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Testing the Waters (mid to high level gestalt)


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Here are my submissions, in case I am unable to get to my computer on time tomorrow (I may or may not be away from my Internet access). I really hope to take part in this, since I have wanted to play gestalt since UA came out.

Male Human (Shadow-Template if LA buy-off is used)
Unearthed A Variant Illusionist 5/Shadow Adept 5/Shadow Disciple 5/Shadowcraft Mage 5 (Banned Evocation/Conjuration)
UA Urban Planar Ranger 14/Horizon Walker 6

1. Rgr1 : Unearthed Arcana Variant Illusionist1 – scribe scroll, spell focus(illusion), shadow weave magic
2. Rgr2 : Ill2
3. Rgr3 : Ill3 – heighten spell
4. Rgr4 : Ill4
5. Rgr5 : Ill5 – signature spell (silent image)
6. HW1 : Shadow Adept1 – enhanced shadow reality (DR)
7. HW2 : Shadow Disciple1
8. HW3 : Shadowcraft Mage 1
9. HW4 : SM2 – earth sense
10. HW5 : SM3
11. HW6 : SM4
12. Rgr6 : SM5 – easy spell
13. Rgr7 : SD2
14. Rgr8 : SD3
15. Rgr9 : SD4 – easy metamagic (heighten spell)
16. Rgr10 : SD5
17. Rgr11 : SA2
18. Rgr12 : SA3 – extraordinary concentration
19. Rgr13 : SA4
20. Rgr14 : SA5

Assuming 32 point buy:
Str 12
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 16 +3-4 points for leveling up
Wis 14
Cha 10

Hit Points 20d8 + Con (122 +Con)
Init +2
BAB +20,
Speed 30
(Using fractional) Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +12

Major Skills
Concentration 23r
Craft (alchemy) 12r
Hide 23r
Knowledge (arcane) 23r
Knowledge (geography) 8r
Knowledge (planes) 15r
Listen 23r
Move Silently 23r
Spellcraft 23r
Spot 23r

Corund fell through a gap in the world. Or more accurately, he fell through shadows into Shadow. One minute a part of the banal existence in everyday Faerun, he ended up in an umbral realm of nightmares, utterly lost and helpless, until his rescue by a patrol from a fantastic city of shadows, balanced between the fragile lamps that dotted it’s lanes and the utter darkness of the crack in the foundations of the world along which it tottered. The city was named Balefire, and was ruled, for the most part, by a cabal of arcanists called the Shadowcrafters. Adopting the city as his new home, he joined the Shadowcrafter’s Guild, and helped defend Balefire on countless occasions and patrols, especially along the deadly Night’s Rift Canyon. He honed skill in blade and spell fighting every deadly denizen that called the Shadow home.

His return to Faerun is caused by his worry about the dangers caused by the return of the Shades, the increasing frequency of Shadow Storms, and the apparent disappearance of Tilverton into the Deep Umbra. He thinks this activity may be the cause of the weakening of reality between the Prime and Shadow, or perhaps the effect of some larger, more profound event.

His magic draws upon the forces of creation, which is tied to the Shadow itself. He respects Shar, but does not see her as important, since the Shadow Plane itself is the source of his power. He literally creates his own reality from the primal clay of Shadow itself, much as the first gods created Faerun in the darkness before time. After all, does not darkness contain all possibilities, realized in each particular instance of observation, revealed by the arrival of light? His own magics are recreations of those events, so he is a modern demiurge, who awaits a final epiphany before the true secrets of power make themselves known to him.

He is tainted by the essence of Shadow, a being drawn in shades of gray, with white eyes that have no iris, or pupil. He prefers to remain cloaked in the shadows he loves so much, the darkness of possibility, desire, and dreams. He is loath of absolutism and rigid thinking, when he knows that too many possibilities exist, each moment pregnant with opportunities ripe for exploitation by those with the ability and will. It is too much to shut oneself off from so many choices, whether for ideological reasons, or smallness of mind. Greatness is achieved by the one who contemplates and accepts all potentialities.

With Heighten Spell, Easy Metamagic and Signature spell, Corund can spontaneously cast Silent Image as a full round action. This lets him spontaneously convert any spell of level 1 or higher into a Shadow Evocation or Shadow Conjuration of the same level. He will never lack for an evocation or conjuration spell (except calling or teleport type spells)

As an Illusionist his extreme flexibility can allow other party members to do their job better. He will be able to distract the enemies, forcing them to fight Shadow opponents, letting the fighters get in their beating. He can make Shadow Conjurations to control the battlefield, allowing others to bulrush opponents into Shadow Evard’s Black Tentacles. No one who faces him can deny the reality of his creations. He is also more interesting to have around than a mage who simply drops fireballs.

At 20th level, using Easy Metamagic, Earth spell, Heighten magic, and Signature spell (Silent image) feats, he can spontaneously cast a Silent image that will emulate (for example) a 3rd level evocation or Conjuration (creation or summoning) spell using a 2nd level spell slot (and be 40% real), with a +3 bonus to Corund’s caster level. He can cast 100% real 9th level spells using 8th level Heightened Silent images, with a +8 bonus to caster levels. If he wants to go all-out, he’ll use a 9th level spell slot for 110% reality, +9 to caster level, and a save DC of 25+int mod.

As a Ranger, he is at home working as a scout. He is never too far for back up to arrive, in the form of Shadow Summoned creations, or unable to return to deliver news, via Dimension Door (Horizon Walker). He can take care of himself quite well, unlike the standard helpless wizard, and yet his urban focus means that there is room for other characters with an outdoor bent in the party. In short, he makes a good party member because of his versatility and extreme party friendliness. He makes for a good character because I can write about him with a large degree of (shadowy) flavor and strongly accented world-view.

Required Sources:
Dragon Magazine (#’s TBA)
Player’s Guide to Faerun
Races of Stone
Unearthed Arcana
I can provide all sources to DM upon request.

As an option, if you like the idea of me as a player, but would prefer another character, I can do the following:

Chameleon Duelist (any Lawful)
Side ‘A’ : Ninja1/Ranger1/Swashbuckler3/Chameleon2/Shiba Protector1/Iajutsut Master 1/Shadow Dancer 1/Chameleon 3-10/Shadow Dancer 2/Iajutsu Master 2
Side ‘B’ : PsyWarrior 2/Psion (Egoist) 18
Phrenic Human is the best race.

Uses the powers of the mind to literally remake himself as he sees fit. Reality is only an extension of his thoughts, so he takes Solipsism to an extreme.
Appearance: Whatever he feels like for that day.

This guy can do it all, picking up steam at mid to high levels. In an AMF he keeps his huge amount of (Ex) abilities, while shutting down buffed clerics, wizards, and magic-item toting characters. He makes a great melee damage dealer, too. Subtitute Soldier of Light for Shadow Dancer if there is the need for higher saves and fewer required feats.

Keep UMD high, for maximum flexibility. Wis and Int are the big ability scores here, Cha the dump stat.

Phrenic Human (skip Phrenic if you have no LA buy off)

1 PsW1 : Ninja 1(CV) Trapfinding, Wis to AC, Sudden Strike +1d6
2 PsW2 : Ranger 1 (PHB) (Variant from UA, Fast Movement +10 ft)
3 Psi1 : Swashbuckler 1 (CW) Weapon Finesse
4 Psi2 : Swashbuckler 2 Grace +1
5 Psi3 : Swashbuckler 3 Insightful Attack (Int to Damage)
6 Psi4 : Chameleon 1 (RoD) Aptitude Focus(+2), 2nd level spells
7 Psi5 : Chameleon 2 Bonus Feat
8 Psi6 : Shiba Protector 1 (OA) No Thought (Wis to Attack and Damage)
9 Psi7 : Iajutsu Master 1 (OA) Weapon Finesse, Canny Defense (Int to AC)
10 Psi8 : Shadow Dancer 1 (DMG) Hide in Plain Sight
11 Psi9 : Chameleon 3 Mimic class feature 1/day, 3rd level spells
12 Psi10 : Chameleon 4 Ability Boon +2
13 Psi11 : Chameleon 5 Aptitide Focus (+4) 2/day, 4th level spells
14 Psi12 : Chameleon 6 Mimic Class Feature 2/day
15 Psi13 : Chameleon 7 Ability Boon (+4), Double Aptitude, 5th level spells
16 Psi14 : Chameleon 8 Rapid Refocus
17 Psi15 : Chameleon 9 Mimic Class Feature 3/day, 6th level spells
18 Psi16 : Chameleon 10 Ability Boon (+6), Aptitude Focus 3/day (+4)
19 Psi17 : Shadow Dancer 2 Dark Vision, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge
20 Psi18 : Iajutsu Master 2 Lightning Blade

Required Sources:
Complete Adventurer
Complete Warrior
Oriental Adventures
Races of Destiny
I can provide all sources to DM upon request.

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First Post
gabrion said:
The other issue is complexity. I love spending hours creating an epic character as much as the next guy, but gestalt epic tends to scramble my brain (and I've only done that once for an arena). If other people are interested though I won't discount the idea.

My bad, I meant just a plan old fashion epic campaign (no gestalts). However seeing all this interest and with me taking an even meaner look at this knife thrower build i got brewing, things should be real interesting. :]

Hey Ferrix, let me know what you got kicking around. Maybe we can do some kind of tag-team build.


Prof Yeti

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Question for gabrion

What are you thinking as far as stats are concerned? Just curious as I use that to build the mental picture of the character. :)


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I've posted the official recruiting thread here. If I haven't answered a question you asked here, please post it again on that thread. If you posted a character here, please repost there, following the submission guidlines. Thanks.

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