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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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Frederick walks into the main room. Looks around a moment then takes to a table. His bag a little heavy and clothes none the worse for wear, excepting fresh dirt and blood. He waited to see if anyone was hiring again.

OOC: 1st level fresh back from first adventure.

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Placing her hand on top of the man's head and using him for a bit of balance the halfling lass hops down off the table and boldly strides across the room to where Tyrion sits.

"Deliv'ry of this fine missive, sirrah!" She shuffles the few envelopes she holds in her hand until she finds the one with Tyrion's name on it. She hands it to him with a little curtsy. "Now, if ya don't mind, I gots to find these other louts."

The envelope is a fine cream-colored paper and Tyrion's name is emblazoned across the front in a distinguished hand. The back is sealed with a dollop of red wax imprinted with an 'A'.

[sblock=OOC]The Inheritance is up and running! Feel free to make your way over there at your leisure and begin posting. [MENTION=95784]jackslate45[/MENTION] [MENTION=6667193]sunshadow21[/MENTION] [MENTION=6666968]Satin Knights[/MENTION] [MENTION=92814]soulnova[/MENTION][/sblock]

Satin Knights

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Tasanto watches as the little one makes her spectacle and calls out his name. He muses to himself, 'I must be doing something right if work is coming searching for me now.' The quiet half-elf gathers his things, leaves a tip for Marta on his plate and walks over to the halfling.

"My dear lady, I am Tasanto. Nysys will be along when he is needed."
Taking his envelope, "Thank you."


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Taking the envelope from the girl, Tyrion rips it open and reads the contents of it. Once read, he strides out of the bar, flipping a coin to Grog as he walks out.


"I research the shadows mostly, but dabble in other arcane magic from time to time as well. But I hear my name, so I must be off. Hopefully this employer understands the value of my time better. The last guy tried to pay in silver pieces, the fool." With that final word, Thuvian rises, and after collecting his note, stops in the corner to get his gear and his familiar before departing.


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The blonde man with a careful maneuver in passing through the packs with a graceful science, nearly makes it to the bar before he begins to hover over the half-ling handing out pamphlets, curiously weaving his body to get various views of the pamphlets. With his eyes following each pamphlet of information being given to their intended individuals, he only needs to slightly raise his hand to point while speaking with great interest over a potential opportunity, "You wouldn't happen to have an extra one of those, would you? I'll even write my name on it."

[sblock=OOC]Just some roleplaying.[/sblock]


The halfling lass grins at the blond man who has just approached her. "Oi! You can write? New breed of 'venturers they gots in here then." Relenting she answers the man's question. "Sorry, mate. Just those ones I done give out. I wouldn't fret it much. From what I hear work's always showin' up sooner or later."

She raises a brow and looks askance at the man then reaches out and plucks a bright green feather from where it has snagged mostly hidden in his armor.

"Ya don't exactly look the feathery type. Lemme guess, there's a perfectly good explanation..."


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Amien snaps his fingers and mutters silently. It's the adventure that got away.

He is just about to turn away before he feels something tug at him. Looking back, he notices the small lass holding up what must have been a feather from that colorful giant 'mosquito' that was biting at him. He simply gives a dismissing wave and suggests, "Why don't you keep it? It's my gift to you."

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