(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VII

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The Red Dragon Inn
The Red Dragon Inn is home to a motley sort of people. Located near an incredibly life-like statue of a Great Red Wyrm, rumored to in fact be a petrified dragon. Surrounded by a complex of two taverns and a huge inn with hundreds of rooms of flexible cost, the Red Dragon only irks a small amount of it's costs from the ale and bedding. In fact, most of the profits accumulated at the Red Dragon come from individuals that may never have set foot inside at all.

The Red Dragon is the functioning base of operation of a huge number of adventuresome individuals. Oftentimes a wealthy employer will post an advertisement at the establishment, costing anywhere from nothing for those who need help the most, to hundreds of thousands of gold pieces from kindoms farther away than most people knew the world stretched.

Who sets these prices? The bartender, an infamous brewer by the name of Joe Smith. His reputation is in his bar, and the bar is in his heart. He makes the decision to let the poor and neady post warrants, jobs, and anything else for pennies, while charging absolutely abusive amounts of money for the wealthy to have a similar contract. People pay what he thinks they should pay, and all but those that shouldn't be posting here anyway make the concessions to do so.

This has allowed the bar to grow to it's incredible size. Many a new table was paid for by a simple advertisement. And, in exchange, the Red Dragon is open and often free to it's clients. Drinks of all sorts, wines, ale, milk, and foreign fruits all make their way to the Red Dragon, where anything is possible. The only people not permitted in the Red Dragon are those that offend the barkeep.

Many people tell the stories about the historical figures that have graced the Red Dragon. Many of these stories are told in the stories of bards and the wives tales of the oldest bar maids. The interior is ever changing, some tables being made of common woods, and others being purchased at extreme costs to accomodate the best of heroes and nobles. If someone doesn't like linen bedsheets, oftentimes silk will be imported within the hour to cover those that need it. Of course, this tends to be the path to offending old Joe, but he won't kick you out till your willing to leave on your own.

The dragon's eyes glow at night, acting as a beacon. The street lights on the paths outside allow for an excellent night-time environment. By the time everyone wakes up, they can find a bed of toasted breads, morning pastries, cheeses, eggs, and if they need something special, it only takes a few minutes to make. The Red Dragon is obviously a fine place to spend a night. Of course, the clientel that come her most often are also the same kind of folk that always find themselves on the road, and having a home away from home is a huge reason why they all return here eventually.

The first thing any visitor should do, upon entering the the Red Dragon, is shuffle up to Joe. The barmaids try to ensure that this happens promptly, because Joe can't stand anyone that doesn't say hi at the very least. The second thing Joe does to any visitor, is to get them to shout out their name and any important facts about themselves that others might need to know. Then, third, the entire bar greets the newcomer and gets back to their drinking. It's all just customery, but Joe sure does appreciate it.
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Gur Chuck-Chuck, Giant Tracker, Bowman, and Ranger 3

Unclean, unkempt, and otherwise dirty, Gur Chuck-Chuck comes into the bar in the morning. He goes straight up to Joe and announces himself as clearly as he can to the rest of the bar, to make sure that everyone notices him from his muddy boots to his shaggy and unclean curly hair.

"Hey Joe. How's it going? I heard you heard that we were stiffed by that crazy research guy. Yeah, well, everyone else has probably already passed through here, but I refused to give up. I really wanted to catch that guy, if only because he offends me with his stealing and lying and cheating."

Gur then turns to the rest of the bar, noticing that he doesn't recognize any of there faces. "Well damn... won't be easy to find work with all this competition. I guess it's time I try to make some friends..."
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Celeste looks around for a second, and notices the post about the Lost Gem. She dashes out the door heading for the jewelers.


Gur decides to go look at the local bulletin board, gives it the thrice over, and decides that it looks like he'll wait for something that sounds more fun. "Tarnations... nothing to do today. Half empty bar and no crazy people in here except me..."

Rose Marie Lightstar, level 1 Rogue

The door to the inn opens, and a small figure steps in. She pulls back brown hood of her traveler's cloak to reveal a pony-tail of brown hair, then steps into the shadows near the door to have a look around.

But she isn't allowed to stay there very long before a barmaid sweeps by and greets her.

"Hello, hun. New here, ain't ya? Step on up t' the bar 'n say 'ello t' Joe. 'e don't like it when strangers hover 'round."

Rose Marie blinks her big brown eyes and smiles to the barmaid. "Oh! Okay, thanks lady!" Then she skips up to the bar and scrambles up onto one of the barchairs there for halflings like herself, and waves in an attempt to get Joe's attention. Though part of her wonders if he'll even notice such an average, non-remarkable thing like her.


First Post
The door slowly opens and at first no one is seen. Then in pops a very small young man, struggling to keep the door open against the wind long enough to get inside. Once inside he straightens his coat and checks and dusts himself off. His pale face brightens at seeing a fellow halfling. He introduces himself to the room, "Hello! I'm Beamer Glimmereye. Its good to be indoors. I was afraid I was going to be blown away outside." He takes takes a seat on a halfling stool and says to the barkeep, "A spot of warm tea would be splended."

To Rose Marie he says, "So, what brings you to Orussus?"
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First Post
The door flies open, A Azaroth walks in grasping the doors trying to keep them from swinging rapidly into the wall.

"Its alright Hastur we're inside now you can come out"

A weasel pops it's head out of Azaroth's cloak

"Greetings everyone my name is Azaroth VanHaydren and this is my weasel Hastur"

He walks up to Joe

"Hello inkeep. I am impressed by your establishment here. Perhaps you have an empty room and an extra glass at your disposal?"

Azaroth pays for his room and gets himself a nice hot brew.

Looks around.

"Perhaps we can find out some interesting stories while we are in town eh Hastur? There's bound to be someone here who has a story or two to tell. All we have to do is find him or her"
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Rose Marie finally suceeds in getting Joe's attention, and with a gruff smile the barkeep walks over to her bench.

"Hello, Lass, what can I do for you? And please announce yourself so we all know who you are."

Rose Marie smiles a winning smile to Joe, clears her throat, and loudly replies, "Hi there, name's Rose Marie Lightstar."

Having dispatched her "duty" to announce herself, Rose Marie drops back into a normal talking voice and settles down more comfortably on her stool. "Got any warm cider?" she asks the barkeep.

As Joe wanders off to fill her drink order, she turns to watch Beamer join her on a nearby stool. She flashes him a smile as she replies, "Just the road. Heading no place in particular, and this seemed like a good place to stop for a bit. You?"

A moment later, Joe returns with her warm cider and Rose Marie slides some coins to him. Then, as Joe turns to take Azaroth's order, Rose Marie glances in the cloaked man's direction, and she lets out a little squeal of delight as she is distracted from her conversation with Beamer. "OH LOOK! Oh, he's so cute!!"

One could logically assume that since her gaze is directed at Azarath's 'pet' that she's talking about the weasel.

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