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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


First Post

A young-looking blonde woman walks through the door just in time to hear Grog's comment. She shakes her head sadly. "Unfortunately, quite true. It's strange how some things work out. You know, there's a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and I wonder if the intent is similar. On the other hand, my uncle Tamlund likes to say that the road to hell is paved with the frozen souls of craftsmen who do shoddy work. He says it quite often, in fact. Usually when he's trying to repair something that wasn't made right in the first place. Then he almost always adds some commentary about he'd like to go ice-skating down that road someday."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Mirra Weathersmith

AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 12/14
CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Fort: +3 Reflex: +6 Will: +1

Perception: +5
Initiative: +3

Bombs: 2/7
Cognatogen Prepared: Intelligence
1st Level: 0/3
Extracts Prepared: Enlarge Person, Shield, Detect Secret Doors

Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear (+2, x2, 1d8+1) and Bomb (+4, x2, 1d6+3)
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Used Items:


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Grunger, Dwarven Warrior
"Aye, laddie, so it would seem," the dwarf takes a pretty big gulp of brew and wipes his mouth on his sleeve before continuing, "An the memories are forever, I tell ye. One of those goblin kills was with my friend, Hamsath, barely got the swing off in time…" With little provocation, Grunger launches into the story, which while not long, provides a little entertainment.

Meanwhile, Commander Jacobson's attention seems to have shifted from the table banter to the latest newcomer to the Inn. Her dark eyes settle on the tall blonde, although her steady gaze could carry about any meaning, from, I'm eyeing you up as a potential hire, to, Please save me from this dwarf's ramblings! It's anybody's guess.

[sblock=Recruiting ROUS3, levels 1-3]Recruitment is still open. Consult Commander Jacobson.[/sblock]

[sblock=Cruendithas]You saw Grunger's axe was nicely decorated, but not of special quality.[/sblock]

Satin Knights

First Post
A little gnomish woman with lavender hair, riding a mastiff hound, follows the blond woman into the bar. "Yeah, we had good intentions. But we also had good actions. That is what defines us. We saved that girl. We couldn't have saved the others unless we knew how to travel back into the past. They say that is quite messy. Always talking about grandfathers when that topic comes up."

"They didn't pay us enough of a reward, but we got the job done. And who knows how dangerous that was beyond the beholder's door. I think we were lucky to get out while the getting was good."

"And I am sure Jonas is off telling the Whitecloaks to worry about the next undead uprising. Bubba and I needed a meal first. After we fill our bellies, then we can look for new work. Every group needs a healer. Well, every group that wants to live when fighting the big bad nasties out there."

Bubba looks around and sniffs. Several cats have been in here. And a wolf. He looks more carefully and spots the ones that are still hanging around. They seem to be relaxed and not on their guard, so he doesn't do anything to start a play romp or fight.
[sblock=actions]Bubba: sniff
Mystie: looking for a seat, then dinner, then work, then better pay, then maybe a shopping trip...
[/sblock][sblock=Mystie Thissiledew's Mini-stats]Mystie Thissiledew
HP 23/23, AC 13, 10 Touch, 13 FF; Init -1, Darkvision 60', Move 15'
Fort: +4, Reflex +1, Will +4, CMB -4, CMD 5
Perception +0, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +5, Linguistics +2, Stealth +0, Handle Animal +9

Dagger -2, d4-3
Lt Crossbow +0, d6, range 80' increment, 9 bolts
Thrown Dagger +0, d4-3, range 10' increment

.,,,.....,,,,,,..Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
.,,,.....,,,,,,.Cantrips: Read Magic, Message, Spark, Unwitting Ally (DC 14 Will)
Racial Spells:
Dancing Lights (1/day), Flare (1/day), Produce Flame (1/day)
.,,.,,...Oracle 1st Lvl: 4/4 remaining; Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Protection from Evil
.,,.,,.,,..Bard 1st Lvl:
2/2 remaining; Share Language, Grease (DC 15)
.Bardic Performance:
8/8 remaining;
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Cure Light Wounds potion, Mystie's Wand of Cure Light Wounds (25/25 ch)
......,,.......Consumables: 3 Alchemists' Fires, 1 Antitoxin
Consumables: 2/6 days trail rations, 2/6 days of dog food
....................... Scrolls: Endure Elements, Comp Languages, Diagnose Disease
....................Channels: 5 of 5 left, 1d6, DC 15
.........Immediate Action: Misfortune, force immediate reroll, once per creature per day
..................................If bad guy rolls 18-20, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 10 or less on an attack for the base die roll, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 12 or less on a dangerous save, reroll
..................................This consumes the swift action, Mystie and Jonas used
Bubba: Mastiff riding dog, Low light vision + scent; Perception +5, Understands Common
AC 13, Touch 12, FF 11
HP 16/16
.... Fort +5, Reflex +5, Will +1; Move: 40'
..................CMB +3, CMD 15 (19 vs. Trip)
Melee: Bite +3, 1d6+3 plus trip
Tricks: Attack x2, Defend, Heel, Flank and Hunt

In hand:


First Post
Glancing up to the bartender, Joren nods, growing slightly more sober as he says, "I'll try to be, thanks. But I guess nobody ever tries to be stupid." He looks curiously towards the new arrivals, but his attention is soon caught again by Grunger's story, sitting back in his chair as he listens with interest.


Commander Jacobson
Some had not even heard the White Cloak speak since their arrival, as the conversation was spirited by others. However, it is Mystie's words that get her immediate attention and response. Suddenly standing up, she curtly says, "Don't let me stop you. Be right back."

Promptly swinging around the table, the woman steps to within ten-ish feet of Mystie, "Excuse me, I'm Commander Jacobson. When you can, I'd like to hear your take on this undead uprising. And I'd like to also talk about a job. Oh, and cute puppy." She stops and thinks a moment and gestures to the table where a lively story is being told. "I'll be over there." Jacobson turns and heads back as Grunger finishes his tale.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

A huge half-orc, well-heeled, stoops and twists as he comes in through the door just in time to catch the gist of the halfling's words. He smiles fondly at the tiny lady and says, "Indeed I did, Mystie. The local garrison has been told of the danger in Kingsholm, and I even had time to stop by the Pearl on my way over here." He catches sight of the Whitecloak speaking with Mystie, and of Mirra as well, and includes the Alchemist in his smile. "Though it seems there was no need to go to the garrison." He strides over to the table and extends a hand to the Whitecloak officer. "I'm Jonas Psalter, ma'am. Hullo, Mirra, Mystie."

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +02
AC: 17 (12 Touch, 15 Flat-Footed)
HP: 31/31
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +10
CMB: +05 CMD: 17 (+7/19 vs. Trip)
Fort: +06 Reflex: +02 Will: +04

Satin Knights

First Post

Smiling to Jonas and Mirra, "Well, that didn't take long to find work. At least here in Venza, they know how to ask us to work." Addressing the commander, "Yes, I will join you in just a moment. Tummies still get priority in my life."

Catching the eye of the waitress, "Pretty one, um... um.. Marla, yes. Marla please, if you could bring a nice raw steak and soup bone for Bubba here? He has been a good boy and deserves a reward. As for me, a roast chicken, baked potato and some orange juice please. I would normally say wine, but that slows down the working, which it looks like I will be doing real soon."

Guiding Bubba over to the commander's table and then dismounting, she finds a high chair appropriate for her. "Well, that will take a couple minutes for them to prepare. Let's see. Kingsholm, the little village just a few days down the road, they got a mausoleum there as the major thing in town. Well, short story is a family of three went in and didn't come out. Two guards went in and didn't come back. The town elders were too scared to go out and see what the problem was, so they begged us to. We went looking. The two guards were dead, and being feasted upon by wolves. But the wolves didn't kill them. The mama and papa of the family were dead. I think they turned papa into a zombie. Never got an answer as to if that was him. But, two zombies and three skeletons with good bows where the killers. The little girl of the family got nailed into a coffin alive. She said 'ugly robbers' did it, so some humans look to be looting the place and creating undead. I assume she would have said creatures if it was something other than humans."

"We rescued the girl and took her back to the town elders. They wanted us to go past a magically locked door without harming it, as if it was a cultural treasure or something. But, they wouldn't provide the way to get past it. And they wanted the reward for rescuing little Tyra back. As if! They ran us out of town instead of having us deal with the problem. They already got four dead."

"They got someone practiced in necromancy in their burial chambers. Yeah, I expect an undead uprising to 'come about' soon and decimate the town. They would not accept our help. They went so far as ordering us out of town. They didn't have to poke us with spears to make us go, but it looked like it was coming to that. That was four days ago. Given a necromancer can make a few skeletons or zombies in a day, and he has plenty of raw materials, I can guess the results."

Once she realizes she interrupted the dwarf, "Oops! Sorry for interrupting you master dwarf. Once I get talking, well the talking just keeps flowing on its own."

[sblock=actions]Bubba: sit patiently
Mystie: talk, talk, talk...
[/sblock][sblock=Mystie Thissiledew's Mini-stats]Mystie Thissiledew
HP 23/23, AC 13, 10 Touch, 13 FF; Init -1, Darkvision 60', Move 15'
Fort: +4, Reflex +1, Will +4, CMB -4, CMD 5
Perception +0, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +5, Linguistics +2, Stealth +0, Handle Animal +9

Dagger -2, d4-3
Lt Crossbow +0, d6, range 80' increment, 9 bolts
Thrown Dagger +0, d4-3, range 10' increment

.,,,.....,,,,,,..Orisons: Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
.,,,.....,,,,,,.Cantrips: Read Magic, Message, Spark, Unwitting Ally (DC 14 Will)
Racial Spells:
Dancing Lights (1/day), Flare (1/day), Produce Flame (1/day)
.,,.,,...Oracle 1st Lvl: 4/4 remaining; Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Protection from Evil
.,,.,,.,,..Bard 1st Lvl:
2/2 remaining; Share Language, Grease (DC 15)
.Bardic Performance:
8/8 remaining;
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Cure Light Wounds potion, Mystie's Wand of Cure Light Wounds (25/25 ch)
......,,.......Consumables: 3 Alchemists' Fires, 1 Antitoxin
Consumables: 2/6 days trail rations, 2/6 days of dog food
....................... Scrolls: Endure Elements, Comp Languages, Diagnose Disease
....................Channels: 5 of 5 left, 1d6, DC 15
.........Immediate Action: Misfortune, force immediate reroll, once per creature per day
..................................If bad guy rolls 18-20, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 10 or less on an attack for the base die roll, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 12 or less on a dangerous save, reroll
..................................This consumes the swift action, Mystie and Jonas used
Bubba: Mastiff riding dog, Low light vision + scent; Perception +5, Understands Common
AC 13, Touch 12, FF 11
HP 16/16
.... Fort +5, Reflex +5, Will +1; Move: 40'
..................CMB +3, CMD 15 (19 vs. Trip)
Melee: Bite +3, 1d6+3 plus trip
Tricks: Attack x2, Defend, Heel, Flank and Hunt

In hand:


First Post
"Magnificent. This place truly is the gathering place of heroes." Cruendithas softly claims to no one in particular as he stares at the huge orc speaking with Commander Jacobson. He then surveys the crowd once again and shakes his head imagining all the stories waiting to be told. He motions to the seving girl for a drink and turns back to the conversations.


Commander Jacobson
[section]Dwarfed by Jonas' sheer size, the White Cloak Commander greets him with a firm handshake and a nod. "Pleased to meet you, Jonas. Not my usual hangout, so just as well you told us your news us at one of our posts. I should get back to my table, but if you're looking for work, I have several more spots open on the team I'm hiring."[/section]

Food and drinks are requested of the ever busy Marla, including special dog treats. Grunger seems content to launch himself into another story as Mystie approaches the table and seats herself. The Commander acknowledges her with a nod and her story begins, the whole table listening along. Just as the story ends, food and juice are set before the hungry gnome, drinks to just about everyone, and a lovely raw steak and bone set on the floor to Mystie's side.

Grunger, Dwarven Warrior
[section]"Whoa," Grunger begins, "No worries about makin' me shaddup for that. What a story, and a little sad. Aye, like a tragedy! Not that I'm into all that opera crap!" He laughs at his mirth, only stopping as Commander Jacobson holds her hand up.[/section]

"In any case," Jacobson begins, "Thank you for letting me know in such great detail… Mystie, is it? I'll put it in with Jonas' report and then make sure they both get sent up to the Coordinator." She leans back, doing an obvious head count. "About there," she comments, flipping the thin braid on her right side absent-mindedly.


First Post
Joren looks up to Jonas with slightly widened eyes. That expression lasts for just a moment, however, and he gives a friendly smile and a nod. He looks back to Mystie then and says, "Wait, they'd rather face undead than harm a door? Even if it was religiously important, I think the gods would prefer the undead got dealt with." He quiets then as well to let Jacobson speak.

Voidrunner's Codex

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