Fallon. You should tell me what you have been doing since your return to Orussus on our travel, as there will be enough time for us to catch up." With a smile, Rogier waits for the group to complete and lead them to Rupert for the signing of the contract.

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If you are interested, follow us to Rupert's office now. We can answer any further questions once we are there. Oh, and you should be able to return here between now and dawn to get your things, or whatever you need to do here.

With a slight nod, Razir turns again for his ale, drinks it down in one big gulp and follwes Oirhandir out of the inn with the hood of his cloak drawn up, leaving a few coins next to the empty mug.


LEW Judge
OOC: Please remember that Unapproved characters that go to adventures before they are approved will receive no XP. GMs, please tell your players this when considering who to accept for an adventure.


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Ignatious O'Reilly

"Oh. Rogier, I haven't had much more luck elsewhere. I volunteered to help some locals who were being bullied by some thugs. But we never found these thugs, and I've returned without experience, gold, or good deeds to my credit. If you're involved with this Rupert character, I'm sure he must be on the level. I'll happily join you if you'll have me. I do hope he'll let me keep any spellbooks we come across. I'm interested in those beyond all other treasure."

With a bow, he introduces himself to Orhandir, Gath, Almayce, and any others. "Ignatious O'Reilly at your service. Graduate of the prestigious Acadamy of the Chromatic Order. Aspiring loremaster, and survivor of several dangerous combats. Very pleased to meet you all."


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"Me go with you see this Rupert Va..Vannee..what ever." Gath is about to follow the elf and the paladin out of the inn but a fellow patron present himself.
Manzanita said:
With a bow, he introduces himself to Orhandir, Gath, Almayce, and any others. "Ignatious O'Reilly at your service. Graduate of the prestigious Acadamy of the Chromatic Order. Aspiring loremaster, and survivor of several dangerous combats. Very pleased to meet you all."
"Me Gath, smash some hoarsons really good. You survive many combat? You not look tough. Me bet me could beat you at game of 'Orc Punch'. What be loremaster? Me bet it be poor 'combastyle'. Fist-in-face be much better."


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Devlin silently descends the stairway to the common room, glancing around as he comes to the landing. "damn bells sure know how to ruin a guys nap..."

Seeing the crowd a bit smaller than he left it, with one group apparently readying to venture out as he arrives, Devlin takes a seat at the bar and motions for Joe.

"Looks like I missed all the excitement around here. Just my luck, too. An ale, please, while I try to decide what to do with myself next."
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You can all see a tall blue-eyed human enter the taver with a confident step, looking around as if he was expecting something. He walks directly to Joe and gives him a greeting.

"I was told it's a tradition to talk to you first in here. My name is Zander and I'm looking for a very particular kind of adventure here. I had a dream that someone might need an initiated on the mind arts in here soon, have you heard anything about it?"


ooc: Are we allowed to bring psionic characters into the inn now? It could be amusing when the ban lifts, there must be half a dozen waiting...


After getting no reaction at all from Jow, zander waves his hand in front of his face. "Joe? You there?"

Then he takes a look at the rest of the people there and asks, "Is he always like that?"


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A new opportunity ?

A young man walks boldly into the inn. His hair is short, black and well groomed. He wears a lot of jewelry and his red clothes are made of a rare fabric coming from the southern lands. His clothes also feature exquisite patterns embroidered with gold. This is all in accordance with the latest fashion trend in the higher class circles of Orussus. Following him closely is a scarred and hairy man wearing a leather jerkin. This man holds a whip in his right hand and a heavy iron chain in the other. The chain is linked to the collar of the third figure entering the inn, a large and muscular ape!

While the ape and its apparent trainer stay behind him protectively, the young man walks to the counter where Joe is standing and they exchange a few words. Some coins are given and the red dressed man turns to address all those present in the common room of the inn. He speaks with a strong and clear voice. “I am Baeron Raddanor, of the Raddanor family. If any of you brave adventurers are looking for lucrative work, the Raddanor family can provide you with some. We need a small group to investigate a pretty simple matter. It will require you to travel out of your great city and into the lands to the north. If you’re interested, come join me in the heart room, in the back, and we'll go over the details privately.”

Note: I receive a positive responce from 2 judges, I don't know if this is enough ...

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