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[Tavern] Tower's Shard '09

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Cairn looks over Elec impassively as Euphie brandishes her sword.

"You need crushing weapons or picks against stone. Earth cares not for flimsy blades. I am no threat to you or other softlings as long as you don't defile nature...More." he adds after moments thought.

"Need new companions to protect what is left of nature and help dismiss The Mist. As there were Green Fingers there could be Mist Wardens. Would you be willing? You" - stone-man indicates Elec - "seem close to elements so you may understand the pain."

Here, you don't have to look through e-mails
Rockslide 'Rocco' Falcrunn

There are in background sections 'flags' [VERUZAK SOMETHING]...feel free to fill them however you like. Just please use light gray or some other 'light' color so I can see the changes. Thanks

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Oh ho ho... um, That's a daunting task Cairn, dismiss THE Mist. Although I'd be interested in seeing it done, and it would free up air space. Elec-Squall scratches at his chin, and thinks about the ramifications. Once I have completed my current directive, I'd be interested in contributing toward your efforts Cairn.


Actually I had already found the email, just not the time to fill in the spaces. It's still finals week :(

But I'd love to help! I'll make sure to pick a color you can easily identify, and you feel free to edit my addition to fit your character vision.



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Euphie smiles at Cairn. "My blade's proved effective in the past. It isn't a simple piece of steel. In fact, there isn't a scratch or scuff on it from the last time I attacked one." Euphie wasn't sure what to make of this one, but it was holding a conversation, something the other couldn't do. For now she'll remain 'cautiously optimistic' about him.

Euphie gives Elec a questioning look. "THE Mist?"


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Stasi jumps up angrily looking at Cairn.

"MIST! What do you imagine you possibly know of mist, the mist isn't some mear fog you can wave away with a flick of your torch. The mist is Dolurrh come to pass, it is horror unleashed upon the world. It is death itself. Look at it, if even the Gods could fix it you think it would still be there. It is death."

She shatters her glass as she throws it to the floor.

"Your a deathbound fool if you think any different. Save your skin, and everyone else's the trouble and let that rotting festering wound on the earth alone. Pick at it and you'll just make it worse. Bartender, I need another drink, bring me the bottle."

[sblock="OOC"]So hard to do that in character without the cuss words I really felt she would say there.[/sblock]


A small figure struggles with the door briefly before entering the establishment. He looks back at the door indignantly and gives a <harumph> and proceeds to smooth out his clothing as if the action would smooth out his ruffled pride at having some difficulty with the door.
The figure takes off a wide brimmed hat to reveal a halfling with an unruly mop of chestnut brown hair. He is well dressed and has a curved sword that looks a bit to big for him to wield properly strapped to his back.
Eyes, shiny and wide scan the place taking in its measure before he saunters up to the bar (methodically avoiding any broken glass as he does) and climbs up onto a high stool and taps on the counter.
"Filo D'Jorasco's the name. Would you be a good fellow now and slake a poor thirsty halfling's thirst?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I existed one with nature, sitting on a primal node. I LIVED through it, I felt Eberron's pain, It tore through me and separated me from the land. Now I live as separate entity."
- if possible, deep rumbling voice becomes more grave as he said that last one. Did tendril of mist just left that stony joint? -
"Calm down, don't assume your pain is greatest. I can assure you, it's not. My pain, your pain, everyone's pain is nothing compared to pain of Eberron. Mist destroyed my grove, took power from Lady Mage and tore her companions from the grave. It is unnatural and as any wound or curse it can be cured. We only need to find a way."

Theme concluded, oblivious to any enraging elements his response might contain, Cairn turns back to Elec.
"What is your directive? If I help you finish it, will you help me later?"

OOC: Hero4Hire I was intrigued, so here it is
[sblock=What class are you]

D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
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The door to the Tower Shard opens slowly, and then closes suddenly with a loud thud, as the latest arrival slips through. He quickly straightens himself up, uttering a 'Heavy door, that' while he fixes his round spectacles.

The man before you, is easily in his early twenties, with ruffled brown hair and a slender build. He is dressed in light brown scholars, with an old set of leather armor tied atop his chest. A hide bag is slung across his should obvious ladened with something or other. He takes a moment, slightly intimidated, and announces himself.

"I am Professor Edward Sween, and I seek a number of adventurers brave enough to go down a very dark hole."

[sblock=ooc] Dive into Darkness, an adventure designed for a party of 4th level is approved and seeking PCs!

This was approved in under 24 hours so let's hear it for the judges eh? Whoop whoop!

A dungeon is involved as well as some mystery and intrigue. It seems to me, a bit Indianna Jones-ish. How's thta for a summary?

Please state you're interest IC as well as OOC. If this PC is you're first/only/or only PC currently looking for an adventure please state that also. If you're PC is yet to be approved please provide a link to his/her page.

I am willing to take up to six PCs.[/sblock]


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Stasi quickly forgets about the big rock.

"What's this job pay? Fear of the dark is no issue, but I"m not going in this hole without some pay?"

"What do you say Elec? Euphie? Ready to have some fun in the dark?"

I'm interested, definattly interested in an indiana jones type thing, this is my first PC in LEB, 2nd total in living worlds, and is approved.
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First Post
Edward seems slightly offended that the girl's first question. His jaw drops slightly as he looks at Stasi and her current state of dress. Diverting his eyes slightly, and with a slight blush he makes his way over to her and the adventurer's gathered around her.

"A have prepared six standard adventurer's contracts." He pulls a leather bound portfolio from his bag. "You will have rights over any items not deemed to have significant scholarly values as well as one share each of any treasure in the forms of coins and gems, with a minimum guaranteed payment of five hundred gold pieces divided between you."

[sblock=Darwin]The link in you're signature to your character sheet appears to be incorrect. I found it here: LEB:pC:Stasi Tonladar (DarwinofMind - ENWiki) [/sblock]


First Post
Shanairra had grown bored of being ignored, and rather than make a fuss, she disappeared from Elec's side abruptly, appearing on the other side of the bar where she ordered more drinks. When a job opened, she approached the man immediately, and for the first time in mundane fashion.

"What is supposedly in this dark hole?"

Woo! Adventure! ~dives in the darkhole!~[/sblock]

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