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[Tavern] Tower's Shard '09

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The door of Tower's Shard opens, crackling energy can be heard outside. The door stands open for a moment, as if the patron was hesitant to enter.

Cor, it's a lightning bolt Japhar. one patron remarked to another, Don't be silly Jareth, it's not a the second man sat, mouth agape staring at, a lightning bolt?

I've read your custom, my name is Elec-Squall. The pillar of crackling energy moved like a man, spoke like a man, even seemed intelligent like a man. I seek Shava, has anyone seen her? Elec-Squalls last contact had said she was in The Tower's Shard.

The former half-elf made his way toward a booth. The only seating large enough to accommodate him and the chest on his back.


Storm-cloud grey skin, with an overlaid lattice of bright blue bolts, appears stretched over a half-elven form. Lightning arcs constantly, where hair would be if Elec-Squall were still a half-elf, three inches in chaotic directions. Elec-Squall wears a specialized suit of cloth that he bought upon leaving the research facility, it handles the rare nature of his condition well. On his back is strapped a medium sized chest, which is filled with rope, and climbing gear.

[sblock=and a picture]

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As the voice spoke, Shanairra turned, expecting to see a somewhat older version of the boy she had occasionally played with as a child, before she crossed over. Instead, she saw a living lightning elemental. Though, since he didn't attack, she did not retaliate either. She instead stepped between, simply disappearing from where she had been standing across the room, appearing face to face with the being as she examined him curiously.

"You don't look like the Elec I know... but I don't know any other Elec's who might be looking for Shava either..." She pondered, gingerly extending a finger to poke at his chest, wondering how much of him was solid and how much was lightning.


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Small static shocks spark off when Shanairra touched the magic cloth.
The only little half-elf girl, curious, or brave enough to simply reach out and touch lightning, disappeared without a trace when I was young. However, if I'm not mistaken Shanairra d'Lyrandar stands before me now, acting as if nothing happened... Your parents had everyone scouring for you. Elec-Squall began to give Shanairra a hug, but remembered himself and put his arms down. Seems we have a bit to catch up on, I take it you haven't seen Shava then?

Elec took the chest off his back, and motioned for the bartender. I've yet to have a good sit today, care for a drink whilst we chat?


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Shanairra giggled, moving her hand away at the sparks, before frowning softly. "I didn't try it! I just got lost... in the Feywild..." She exclaimed, before lowering her head a bit. "No. I don't even know where I am, exactly..." The girl moved to take a seat nearby, ordering 'something fruity' from the bartender as she poked him again gingerly.

"Looks like crazier things happened to you than me!"


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Elec sipped at the wine he had ordered Well, currently you're in the Tower's Shard. Which I'm sure surprises me more than it does you. The feywild! Elec-Squall reacts as if the words had just now registered. The The Feywild!How did you get back on this side? How did you get over there? You've got to teach me, no one else has access, and this could be a huge discovery. Elec-Squall glances around, Don't tell too many people about that, they'll want to study you. The former half-elf leans in, They accepted me in Lyran's Gift, he indicates his body, how am I supposed to explain this to my father? I didn't even manifest the mark! Elec-Squall realizes he's said quite a bit, and asks a question for balance, Where are you headed?


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"Tower's Shard? That doesn't sound like Stormhome at all. As for how... I dunno... I was exploring the forests and then they changed. As for how I got home... I was hunting a some food, and the forest changed... into a city... and then I came here. I figured I'd come here and start looking. I figured I'd see how Shava was doing, since I'm not even sure exactly how long I was gone..." She looked at the man as she took a sip of her drink, tilting her head slightly. "You went and didn't even tell him you were going?" She blinked, "I don't have a mark yet either, but even if you did manifest it, would we even be able to see it anymore? As for where I'm headed... I've no idea... I'm kinda lost at the moment."


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That's a good sign. Though we'll have to look into it more later. Elec raises his drink, To pleasant reunions! After taking a sip, and returning the glass to the table he speaks again. My father knew I was enrolling, but I told him it meant I would manifest. He contributed heavily to the program, saying it interested his "cause", I still don't know what he was talking about. All that came from the program was an increase in my destructive arcane abilities. The glass raises again, and is finished off. If I manifest you'd know, the electric streaks on my body would become the manifestation, or that's what the researchers said. Anyway, I left, and didn't tell anyone I was going. I'm going after Shava, but I'm broke now. I'll either have to take work for food, or find Shava so I can start my life again.


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Muttering to himself, a large man in mismatched plate mail and a frayed cloak enters the room. He grabs a passing nobleman and begins picking through the squealing man's hair. "See? See?! Absolutely ridiculous! In a society at this level of technological advancement, his hair should be swarming with parasites, but NO! And yet! And yet, the versimilitude is so great that I have to defecate!"

He shakes the nobleman. "Can you believe it?! RIDICULOUS!"

The nobleman squeaks and flees as the man drops him.

"Why? No sense! No sense! I must masticate, digest, and defecate?! No, no, no! Where are the controls for this consensual reality? It becomes paste in the mouth, slime in bowels, and offal in the anus! Horrid!"


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Oh no, not another philosopher... Elc-Squall placed a hand to his head, and turned away, hoping to be glanced over by the obviously burdened man.

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