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The Age of Worms - Morrus' Campaign - Finished 6th August!!


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
The rotting head on the platter opened one eye, the other orb twitched to reveal a small dessicated lump of gristle. The distended purple tongue twitched, and blackened teeth chewed upon it as it yelled out “INTRUDERS!” at deafening volume. We froze.

Most of us froze, anyway. Morgan dashed from the rotting head, knocked the spellbook to the floor, and then snatched it up with a cry of “Yahoo!”

Suddenly, hasty footsteps could be heard from the floor above us. Flynn turned to the small window, took five paces, and dived out of it, falling with a wailing cry to the floor 20 feet below. The cries of the rotting head and the footsteps above continued as we all clustered to the window to see Flynn getting up, dusting himself off, and dashing back into the observatory. A minute later, he came pounding back up the stairs looking bruised and sheepish.

As he crept up the next floor to scout out the room above for us, we heard a male voice cry out “Arise, my beautiful monstrosities!”, together with the smashing of an awful lot of glass. We ran up the stairs, drawing weapons as we went.

[Flynn’s player can’t be blamed for diving out of the window. He fumbled a horrifically difficult climb check, and this was just how we all visualised it…]


We couldn’t get to the top of the stairs, as our path was blocked by four hulking zombie forms. The zombies were fresh, not humanoid, and massive. They were also dripping slime, and had clearly just broken out of the four large glass tanks which could just be seen on the floor we were coming to. Filge himself could just be seen, hiding behind a skeletal form which clutched a sword.

Whilst Flynn managed to hurt one almost immediately by throwing one of Torvig’s enchanted pebbles, the necromancer at the top of the tower returned fire by hurling a green line of vile energy at Niccoli, causing his knees to sag under the weight of his armour. Our own mage pointed at one of the zombies and said a few words of power, causing it to shake, and to make the spirit trapped within the rotting flesh try to pull its way free. We could briefly see the spiritual form rise screaming from under the skin, but Morgan’s magics were not enough to truly disrupt the binding spells on the zombie.

My first shot flew true, and injured Filge, who responded by pulling some sort of syringe from his robes and injecting himself in the arm. Suddenly looking restored, he dashed out of our sight, leaving us to his zombies.

As Torvig did his best to turn the undead before him, we proved quite ineffectual. Morgan’s crossbow and Flynn and my bowshots all went wide, and the positive energies from Torvig’s holy symbol washed straight over the zombies before devastating the skeleton, bringing it straight to the floor.

Filge summoned a floating ghostly hand, which began to float towards Morgan, whilst yelling at us “You have made an enemy for life by violating my sanctuary”.

Whilst Torvig and Niccoli hacked away at the hulking masses above them on the stairs, taking vicious wounds themselves in turn, Filge continued to cast spells from concealment, sending his ghostly hand (now glowing with vile dark powers) to swipe at Morgan, who shuddered but shook off the worst of the spell cast upon him.

Morgan’s own spell of life-draining terror seemed to have no effect on the necromancer in turn, whilst I used what little magical powers I had to restore Niccoli to some semblance of health.

Finally, after still more hacking, shooting and flailing, two of the zombies crashed messily to the floor, followed almost immediately by Morgan as Filge’s disembodied ghost-hand brought him to the floor with a series of nasty ice-covered wounds.

Leaving the badly-wounded Niccoli to deal with the zombies, Torvig, Flynn and I pushed forwards into the room, Torvig and I taking wounds as we pushed past the undead.

One more spell was cast by the necromancer, this one causing Torvig to run and cower in the corner of the room in fear, before Flynn reached Filge, cowering on the floor behind one of the massive smashed glass chambers. Flynn’s sword flashed to Filge’s throat, and the necromancer cowered.

“I surrender!” Filge yelled.

At our shouted demands, he called off the zombies, and stood mutely as Niccoli smashed them to pieces. He then begged with us to spare his life, promising to tell us all that he knew.

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Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Over the next few minutes, our captive told us that he had been summoned from Greyhawk by ‘Balabar’ (confirming our suspicion that the ‘S’ on the letter Morgan had found below was indeed Balamar Smenck the mine-owner), to help investigate a mine which Smenck had described as being crawling with undead. He spoke of the ‘Ebon Triad’, and an ‘Age of Worms spreading from the swamp’.

We learned that Smenck was until recently a hoodlum in the Free City, but had come into money and was now leading a life as a ruthless mine-owner here in Diamond Lake.

Filge explained that the ‘Ebon Triad’ was a group of worshippers of Erythnull, Vecna and Hastur, whose dream was to combine these gods of Slaughter, Lies and Death into a single being of supreme evil. The green worm in the phial in his bedchamber had been recovered by Smenck from this ‘evil’ mine shaft, and Filge had identified it as coming from a ‘Spawn of Kius’, a phenomenally powerful creature whose worms could turn a man to living dead within a single day. Kius himself was known as the ‘Harbinger of the Age of Worms’.


Having interrogated Filge, all that remained was to decide what to do with him. Flynn and I were broadly of the opinion that he should not be allowed to live to continue his vile practices, but the other two who were still conscious were of a more liberal viewpoint. They believed that he should be released.

“What, are you kidding,” I demanded. “What about all that ‘Enemy for life’ business from just now. Besides, the guy’s been in town for 3 days, and there were already 16 undead in the observatory. How many more would he need to make a move on the outlying homesteads? How many after that before he decided he wanted more power? More action? More glory in his name? What’s next – the town, or the garrison? He’s a necromancer, for the Gods’ sakes!”

“Yeah,” pointed out Niccoli. “But he hasn’t actually broken any laws.”

When Flynn and I had finished spluttering, the argument broke out in honesty. Vile imprecations were muttered about the effect on our souls were we to harm the necromancer following his surrender. Equally vile suggestions were made about what Filge could accomplish if we simply dragged him into town, where the Watch were entirely in the pay of Filge.

At an impasse, 2 refusing to let him go, and 2 refusing to deal with Filge in a more permanent way, we finally reached an accord. The necromancer would be taken to the garrison, to answer for those evil acts which he had committed, including supporting the robbing of many graves, and to prevent him from running to Smenck and leaving us in terrible danger from any revenge.

“I’ll take him,” volunteered Niccoli. “It’s time I reported in anyway.”

For some reason, he would not hear of my going with him, and insisted on taking Filge away with him immediately. Even when I insisted that I should accompany the two of them to the garrison, Niccoli whirled around and refused, even going so far as to put his hand on his sword hilt. Intimidated, I backed down and let them walk out of the observatory, before darting down the stairs and following them, keeping to the shadows all the way.

Niccoli headed towards the garrison for a little way, before turning onto the main Greyhawk path, and to my horror he then cut the bindings tying the necromancer’s hands, exchanging a few short words, and allowing the man to walk free.

Shocked by what I had seen, I took to my heels and dashed back towards the town.


Quite a lot for one session, really! The sheer mass of undead facing us saw us safely to level 3, and answered a few more questions. The list of questions now appears to be: -
- Is Niccoli actually in league with the forces of evil?
- Is *Smenck* in league with the forces of evil? Or of good? Or just the forces of Smenck?
- Will Alastor let us through that door now?
- Is there someone else who can save the world from the impending worm-based Apocalypse? Anyone?


Breaks Games
Another fine piece of work there Mr Eccles!

Thanks for the writing up! Managed to spin a most readable story out of it all! :)

From a PCs POV:

That fight was really close. We'd all dribbled down to our last few hit points when Flynn cornered the necromancer and his cowardice took over. A miracle none of us died I tells ya!

Afterwards, the idea of hit and run tactics popped up. Would have been a lot easier all together... got to love hindsight!

- Is *Smenck* in league with the forces of evil? Or of good? Or just the forces of Smenck?

You know it's got to be a combination of options 1 + 3!


First Post
Eccles said:
the necromancer at the top of the tower returned fire by hurling a green line of vile energy at Niccoli, causing his knees to sag under the weight of his armour.
Great way to write the effects of Ray of Enfeeblement.
Overall, another great piece of writing. Just as a suggestion, I would watch your switches between third and first person. There is nothing wrong with switching between perspectives in between posts and even POV's (sometimes writing from your PC's POV and other times someone else's). In fact, I find that a lot of fun, but I would stick with the same one in the same post.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Aurora said:
Great way to write the effects of Ray of Enfeeblement.
Overall, another great piece of writing. Just as a suggestion, I would watch your switches between third and first person. There is nothing wrong with switching between perspectives in between posts and even POV's (sometimes writing from your PC's POV and other times someone else's). In fact, I find that a lot of fun, but I would stick with the same one in the same post.

Did I? Damn. I kind of had to for my dialogue, but never mind.

Inconsequenti-AL said:
Afterwards, the idea of hit and run tactics popped up. Would have been a lot easier all together... got to love hindsight!

Believe me, I've been kicking myself that I didn't disguise myself as Smenck and just wander up the stairs...


I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
That was an awfully close fight and we weren't sure if we'd actually live through it.

If I had actually failed my save vs Filge's 'Ghoul Touch', it probably would have gone down hill from there due to it's sickening stench ability.

And thank god for cantrips, I actually managed to 'Daze' Filge for one round hehe!!! :)

All in all a good fight.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
We rose the next morning, and spent over an hour dashing from shop to shop selling items and spending our ill-gotten gains. We each bought those items we thought were the most important; armour for Torvig, Niccoli and Flynn, a new disguise kit and superb lute were my priorities. Pleased with ourselves, we headed back to the Whispering Cairn, relit the lanterns, and fought our way back up the rope into Alastor’s room.

He materialised in the air before us, smiled and thanked us. When asked, he also told us that he had heard footsteps below his chamber the night before. This caused us a concern – clearly the other group had been here and begun to look through rooms we were seeing as our own to loot and ransack.

Fading, Alastor disappeared through the heavy stone door, which slid open a moment later. The chamber within was massive, deep and circular. A 40 drop was ringed by a balcony, with 4 chambers set into the ring. In the centre was a platform, again circular, set around a shaft of light and air. At one stage there had been 4 paths leading to the central ring, but two of these had clearly collapsed long ago. We moved into this large room, leaving Morgan to wedge the door shut. This done, he chanted briefly, sending a flurry of grey spirits flying up in the air before him. He breathed in deeply, drawing the ghosts into his lungs and putting colour in his cheeks.

A second invocation, and I could have sworn that I saw a skeletal cloaked figure appear behind him, and wrap its arms around him; drawing its cloak protectively around the mage. Happy with his wards, Morgan moved into the chamber behind us.


Moving around the edges of the chamber, we saw that the deeper rooms around the ring had richly painted bas-reliefs on their back walls. As we drew close to the first such painting (covered with a group of Varti wind dukes), steam began to pour across the images, gradually forming shapes. The steam coalesced into terrible creatures; half spider, half wolf. These creatures dashed and burst against the painted wind dukes in an animated rendition of the war against Chaos.

In the second picture, 7 of the wind dukes (one of each bearing the same glyph as shown on the mirror at the entrance of the Cairn) stood before a knot of high-caste Varti, presenting a long staff to them with great ceremony. Again, thick steam ran up from the floor towards the ceiling, this time showing the staff break into seven pieces, and drifting off into the cosmos.

The third showed a large group of Varti around a towering figure, identified by the glyph at his feet as ‘Icosiel’. In the steam, the figures around him bowed and saluted him. One of the bowing figures was labelled as ‘Zosiel’; the carved figure from the sarcophagus in the chamber downstairs.

The fourth and final image showed a huge battle, whose moving image showed both the high-born Varti Lord Qadeej and Miska, the three-headed wolf-spider Queen of Chaos. As steam poured over the painted wall, the Varti impaled Miska where her demonic torso joined with a massive spider-body. Even in her agony, she managed to blast him with a devastating beam from the rays of one of the two wolf-heads which shared her spider-body. The two vanished into a vast planar rift which opened up to swallow them.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Our tour of the galleries complete, Flynn was the first to step onto one of the bridges to the central platform. Silently, two armoured forms descended from the ceiling, floating in mid-air in the tall pillar of air and light. Swords held in gauntlets, the armour appeared to be empty; long ribbons blowing in a non-existent breeze.

They swooped to attack us, as I sang a chant of encouragement as Torvig enchanted Niccoli’s sword. The two forms clanged their swords together, sending agonising waves of sound over us, before one drifted out off the platform to hang in the open air before us. As it took flight, our hearts sank.

Bows sang and swords slashed. Morgan chanted and I sang. Vicious black lines dragged the energy out of one of the wind-warriors. Our physical blows swang wild and arrows curved in flight. Spells failed and still their swords slammed down into my friends’ bodies as we tried miserably to defeat the wind-warriors. All my spell energy for an entire day were invested into Niccoli in a desperate effort to keep my strongest ally on his feet; our implacable and faceless foes showed no sign of any injury whatsoever, beyond a few feeble scratches in their armour from our more lucky blows.


With flesh failing before the elemental onslaught, we began a fighting retreat towards the door we had entered through. Suddenly, without explanation, the two elementals withdrew to the air column they had first come from.

Encouraged by their retreat, Morgan stepped onto one of the stumps of fallen bridgeway and flung one of his few remaining spells at the two elementals; the fleeting image of charging ghosts causing one of the two wind-warriors to flee in terror. The other hurtled at my mage friend, dealing him a vicious slash with his longsword. Morgan stumbled backwards and fell to the floor.

It wasn’t over yet. I could still see my friend’s black robes rising and falling subtly 5 feet from the floating armoured foe. Over 50 feet from us, we barraged it with a hail of largely ineffectual arrows and slingstones in a vain effort to distract the enemy, but we were unsuccessful. The wind-warrior floated forwards, two swords flashed brightly, and Morgan’s blood sprayed the air. He twisted, and was still.
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Eccles said:
The fourth and final image showed a huge battle, whose moving image showed both the high-born Varti Lord Qadeej and Miska, the three-headed wolf-spider Queen of Chaos. As steam poured over the painted wall, the Varti impaled Miska where her demonic torso joined with a massive spider-body. Even in her agony, she managed to blast him with a devastating beam from the rays of one of the two wolf-heads which shared her spider-body. The two vanished into a vast planar rift which opened up to swallow them.

Great story so far, but wasn't Mishka the Queen of Chaos' general and NOT the Queen herself?

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