The Best & Worst of 3rd Edition: Nominate the best of the rest (closed)


5ever, or until 2024
In my sig, you can see the four polls I set up for WotC third edition products. (Vote if you haven't).

But most products for 3rd edition D&D were not made by Wizards. What 3rd party products do you think where the best for the 3rd edition of the game?

Green Ronin, Paizo, Necromancer, Malhavoc, ENWorld Publishing, Privateer, Swords & Sorcery, Fiery Dragon, Goodman Games, Expeditious Retreat Press....and the many others, let me know the best products they made for 3rd edition.

This could include just about everything BUT stand-alone OGL games like Conan and Mutants and Masterminds.

The list so far

Adamant Entertainment
Miracles and Wonders


Atlas Games
Northern Crown Gazetteer
Penumbra Fantasy Bestiary
Three Days to Kill
Occult Lore 2nded
Dynasties and Demigogues
Crime and Punishment

Bastion Press
Wildwood 2nded
Alchemy & Herbalists
Ink & Quill
Torn Asunder

Book of Broken Dreams 2nded
Natures Wrath

Dreamscarred Press
Untapped Potential

ENWorld Publishing
Elements of Magic: Revised
Elements of Magic: Lyceian Arcana
Elements of Magic: Mythic Earth.
The Fantastic Science 2nded
Tournaments, Fairs & Taverns

Fantasy Flight
Portals and Planes
Midnight (2E)2nded
Mythic Races

Game Mechanics
Thieves Quarter
Temple Quarter

Metablades Expanded Edition
Shaping the Self

Goodman Games
Dungeon Crawl Classics (please specify!)
---DCC#28: The Adventure Begins
---Castle Whiterock
---DCC 3: The Mysterious Tower

Green Ronin
Arcana: Societies of Magic
Book of the Righteous 2nded
Book of Fiends 2nded
Advanced Bestiary 2nded
Advanced Game Master Guide 2nded
Advanced Player Manual 2nded
Freeport, City of Adventure 2nded
Plot & Poison 2nded
Psychic's Handbook 2nded
Skull & Bones
Shaman's Handbook
Secret College of Necromancy
Witch's Handbook

Inner Circle
Denizens of Avadnu 2nded
Legends of Avadnu

Kenzer & Co
KoK Campaign Setting
Kalamar Atlas
Kingdoms of Kalamar Players Guide 2nded

The Banewarens 2nded
Beyond Countless Doorways
Book of Hallowed Might 2nded
Book of Iron Might
Book of Roguish Luck
Complete Book of Eldritch Might 2nded
Portals & Planes
Ptolus 2nded

Artificer's Handbook
The Hunt: Rise of Evil
Necromancers Legacy
Foul Locals I-III

Monkey God
From Stone to Steel 2nded
Frost and Fur

Bards Gate
City of Brass 2nded
Lost City of Barakus 2nded
Rappan Athuk Reloaded 2nded
Shades of Grey
Tomb of Abysthor 2nded
Vault of Larin Karr
Tome of Horrors I 2nded

Dragon Compendium I 2nded
Pathfinder (please specify!)
--1 through 5
Shackled City Adventure Path 2nded

Paradigm Concepts
Codex Arcanis
Player's Guide to Arcanis

Primal Urge

Privateer Press
“Iron Kingdoms” (please specify!) 2nded

RPG Objects
Legends of Sorcery

Ronin Arts:
Six Swarms

2nd World
Second World Sourcebook

Book of Templates 2nded

Advanced Players Guide
Creature Collection I
Creature Collection II 2nded
Creature Collection III
Creature Collection: Revised 2nded
Ghelspad Campaign Setting
Relics and Rituals I 2nded
Relics and Rituals II
Strange Lands

Troll Lords
Nation Builder

Beast Builder's Guide
Monster Geographica Forest 2nded
A Magical Society: Ecology and Culture (XRP)
A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe (XRP)

The list is closed. Poll coming.
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First Post
Some of my favorites:

Setting-type products:
- Ptolus (Malhavoc)
- City of Brass (Necro)
- Iron Kingdoms (Privateer)

- Dungeon Magazine (Paizo)
- Lost City of Barakus (Necro)
- Rappan Athuk Reloaded (Necro)
- Castle Whiterock (Goodman)
- Tomb of Abysthor (Necro)
- Vault of Larin Karr (Necro)

Rule Books:
- Tome of Horrors I (Necro)
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Front Range Warlock
Best 3rd Party Setting Books or Boxes

- Northern Crown Gazetteer (AG)
- Ptolus (MP/SSS)

Best 3rd Party Bestiaries

- Advanced Bestiary (GR)
- Creature Collection: Revised (SSS)
- Penumbra Fantasy Bestiary (AG)

Best 3rd Party Adventures

- Three Days to Kill (AG)
- Rappan Athuk Reloaded (SSS)


Monster Junkie
Tome of Horrors (Necro)
Book of Fiends (Green Ronin)
Denizens of Avadnu (Inner Circle)
Legends of Avadnu (Inner Circle)
Pathfinder (Paizo)
Beast Builder's Guide (XRP)
Monster Geographica series (XRP)
Creature Collection I-III (Sword & Sorcery)
Strange Lands (Sword & Sorcery)
Relics and Rituals I and II (Sword & Sorcery)
Complete Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc)
Book of Hallowed Might (Malhavoc)


TerraDave said:
But most products for 3rd edition D&D were not made by Wizards. What 3rd party products do you think where the best for the 3rd edition of the game?

Green Ronin, Paizo, Necromancer, Malhavoc, ENWorld Publishing, Privateer, Swords & Sorcery, Fiery Dragon, Goodman Games, Expeditious Retreat Press....and the many others, let me know the best products they made for 3rd edition.

I'm sure I'll miss some, but for me:

Relics & Rituals
Portals & Planes
Beyond Countless Doorways
Complete Book of Eldritch Might
Book of the Righteous
Advanced GMs Manual
Second World Sourcebook (also could be in setting category)
Plot & Posion

DCC #28: The Adventure Begins (other DCCs are good, but this is silly good!)
City of Brass (also sort of a setting)
Rappan Athuk Reloaded
Shackled City Adventure Path
Shades of Gray

Setting Supplements:
Freeport, City of Adventure
Bard's Gate

Creature Books
Book of Fiends
Creature Collection II
Tome of Horrors I (and Revised)
Creature Collection Revised
Denizens of Avadnu
Advanced Bestiary
Book of Templates 3.5 Deluxe Edition
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