The Bad Batch - SPOILERS


It will be interesting to see if like Legends Kamino goes into active rebellion using the remaining clone troopers to defend themselves and Boba Fett has to come in and deal with them!
Given this is Tarkin its entirely possible he'll blow the whole place up and remark it was unfortunate they killed themselves.

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Was that Shaak Ti being escorted out of Kamino?
I asked elsewhere and the consensus was she died in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
It does sound interesting hope they can keep up the interest and skip the bad writing seen in the other releases this year.
When you said escorted I thought you meant alive. I wonder if there’s more to this in the future


Well, that was fun
Staff member
If Kamino is the base of the Republic’s clone army and the place where they are created, I’m surprised it isn’t the focal point of the war. Wouldn’t the droids focus everything on that one location?


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
If Kamino is the base of the Republic’s clone army and the place where they are created, I’m surprised it isn’t the focal point of the war. Wouldn’t the droids focus everything on that one location?
And would not the Republic defend it heavily? So it's a wash. :) And remember, Kamino had been wiped from many star charts and databases. Most folks had never heard of Kamino, and even if they did, how would they know that's where the Republic got the clones from? But there was a story arc in Clone Wars where there was an attack on Kamino, but it was defeated.

If Kamino is the base of the Republic’s clone army and the place where they are created, I’m surprised it isn’t the focal point of the war. Wouldn’t the droids focus everything on that one location?
There where attacks on Kamino in The Clone Wars series.

what are the chances the clone is the ancestor of Rey (a palpatine clone)? Was that a demonstration of force powers (her warning) and was the escape (hatch door) part of a bigger plan? The top general isn't aware that special clones were made?


Its more likely Palpatine doesn't know the Kaminoans were successful in creating a force sensitive clone and the Kaminoans rebellion will likely end with the Empire learning far too late of their success.
However only time will tell for sure.
I'd rather they start looking for a cure for their advanced aging which is how Rex learns its a possibility but needs help finding it?


Solitary Role Playing
Watched the first episode and liked it. Very 'black company' combat dirty tricks going on. It's the first Star Wars animation episode I actually finish. Might go back and try again with the older series since we now have Disney+.

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