Terra Subterranea and The Caverns of Lost Time

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Opale leaves the meeting room and gather with teh other of the Terran group. "Hi. My name is Opale di Senzio. I'm a wizard, but I must warn you that I'm not the flashy type of spellcaster. Fireball, Missile of force or dark energy ray, that's spell I cannot use. My speciality is more the subtle way. Illusions, charms, boosting effects. I have a nice array of spell in that way."


Michael appears, wearing an iron-grey breastplate worked with a black pillar on the left breast. His shield is likewise of black iron.

He carries a heavy black hammer and a wickedly curved knife at his belt.
"Michael Grannion, Commander of Sela."

He sits easily in his armor.
"I am not a nice person. I am quite comfortable with that."


Zack is happy to note that he has met, at least briefly, with most of the group and actually provided the arms and armor of most.
"I'm Zack Grimm," he says to those who are new and then points to the man besides him. "This is my younger brother, Ducane."

Zack is a human man close to six feet in height with dark hair and a light complexion. He wears dark clothes and has a finely-crafted scythe.

Rystil Arden

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*Andric Lenton arranges a meeting with the Terran group later that afternoon. He arrives leading a plain bespectacled dark-haired woman of thirty-something in a gray robe wearing Fallonese colours.*

"Greetings, friends. I would journey with you myself, but my duty as a Councilor of Fallon will not allow it, and I'm not sure if I would be strong enough to be of any assistance to you all in any case--you seem to have access to powerful magics from what I hear of you, far beyond what I know. I found Ms. Aclives among the Fallonese representatives. I must admit that I am not terribly familiar with her, but I'm new to this, so I don't know everyone yet. However, she was the only one among us here who had mastered magics strong enough to compare to those of you in this group and who was willing to accompany you. Are you in need of any mundane equipment for this mission? If so, Fallon will provide it, though I would imagine that you may have that covered since you are all such mighty heroes. Ms. Aclives?"

"My name is Ayanel Aclives. You can call me Aya. I should be a good complement to the magics of Ms. Opale, from what I have heard. I specialise in the direct magics, and the subtle enchantments are my weakness."

"Excellent. Ms. Liore agreed to come and give some more specific instructions on the general vicinity where the shard should be. Do you have any other questions in the meantime?"


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"Please to meet you, Mistress Aclives." tells Opale to Ayalen

She then add for Andric Lenton"For mundane equipement. Maybe we wil need some. I can quickly think of food, water, climbing equipment and light sources, as if I understood well, we will go underground. But we will see to give you a more precise list as soon as we know more about our business. Also, we might need some spell. I'll see with Ayanel to see if we have all we need."

She then come back to Ayalen. "Once we know what we will meet, I suggest we look at the spells we have access and maybe share the ones we will think usefull, so to give us a better flexibilty to the coming task."

Rystil Arden

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"No offense, Ms. diSenzio, but I'm afraid we don't have time for a girl's night out swapping stories, spells, and secret family recipes, though I'm not averse to one of those after we get that shard as soon as we can and beat the cultists to it. Instead, I'll teach you how to understand my arcane formulae and you can teach me yours, and then we can just prepare spells off each others' books."

"Ms. Aclives, are you sure?"

"Yes. It could take months to finish all that scribing."

"Alright then, I'll leave that to the Wizards. If you make a list of all the equipment you need, we will make sure you have all that you need."


On entering the room Hulgyr gives the people he already knows a smile. After Opale introduces herself he replies "Hi Opal! I am Hulgyr. I am strong and have a big sword. I hit bad folk with it. Also have a shiny armor. Zack made it real good!" After Michael makes his introduction, Hulgyr add "Michael just grumpy. He's a nice guy!"

Rystil Arden

First Post
B4cchus said:
On entering the room Hulgyr gives the people he already knows a smile. After Opale introduces herself he replies "Hi Opal! I am Hulgyr. I am strong and have a big sword. I hit bad folk with it. Also have a shiny armor. Zack made it real good!" After Michael makes his introduction, Hulgyr add "Michael just grumpy. He's a nice guy!"
"Good heavens! I had not realised until now that we had an orc on the team. You should beware, sir. I assume by your presence here that you must have good intentions, but there has been word of an evil Orc Shaman amassing power in the northern lands. Some might assume that you are connected with him, considering that most other orcs are evil."

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