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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2010

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Ryda barks out a short laugh while the kalishatar glares at her. Whispering back, [sblock=whisper]First off, please stay out of my head, I have enough trouble with just myself in there. Secondly, you can learn a lot about someone from unexpected and personal questions. It was meant as a test to see your character.[/sblock]


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Pis, looking for a place clear enough for his stunt, completely misses the exchange between the ladies. Looking a bit crestfallen he realizes that there are probably too many patrons to safely do a backflip on the floor.

A devilsh grin crosses his face a moment later and he walks back to Ryda’s table. Climbing up on the chair, and then on the table itself, he leaps backward, to another abandoned table. He clears several patrons and sticks the landing, though it’s obvious he’s a bit surprised at that last bit. A second later the table wobbles just slightly and he spills off of it and onto the ground.

Dusting himself off, he stands with a flourish. His hat is still in place, surprisingly. Other than his ego it appears nothing is bruised too badly. Noting a glare from brews he hurries back to the table with the others.

[sblock=OOC] 15, just barely made the DC.[/sblock]


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Jarren watches the antics with a relaxed smile, breaking into a deep laugh as Pis tumbles inevitably to the floor. "Good routine, but it needs something more," he calls out. "I saw a fellow in Fairhaven once did the same kind of act, but he had a halfling partner that threw a fruit pie in his face when he tried to stand up." He grins at Pis good-naturedly, obviously trusting that the stranger will take his words in fine humour.

He's a game one, if nothing else,"
he comments to Ryda. "That kind of enthusiasm has to be worth a good Owlbear tale for the table."

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[sblock=telepathy to Ryda]"And if I don't? Because I'd prefer not to. This is much better for such personal conversation for a couple reasons.

One, we cannot be overheard, and I prefer personal things not to be overheard. All you have to do is think back for me to hear you and we can have an entire conversation without anyone else knowing.

Two, it's much harder to lie in here.

Oh, and just as a side note referring back to point one since you said you're a fighter. If you ever fight on the side of a telepath, a quick sending like this for tactics is much more of a surprise for the enemy. Would you rather they hear you shouting orders, or just see you moving and have to react? I know I'd rather the second.

This ability is a tool like any other, and I use it to my advantage, just as I'm sure you use that bow on your back to yours. Right now it's to my advantage to be sure no one else overhears any talk regarding me and boyfriends.

So, what does that tell you about me then, since this was all some kind of test?"

You can sense more indignation and a bit of anger seeping through with the last question, although the rest of the message seems matter-of-fact.[/sblock]

As her internal conversation continues, she is watching Pis over Ryda's shoulder. She gasps and begins to stand when he falls off the table, but falls back into her seat when he gets up clearly unharmed.

"Are you sure you're alright?" she asks him when he gets back to the table. "That fall at the end looked painful. It was an impressive stunt though."

She smiles and nods at Jarren's words.

"I would like to hear the owlbear story as well, although just before you sat down Susan had offered to describe her latest battle to me. Does one make a better story than the other?"


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As the human makes his flip and rights himself from the resulting tumble, the humor of his antics worm their way through the grumpiness that plagued her. “Well, at least the hat’s OK.” She murmurs as Pis returns to the group. “Very well, I shall allow you to hear the tale of the mighty Susan, and how he /almost/ single handedly fought off the ferocious owlbear.” Catching Jarren’s eye, she offers a quick wink before moving on.

Motioning the group small group closer, she steps one foot onto a chair and leans in over the table to being her story, “The mighty Susan had heard from a poor disheveled elf that there was a crazed owlbear rampaging though their woods, slaughtering animals and men alike. Now, Susan knew that owlbears don’t just randomly wander into a new area, someone must have put it there, be it a great House playing games, left overs from weird experiments, or the elves trying to lure unexpecting adventurers to their deaths, but he didn’t care, the beast was there, and it needed to be stopped.

Susan led his small band into the heart of the beasts domain, until it was spotted at the far end of a clearing. Now, common practice would say to allow those with ranged ability to soften it up before charging into battle, but the mighty Susan isn’t common, and she charged straight at the owlbear. The two titans clashed and the earth shook with the weight of their blows. Time passed as the two fought, Susan’s companions lending help when they could, but suddenly, some fragile little Kenku fluttered down from the branches above. Susan was right! The beast was the puppet in anothers twisted plot. Susan ordered his companions to deal with the weak birdfolk while he continued to combat the true power. Before long, Susan and his companions were victorious, and the elves threw a party to celebrate Susan’s heroic actions." Ryda watches the warforged as she tells her tale, curious how he will react to this telling of their tale.

[Sblock=OOC]sheesh, it took me that long to type it out that I have even more to respond to... oy.[/sblock]


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kal'Tarron overheard the tale of the fight with the owlbear. At the climax, he applauds quietly and nods in Susan's direction.

"Balinor and The Host smile upon you and your friends. Slaying such a beast and those who would use it for their own gain is the work of true heroes."
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Pis shakes his head as Talkrai asks after him, “The only thing I bruised there was my ego. I should be fine. Perhaps another drink would help.” Looking askance at the table he checks to see if any of the others need a fresh mug. After taking his tally, he heads off to the bar. He listens intently as he gathers the drinks, pays Brews with a hefty tip and returns to the table.

Pis joins the applause at the conclusion of the tale, “A tale well told Ryda. And a game well played, Susan. It is a gift to see your enemies for what they are.”

He sits to listen to Ryda’s tale and as he does he winces, “Ai! Alright, not just my ego."


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"I will be glad to hear that tale surely." Thalen says, "Don't worry about protecting me though, I am more than capable of defending myself" she adds with a slight air of indignation, as one might expect out of the Lyrandar nobility.
Rohna is completely oblivious to the air of indignation, slight or otherwise, as that level of sarcasm is far beyond her meager range. "Perish the thought. I have no doubts about that." She taps the warden's shield. "I made a change recently from fighting with a shield myself, in exchange for being able to end combats more quickly. Our last fight drug on for ages that beastey finally went down for good." She pulls a pair of gloves out of her belt and slips them on. They have been dyed black, but may have once been green or brown. "But with these babies, my enemies will still find it difficult to get around me so easily."


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"I will be anxious to see how our styles work with each others and perhaps I can learn a trick or two from you" Thalen says, her own blade far smaller than the goliath's massive hammer.

I was debating back and forth between a fullblade or the sword n board. I pretty much need the +3 weapon with the slightly lower Str. We'll see how this goes, if it doesn't work, she might get a transfer enchantment ritual and grab that fullblade at 8 [/sblock]

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