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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VII

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"Well, this is my last hand, I need to turn in for the night", says Artax.
Artax deals out cards.
Profession(card player) +1 (untrained)

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"Blackjack? Well played, Artax, well played. Goodnight to you," Bartholemu says as he stands and offers an outstretched hand, "Oh, and the name is actually Bartholemu Holland, not Dameon."


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Artax, bored human ranger 1

(OOC: hey Dexerion, have you emailed nimisgod to let him know your character is in the character thread yet? His address is %nimisgod%@hotmail.com without the %'s.)

After checking with Joe to be sure it is ok, Artax spends most of the day throwing daggers at a target on the wall, muttering to himself, "At least I can keep my throwing skill up, even if my tracking ability wastes away to nothing."


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Brother Eusebius, human monk 1

A tall, broad-shouldered man with a shaven head pushes open the door and pauses for a moment in the doorway, scanning the interior of the inn. After a moment he steps quickly and quietly into the room. He is dressed in dark, loose-fitting peasant garb and carries a longspear over his shoulder.

Smiling at the barmaid who comes quickly towards him and invites him to make himself known, he moves to the bar and says in a clear, deep voice: "Dominus vobiscum. My name is Brother Eusebius. I seek a room and refreshment - and a chance to be of service to any who may be in need. As a servant of the Lord Hyrag, it is my particular calling to bring destruction to undead abominations - but any just cause will elicit my aid!"

In a lower voice he says, "A pint of your excellent ale, landlord. I am, indeed, parched."

Receiving the drink, and dipping into a slender purse to pay for it, Eusebius goes to a table in a corner and sits, leaning his longspear aganst the wall - in easy reach. Anyone paying attention notices that he sits with his back to the wall and his eyes on the room.
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Artax, bored ranger 1

Arax calls put, "Greetings Brother Eusebius, and welcome. Additional company while waiting for a 'just cause', as you say, to come along is a boon. Also I would be very pleased to have a hunter of the dead at my back if we happen to work together."
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Brother Eusebius, human monk 1

"Friend, good morrow! Company is indeed welcome - particularly when facing filth. And it's always a good idea to have someone at our backs, provided we can trust them."

"I am a peripatetic servant of the Great Lord - I wander where the road leads and the need calls. As my life ended, so I was reborn. Where I was a dreamer, now I pray instead - and my fists deliver the 'Amen.'"

Who are you, and what your calling? I see that you are handy with that knife. What other skills do you bring to the life of a righteous crusader?


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Artax, talkative Ranger 1

"No offence intended Brother, but you are a peri-what?", asks Artax confusedly.
"Concerning my identity, my lineage is of no consequence, I was raised by the streets and then I was taken in and trained by a member of the Roadwardens. In a fight I stay at range when I can, but I can get by in a melee. My primary calling though, is as a scout and tracker."

"How about you, what can I count on you for, besides pummeling undead, if we end up working together? Also, I have to admit the spear has me curious."

(OOC: reach weapon+improved unarmed strike=somebody I want at my back :) )


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Brother Eusebius, human monk 1

"'Peripatetic' - from 'peri-pateo', meaning 'I walk about'. It means ... I walk about. It's monk-speak. :eek: I tend to do that when I get nervous. I wander the roads and the country. I look for opportunities to help others, and I try to make a difference. There was a time when I didn't ..." He pauses for a moment, gaze turned inward, before looking back at Artax. "Suffice it to say, I'm keen to do as much 'undead bashing' as I can. But that doesn't mean I'll turn my back on any other sort of villain."

"As to my other skills, well, if you can lead me to our adversaries, I can sneak up on them. And the spear? That's just a temporary measure until I can afford something better. I've learned the hard way that there are some nasties you want to keep even further away than arm's length!"

So, friend, (OOC: Artax still hasn't told him his name.) I think we would travel well together. I tell you what, why don't you buy us some drinks and come and join me here and we'll get to know one another better?


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"Well, it seams you do learn something new every day. I'm peripatetic and didn't even know it." Artax mumbles to himself, "I wonder if Edron has heard of that." He calls out to a nearby barmaid, indicating Esubeius' table as he approaches it, "could we get some drinks over here? Thanks." Artax sits down and continues, "Where ARE my manners, my name is Artax. Staying here the past couple of days must have addled my wits, I can't wait to get moving." After a moment of thought, Artax adds, "What we are missing for a good team is someone to keep an eye on our health, my abilities in that direction are negligible without a magical item to provide the power, and my training with the Roadwardens showed me how usefull such a thing could be."

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