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Tears in Hell (UPDATED OCTOBER 11th)

Who is your favorite Tears in Hell PC?


First Post
Good stuff!

Been a while since I've been in here. Originally just looking for ideas, but now I'm just enjoying the stories. Thanks for the tips on running a modern adventure and keep it coming!

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Puppy Kicker

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Thanks for the kind words ledded and Retto! Keeps me going during those long typing nights when the words aren't flowing easily and the cats are meowing and the wife is saying "The typing is keeping me awake!"

pogre said:
The whole thing reminds me of a CoC campaign I ran years ago...

Do I hear hints of another story hour? We can always use more good modern stories, and if you have minis to demonstrate the proceedings, even better!
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Rebecca M

First Post
Not bad

Hey PK! (What's with the name, anyway?) Good job on the story. I like how you've used the things that really happened in the game--and abbreviated the long arguments. ;) I do have to point out that you've misrepresented Rebecca a little. She's not quite as interested in skin care as you make her out to be. :] Other than that, nice work!
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Puppy Kicker

First Post
“Tears in Hell” – Pizza Party

8:30 PM Friday, July 16th
William and Mary Campus, Williamsburg, Virginia

The flames from the explosion had died down and a crowd was gathered outside. The campus was fairly empty during summer courses but it seemed that everyone within a five mile radius had shown up to witness the excitement. Quin wandered through the crowd, questioning everyone who would talk to him about what they'd seen. Nobody had seen much. By the time he returned to the group he had very little information.

"A big black pickup chased that car into the parking lot, then crashed into it. Then it backed up and rammed it again. Then it drove off. Tinted windows. New model Ford. Nobody got the plates." A frown crossed Quinton's face. "And the windshield on my Beemer is all f****d up. A chunk of her car landed on it."

"That's just horrible!" Meadow said.

"Well it's insured. It's just going to be a hassle to deal with. I mean, the shop..."
Meadow looked genuinely appalled. "No I mean, about the attack." Meadow noticed the impish look in Quinton's eyes. "Oh... Quin... just... please... shut up."

"What?" Quin shrugged and grinned toothily.

Emergency vehicles had begun to show up and Sergeant Richardson was rushed into an ambulance. In addition to the ambulance and fire truck, there were police questioning the crowd.

Meadow looked around at the growing number of cop cars. “Uh, should we be going now?”

“They’re the police, Meadow. They’re here to help us.”

“Rebecca, HELLO! Who do you think was after Betty in the first place? Probably other cops. And the kidnapping case was closed after less than a week? I don’t think cops are our best friends right now.”

Armani was also looking around nervously at the growing number of flashing blue and red lights. “Listen, gay people, I gotta get goin'. Dev and I are gonna go snag some pizza.”

“You buying?” Devin asked.


“Ok." Devin spoke to the rest of the goup over his shoulder as he and Armani headed for the truck. "We’re going to go get some pizza.”

Meadow and Quinton left a short time later, avoiding the police questioning. Rebecca gave her statement and followed them. They all met at Uno's Pizzeria, coincidentally the same place Devin and Armani had gone to.


10:30 PM Friday, July 16th
Uno’s Pizzeria, Williamsburg, Virginia

"I know this chick, Wendy Johnson, was one of them that was pointing a gun at us. It ain't none of your business how I know," Armani said through a mouthful of extra pepperoni. Three of the other people at the table sighed or growled in frustration. Devin quietly listened to the proceedings while he concentrated on his own ham and pineapple (paid for by Armani).

"Dude, how do we have any way of knowing you're not just BSing us?" Quinton asked. "We don't have any clue who this girl is."

“I do.”

Everyone at the table looked at Meadow. “Oh?” “Yeah?” “How?” “You going to eat that?" "No, go ahead." "How do you know her?"

“She was a member of WoWaM.” Meadow pronounced it wow-‘em.

A universally confused look washed across the faces at the table.

“WoWaM,” enunciated Meadow. “Wiccans of William and Mary. It’s a Wicca group on campus.”

“A Wicca group?” Rebecca asked. “Like witchcraft. You’re in that club, right Meadow? Did you know her well?”

Meadow nodded. “Yeah.” She shook her head. “No. I mean, yeah, I’m in WoWaM. But I didn’t know Wendy very well. She was in the coven when I first joined. But then she left. Left campus completely I think.”

“So we lookin’ for a chick with warts and a pointy hat. Easy enough,” said Armani.

“We don’t all wear... I don't have… Damn it. Just shut up. You men are all the same.” Meadow scowled into her iced tea.

“Ok, so we have an idea of who might have been after us, now we just need to find her,” Quin recapped. “And we have someone tracking that Bearhunter e-mail address. So hopefully we’ll get some clues about that tomorrow. What else have we got?”

“We’ve got the license plate number for the van, or at least part of it.” Rebecca reminded him.

“Right. We’ll see what we can do with that tomorrow. Anything else before we head to bed?”

“I’ve got some fear for my life going on here, if that counts,” said Meadow. “The cops dropped the whole investigation, and then the one cop who was willing to help us gets attacked. Someone wants this case dropped and I’m concerned that we may be next on their hit list.”

“The pointy hat chick here has it right. I don’t trust these cop motherf***ers a bit.”

“I don’t think the policemen are as bad as you think, Meadow. But just to be safe perhaps it’s best if we stay somewhere besides campus tonight," said Rebecca.

They all agreed to find a place to stay, far from the campus, where they could discuss their plans in safety. After a short discussion it was determined that the Budget Inn on Buckaroe Beach would be a perfect place to lay low.

Devin finished his pizza. “Who’s paying for the room? Not me…”
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Puppy Kicker

First Post
I just posted pictures of the characters in their introduction section (on page 1) as well as their rogue's gallery entries (links posted a couple entries ago.) If you've been wondering what they look like now's your chance to find out!

Q Stark III

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Word up!
This is Q here yep thats right boys and girls the one the only the original. I'd just like to say that this is the first time I've played with this system and it rocks. I enjoy a modern setting alot more than I imagined I would. That and what better type of character to play but a stuck up rich college kid.

Puppy Kicker

First Post
“Tears in Hell” – Dueling E-mails, Road Trip

“Tears in Hell” – Dueling E-mails, Road Trip

10:30 AM Saturday, July 17th
William and Mary Campus, Williamsburg, Virginia

Quin sank into a chair in the computer lab. He was drained to begin with and all this accursed technology and thinking that emanated from the computer nerds was just sucking the last bit of energy out of him. It had been a late night, an exciting night, an exhausting night.

“Any luck, Robbie?” Quin asked the hunched figure next to him. He ran a hand through his frost-tipped hair.

Robby Bunt quickly clicked the minimize button on the screen he was browsing as he suddenly noticed his companion. "Oh, uh, hi Quin."

“Whatcha looking at there, Robbie?”


“Robbie. I am having a bit of trouble trusting people these last few days. You don't want to hide anything from me.” Quin stared, intimidatingly. “What are you trying to hide?”

Robbie looked a little flustered and opened the window. A banner flashed across the top of the page …HOT GEEK ON GEEK ACTION…

Quin smiled. “Way to go, Robbie! You can go ahead and hide that again.” Quin looked over his shoulder, worried. She wasn't here yet. “Yeah, close it. Good. So, back to the original question. Any luck?”

“I found out a little. You have any luck?” Robbie stopped typing. Quin noticed a distinct odor wafting from him. Good ol’ Robbie “Blunt” Bunt had obviously taken a little smoke break.

“Haven’t had the time to talk to Jenny just yet, dude. But rest assured, you will have yourself a date soon enough.” Robbie looked disappointed, so Quin pulled out his hidden gun. “Have you met Rebecca?” Quin pointed towards the doorway, where Rebecca Michaels had just appeared.

“…….” Robbie said.

“She’s working with me on this little investigation. She’s interested in the e-mail address too.”

“…….” Robbie continued.

Rebecca noticed Quin and approached the computer desk. She presented a perfectly manicured hand to Robbie. “Robbie I assume?” She flashed a winning smile, perfectly framed by Raisin Berry(TM), and daintily presented her hand. “It is such a pleasure to meet you!”

“……..” Robbie enunciated, fluently.

“So what have you found out that might help us, Robbie?”

“Well the address, bearhunter443@hotmail.com, was created just a couple days ago. Honestly, I don’t even see why. There has been hardly any activity on it since it was created. Not a single e-mail out, and only one received.” He looked at Rebecca, googly-eyed and proud of himself. “And I would know, because I know my computers.”

“What was that one e-mail?” Quin asked.

“Sorry, I couldn’t actually open the e-mail. All I could see was where it came from. It was… let me see…” Robbie was clicking and typing furiously as he talked. “There it is, michaelsr@wandm.edu.”

“Ah, that was the one I sent last night from the hotel,” said Rebecca. “Just said that we don’t have the bear and to leave us alone.”

Quin nodded. “OK, so that’s not very helpful. What else?”

“Well somebody checked it last night. This was before you sent your e-mail, Rebecca.” Robbie purred her name the way a retarded cat purrs as it’s choking to death on something really tasty. “Normally, I wouldn’t be able to do much with that, but they were on this network! The i.p. was…” Robbie noticed the suddenly glazed looks that crossed Quin and Rebecca’s faces. “Uh… anyway. The person who logged on to check the mail logged on from this campus, or at least onto a computer that is somehow connected to the campus.”

“Well, who was it!?!” Rebecca gasped.

“Uh… there’s the problem. I recognized the i.p. as having the routing...” Glazed looks. “Er… basically, they logged off before I could catch them. But I’ve been keeping an eye on it, just in case.”

Quin started to get up to leave. Rebecca followed. Desperately, Robbie grabbed at Rebecca’s sleeve. “Wait! Don't leave. What if they log on soon to check for messages? We could catch them! You should stay.”

Quin and Rebecca sat down again. “Sure thing, Robbie. We’ll stay for a little bit.”

A half hour later they had been effectively bored to tears by tales of hacking and i.p. this and lan that and bla bla bla. Quin was about to leave when…

“Someone logged onto it! Let me just…” Robby tapped some keys, moved the mouse, clicked a few times. “Yeah. The i.p. is…” He typed some more. Moused some more. “Yup! … logged onto a campus account. Login was ‘johnsonw’. Dunno who that is. But definitely someone on the campus network.”

Quin and Rebecca looked at each other. “Wendy Johnson.” Rebecca stated.

Quin nodded. “Hey, Robbie. You manage to find out anything about that license plate?”

“Oh, yeah man. Totally. It’s pretty easy to find out the information about a car from the license plate. Of course, you guys only had half of it so I found out the information about a LOT of cars. This is the list though.” He opened another file. “No Dodge Caravans though. Maybe you got the numbers wrong.”

“Or maybe someone changed the plates. Look!” Rebecca pointed at a name near the beginning of the list. “It’s a Toyota Camry, but the last 3 numbers fit.” Her Berry Bliss(TM) fingernail rested on the screen, directly below a name.


“What are the chances you could find me a home address for this name?” Quin asked.

“You’re such a computer noob, Quin. Anybody can do that.” By the time he had finished his brief insult, an address had popped up on the computer screen. Rebecca scribbled it down in a small red notebook. “Is that all you guys need?”

“Word,” said Quinton.

“I think it’s time for a trip to North Carolina.” Rebecca said, as she rose from her seat. Quin rose as well and rushed out the door. Rebecca planted a quick kiss on Robbie’s cheek before she jogged after Quinton. “Thanks, sweetie.”

Robbie “Blunt” Bunt had to go find some alone time.


12:00 AM Saturday, July 17th
Budget Inn, Newport News, Virginia

"Glad you're back. This hasn't been an entirely fun wait." Meadow said as Quin and Rebecca entered the too small and slightly smelly hotel room.

“Whatever, love, I’m sure a trooper like you can handle these little boys.” Quin said as he rushed past her and into the bathroom. He slammed the door shut behind him.

Devin tied off a new set of bandages on his head as he spoke up. “Like Sabrina the Teenage B*tch here has room to complain. We’ve been quietly hanging out while she talked to her friend…”

“Gay friend.” Armani interrupted.

“Yeah. Gay friend. Talked to her all morning. Us ‘thugs’ didn’t say a word to her. What’s with Quin?” Devin asked, waving at the bathroom door.

“Oh, he’s been complaining the entire ride here. Starbucks. Venti. Times two.” Rebecca shrugged. “But we’ve got some GREAT information!” Rebecca filled them in on what they had discovered from talking to Robbie. “We’re thinking of doing a road trip! We can go down there and check out her place. See if we can find some clues!”

“Uh huh.” Devin said, nodding slowly. “And what if she, or her gun-toting friends, are there when we arrive?”

“We know she's not there because she logged on from campus, or at least close to campus. Oh, what’s the worst that can happen?”

Devin pointed at the bandages around his head. “I can think of some bad things.”

Rebecca smiled sweet-and-sourly at Devin. “I know your noggin’ hurts, honey, but it’s the only lead we have and that means the only chance we have to get Martin and Lisa back.”

“I’m sold,” said Devin. “When do we leave?” The toilet flushed and the bathroom door opened. Quin staggered out, looking much relieved.

"Let's leave now. I want that Wendy Johnson b****'s head on a f***ing platter!" Armani slammed his enormous fists together.

"We're going there to investigate, not to kill people, you big dumb thug!" Rebecca shouted.

"I'll kill whoever the f*** I want to, little girl."

Quin stepped between the two. "Calm down. We can all work this out."

"I will NOT be part of this group! I will NOT help this criminal murder someone!"

"Dumb little girl."

Rebecca stormed to the door and hurled it open. "I'm done here. And I'm done with you." She said, glaring at Armani.

"B**** is going to die, with or without your help."

Rebecca slammed the door behind her.

The door almost hit Quin in the nose as he rushed out after her. "Rebecca, stop."

Rebecca spun around, face flushed and eyes glaring. "He's a murderer, isn't he? How can we work with him?"

"He's just loud. All bark, you know?" Quin put his hand on Rebecca's shoulder. "We need your help, here, Becka. And Armani, thug or not, can help us as well."

"He's going to get someone killed. I can't have that on my conscience."

"We don't have a lot of people on our side right now, Rebecca. We need his help. And we need your help. None of us want to see someone else get killed. We'll all keep him in line. Promise." Quin winked at Rebecca. "I'm a pretty tough dude when I need to be."

Rebecca smiled. "No you're not." She approached the hotel room door. "I'll give this a shot. I need to find Martin." She opened the door and walked back in.

“Thanks for leaving me with the thugs,” Meadow scowled, as Rebecca and Quin entered.

Rebecca stepped up, face to chest with Armani. "We're working together. But understand this, you don't kill anyone." She turned around to face the others. "We taking my car?” Rebecca asked.

“Mine’s not fit to drive. Windshield’s all f***ed up.” Quin said.

“Mine’s not fit to drive either,” said Devin. “Entire vehicle is terminally f***ed up.”

“Mine it is. Let’s go.” They all started for the door.


Everyone looked at Meadow, started by the forcefulness of her demand. “I have long legs, girlie. I get the front seat.” Armani insisted.

“The thug has a point, Meadow.” Rebecca said. “You ARE the shortest one here. Plus I don't like having him behind me.”

Meadow looked intently at Rebecca. “I get car sick.”

“Oh, no. I have great air conditioning! You’ll be fi…”

“I … get … car SICK … when I ride… in the BACK seat… of your CAR.” Meadow enunciated every syllable.

“Oh….” Rebecca slowly nodded, getting it at last. “Meadow gets shotgun. Let’s go.”

They drove for three hours, and Meadow didn’t get sick.
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Rebecca M

First Post
Puppy Kicker said:
“Tears in Hell” – Dueling E-mails, Road Trip

“Thanks for leaving me with the thugs,” Meadow scowled, as Rebecca and Quin entered.

Meadow's comment and perfect delivery provided much-welcomed comic relief. The argument had been pretty tense (and overly long--nice job putting in only the important parts, PK!) but it was important for the characters. Armani and Rebecca's relationship became quite cold and suspicious (who didn't see that coming between a mercenary street punk and a good-girl college student?!). Rebecca and Quin, on the other hand, became actual friends instead of competitors in the Mr/Ms Charisma pageant. It did help that Quin is the only one with a gun and he promised to use it on Armani as necessary. :heh:
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